7 Ecwid Improvements for Better Order Management

The best part of running any online store is getting paid. But once a shopper makes a purchase and you’ve got your money in-hand, the responsibility’s on you to make sure that order gets fulfilled.

Seeing those order notifications roll in can be a great feeling. But more orders also means more order management. Whether you have one order or 100, your customers will still expect their orders to be fulfilled quickly and professionally. That’s why we do everything we can to make order management with Ecwid fast and efficient.

A while back, we asked some of our Ecwid merchants what they’d change about their Ecwid stores, and you had some great ideas about how we could improve our order management. So… we made it happen. Read on to learn about the improvements we made to our Control panel to make order management even easier.

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Open Orders in a New Tab

Want to be able to open and view several orders at once? Now you can open each order in a new browser tab and easily switch from one order to another without returning to your Orders list.

Export Orders With Transaction IDs

Doing your taxes is rarely an exciting experience, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it a little easier. When an order is placed, a payment transaction ID is automatically added to your Export Orders window. Now you can export the payment transaction ID along with your orders to easily connect an order with a transaction ID for easier accounting and tax reporting.

Print Invoices from Order Editor

Want an easy way to print an invoice after you finish adjusting an order? Now you can print an invoice from the Order Editor page — just click “Print Invoice” in the upper-left corner of the Edit Order window.

Easily Navigate Order Filters

Quickly see which filter is selected at the top of the page. The applied filter is also highlighted with black color in the sidebar.

And we made another little tweak to make working with your orders more comfortable: previously, when you applied a filter, the page automatically scrolled to the top of the filter column with each parameter selected. Now you can finish applying filters without scrolling back.

See Total Sales on Your Orders List

Total Sales displays in the bottom right corner of the Orders list, so you can see the total sales of all orders or orders based on certain filters. It may be helpful to analyze sales statistics as well: find bestsellers, see how many orders a customer made, or see how much you sold in a particular month.

Filter Orders by Products

Now you can search for orders by product name or SKU. This can help you better understand your customers’ behavior, like which items they buy most often.


About The Author
Matt is a product manager at Ecwid. He works with the Ecwid dev team and helps them shipping the right features for Ecwid merchants. Outside of work, Matt likes travelling and climbing the mountains.

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