Правене на пари в блогове за манекени

When people talk about blogging, they’re really talking about freedom: freedom of expression of what’s on your mind. Freedom to discuss things you are passionate about at length. But for some people, blogging is not only about freedom. For many people, the goal is to make money blogging. Are you a beginner blogger looking to cash in and make money blogging?

Blogging is creating content in the form of articles to provide value, entertainment, and build trust between you and your readers. As a beginner to blogging, this might be a little challenging, след всичко, there are some epic requirements to becoming successful at blogging. Follow the steps below for our pointers on how to make money blogging easily.

В тази статия, we’ll walk you through the basics of turning blogging into an opportunity for making money. The article will introduce what you need to make money blogging and the different ways you can accomplish your dream of monetizing your blog. It will then bust some myths about blogging and how it might make you cash.

стъпка 1: A Professional Looking Blog Will Get You Far

To make money blogging, the first thing you need to do is…start a blog. Starting a blog as a beginner is actually pretty easy. Понастоящем, there are many platforms with which you can get started in just a few minutes. Three common examples of such platforms are WordPress, Блогър, и Medium. All you need to do is choose a domain name, set up your blog site, and create content. Lots of starter options for blogging are free, though you might want to sign up for a premium account to unlock additional features as you go.

добре, така, now you have a blog. Вашата работа тук е свършена. вярно? Wrong! Starting a blog is the easy part. The real deal is making your blog look as professional as possible. Having a professional-looking blog is important because it guarantees your reader a better user experience and grants you visual credibility from their first click onto your blog site.

A good way to set up a professional blog start is to benchmark your blog against your competitors. By looking at their blog designs, you can set up something different, По-добре, and more dynamic. въпреки това, since you are just starting out, make sure you compare your blog site to those in your range in terms of resources. Find independent blogs with a couple of thousand subscribers to start out.

стъпка 2: Publish Awesome Content

After setting up a professional blog site, you are going to want to entice new readers and keep regular readers by writing excellent and authentic content. Writing great content will also improve your ranking on search engines.

What then counts as awesome content? An awesome content must help your readers get better at stuff, enjoy themselves, or achieve their objectives. Следователно, it possesses the following characteristics:

How to create awesome content?

As a beginner to blogging, to create content that possesses the above characteristics, you must do the following:

стъпка 3: Build Organic Traffic

Organic traffic comes from search engines such as Google, and they are always based on “user intent.” User intent is centered on the fact that a user that searches Google or other search engines is looking for an answer. Следователно, organic traffic is more valuable than other types of traffic, and they are important to make money blogging.

But how to build organic traffic?

You can build organic traffic in two ways. One is by writing great content, and the other is to understand and utilize SEO. Writing great content was explained in Step 2. въпреки това, understanding SEO can be broadly divided into Technical SEO, On-Page SEO, Off-page SEO.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves understanding blog structure, Schema markup, canonical URLs, website speed, и т.н. These terms can help in determining the mobile-friendliness and user experience of your blog site.

On-Page SEO

This involves making your content more appealing to Search Engines such as Google. Common steps include headings, internal links, external links, alt texts, keyword usage, и т.н. В допълнение, proper on-page optimization can help you rank higher during an organic search.

Off-Page SEO

The two SEO terms discussed above are things you can do on your website. въпреки това, off-page SEO deals with promoting your website to garner awareness about its existence.

There are many ways to do off-page search engine optimization. въпреки това, the most recommended one is link building. Link building involves getting your website linked by a website that is recognized by the Search Engine. You can do this by doing the following:

стъпка 4: Build a Community Around Your Blog

A rookie mistake when trying to make money online is to skip this step. After fulfilling all the steps above, the next thing is to build a community around your blog. Building a community is important as it helps build trust around your content. You can build a community around your blog by doing the following:

To be successful here, you must think of your blog as a business and not just a “blog.”

Different Ways You Can Use to Make Money Blogging

Monetizing your blog is the fifth step on the way you can make money blogging. въпреки това, we want to talk about it extensively. Следователно, we made it a section on its own. Below are several ways to make money blogging for beginners.


