B2B Websites: Best Practices with Examples

We’ve already talked at great lengths about the importance of any business, whether B2B or B2C, having a digital presence. No matter what you’re selling, an intuitive, welcoming website is paramount for any business.

B2B website design is a hot topic these days! It’s the primary method for potential customers to interact with your brand, learn about products, and, ultimately, make a purchase.

When designing a B2B ecommerce site, the end goal is typically to create a space where you can convert leads into buyers. Not sure how to approach your B2B website strategy? That’s what we’re here for!

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What is a B2B Website?

A B2B website is an influential marketing tool companies use to sell products, promote their services, and inform their audience about their offerings.

B2B websites are designed specifically for other organizations and businesses to purchase from; these sites are not designed for consumers.

While your organization may offer the best products or services, your target audience can only know your value with a thoughtfully designed B2B website. Not only will this website make purchasing easy for your existing customers, but it will also attract new prospects and leads.

Crafting a B2B Website Strategy

When creating the strategy behind your B2B website, make a few considerations during the planning phase. These include:

Sell products

If the goal of your B2B website is to sell products, make it a seamless process for buyers. Using ecommerce functionality from platforms like Ecwid, completing transactions should be simple.

Know your audience

Before designing a site or writing copy, you should know exactly who your target audience is and the various phases of the customer journey.

Determine what customers look for when they’re in the awareness or consideration phase and when they’ve decided to give you their business. You can segment these audiences and create tailored content based on where they are in the buying process.

Offer value

If you’re focused on educating and informing leads, leverage a strong content marketing strategy. Do this by building out product descriptions and offering informational content via blog posts and eBooks. You’ll provide value before visitors are ready to purchase and establish your company as a leader.

Introduce your company

More than ever, businesses and consumers want to know the values and mission of the company they’re buying from. Introduce your business on a compelling About Us page thoroughly and describe how you stand out against the competition.

B2B Website Best Practices

Once you’ve developed your B2B website strategy, it’s time to create the site! Armed with the insights and data about potential customers and the goals of your B2B site, you’re ready to start development.

Here are a few best practices and actions to consider when planning your B2B ecommerce website development.

Key functionality

Whether targeting potential customers or referral traffic, your website should cater to what matters most to these audiences. Using relevant messaging and appropriate Calls to Action is a great place to start.

Consider the user

Building a site map will help you determine the most seamless user experience for any visitor. Think about the smoothest way to explore a website and the prompts and CTAs you could present.

Ask yourself: What actions will convert leads into customers? How simple is the checkout experience? What are the pain points you can alleviate for your customers?

Lean into branding

Don’t sleep on giving your branding a facelift! A new B2B website is the perfect time to refresh your brand with a new look.

Consider your color palette, logo, messaging, and values as you incorporate your brand into your website. Branding elements should integrate smoothly with your site copy, headings, imagery, layout, and template design.

Copy that converts

Remember your company’s value as you create content about your products and services. Your value-add and differentiators should guide your website copy through every phase, including writing, editing, and final approval.

Many B2B sites re-use old copy that needs refreshing, while other pages will be brand new. Whether outsourcing a copywriter or using your Marketing team, be sure the website copy aligns with the goals and strategy you laid out during planning.

Promote your site

Once the site has been developed and launched, your next big task is ensuring customers and leads know where to find you.

Create an e-blast to your subscriber list announcing your site launch and any current promotions. Introduce the new site on social media and other channels where your customers exist.


Monitor key metrics and analytics to measure performance as the website rolls out and gets visitors. Watch for bounce rate, time on the site and individual pages, and overall conversion rates.

You’ll likely need to make adjustments and modifications along the way as the kinks get worked out by your development team. Observing performance from the get-go will make this process easier and more streamlined.

B2B Ecommerce Website Examples

If you’re just getting started with your B2B ecommerce website design, don’t sweat it. There are hundreds (if not more) of fantastic examples of B2B ecommerce websites for inspiration. Here are a few of our favorites:


The AI writing assistant company Grammarly expertly explains its product offering through straightforward content and interactive videos. They also make signing up for a free account easy to explore the platform and eventually upgrade.


Not many companies in the marketing space know B2B better than Hubspot, so it’s no surprise their website reflects that knowledge and expertise. Simply landing on the home page, it’s crystal clear what Hubspot offers businesses. Their branding is strong, the imagery is captivating, and the site is easy to explore.


Office supply company Quill offers a vibrant, modern ecommerce website that makes shopping online a breeze. We appreciate the easy-to-use navigation, filtering options, and detailed product descriptions.

Final Thoughts on B2B Websites

Creating an informational, compelling, and converting B2B website is mission-critical for any company trying to compete for market share. Website design can be intimidating for some businesses, and Ecwid is here to help.

As far as B2B website personalization goes, Ecwid is second to none. Create an Instant site with ready themes and 99+ design options to create a tailored ecommerce shop that perfectly represents your brand.


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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