Before going on, you should know that advertising is not the right way to make money blogging if you are in a hurry. въпреки това, за начинаещи, it is an easy way to make money blogging. Advertising depends on the number of visitors to your site. Следователно, you only need to worry about giving your readers the best content and equally promote your site. Awesome content ensures that your readers stay and promote your blog in their way. Следователно, your blog site visitors increase, and advertising becomes more lucrative.

Top advertising platforms that you can use include:

въпреки това, before selecting one, make sure you are not using a platform that will affect your blog’s user experience. Poor user experience is a turn-off, and you might lose visitors that way.

Партньорски маркетинг

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways to make money blogging nowadays. Unlike advertising, it is also one of the fastest ways to make money blogging.

Affiliate marketing involves adding a unique link to your site about a product you want to promote. When a visitor clicks the unique link and buys the product within a set time frame, you get a commission. The commission you get majorly depends on the products. Също, the time frame depends on the program you are using.

Има много партньорски маркетинг programs you can work with. Top programmers include Amazon Associates, Rakuten реклама, и eBay Affiliates.

Дигитални продукти

Making digital products such as eBooks and workbooks is another easy way to make money blogging as a beginner. This is because, unlike the previously discussed ways to make money blogging, you are in control of pricing, маркетинг, and positioning.

Например, affiliate marketing has many issues. Links might change, and competition can affect the commission you get. Следователно, you are looking at your income suddenly changing overnight. въпреки това, engaging with digital products is more stable.

Product reviews and giveaways

Depending on the credibility of your blog and how good your content is, as your blog grows, you will start getting offers from companies for product reviews. This is one of the most popular ways bloggers use to make money blogging.

The company will offer you money and sometimes allow you to keep the product for such reviews. въпреки това, there is a catch to this way to make money blogging. What do you do if the product is bad? There is a short answer to that. В дългосрочен план, the integrity of your content stands above all as it is what keeps fans dedicated to your page. Следователно, you must make sure the company knows about your stand on having your opinions reiterated.

Спонсорирани публикации

Sponsored posts are like product reviews. въпреки това, instead of being your opinions, the company giving you the product will collaborate to write the review. Така, we can call it an advert.

Sponsored posts are a valid way to make money. въпреки това, you should be selective and reduce the number of sponsored posts you do.

There are other ways to make money blogging. въпреки това, the above methods are easy to implement for beginners to the process.

Myths on How to Make Money Blogging

As a beginner to making money blogging, you must be familiar with many myths about the process. въпреки това, most of these myths are baseless. Следователно, we will try to shed light on some of them to make the process easy for you.

You can blog about any topic

Не!!! You shouldn’t blog about any topic. Doing this will only confuse your reader and Google. Също, you won’t be able to build authority on any topic. It is better to write about a single niche as this will portray you as an authority in the niche. Също, Google will see you as an expert and help you rank on the first page.

You can make money from any niche

You cannot make money blogging on any niche. You can only make money from a niche where the audience spends money. Следователно, the niche that you will choose must have a large audience that spends money. Examples of such niches are yoga, вътрешен дизайн, храна, мода, parenting, пътуване, health & фитнес.

You can make money from any niche

Not really. Many people do not make money blogging even though they blog regularly. Posting frequently won’t give you a dime if you don’t promote your posts. Следователно, while providing your audience awesome content, make sure you spend money on promoting your post.

You can make money from a free blogging platform

As a beginner, it is not ideal to start with a free blog. Using a free platform for blogging will affect the credibility of your content. Blogging platforms such as Blogger, WordPress, и т.н., have free versions. въпреки това, they are only ideal for testing your idea. Consider upgrading to the paid version as soon as you start feeling confident.


For a beginner, making money with blogging might seem like a complicated process. We hope the above information was helpful in you finding your way towards making money with your blog and website. To make money blogging, you must ensure content originality, have exceptional content for your audience, and promote your work. There are other things that you can gain from this article.

When properly followed, you might be surprised by just how much you can grow and (да се надяваме) earn!

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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