What is Client Nurturing and How to Get Started

As the appeal of working from anywhere becomes more apparent, more and more entrepreneurs are taking a swing at launching and running an online business.

For existing businesses, this means increased competition and a challenge to step up their game. If you’re already competing in the online retail space, how do you set yourself apart from the competition?

One effective way to win and retain customers is through client nurturing.

As you bring in new leads and make sales, the post-purchase experience for customers is critical. Consumers can find another online store in minutes to spend their money, so it’s essential to make your customers feel appreciated to avoid losing them.

How do you do this? Through client nurturing! Let’s explore this topic and learn how you can set your business apart through effective nurturing.

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What is Client Nurturing?

Client nurturing is the process businesses partake in to build strong, healthy relationships with their customers and prospects.

In doing so, a business can improve customer loyalty, boost repeat purchases, improve referrals, and foster brand ambassadors that will promote their products and services to their communities.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? You may be wondering how nurturing client relationships can happen, and we’re here to break it down for you.

How to Nurture Client Relationships

Nurturing client relationships is critical to a company’s success and growth. Customers are the foundation of any business; without them, there’s no revenue to keep the lights on. Here are the most effective strategies to use when tending to your customers.

Use Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are created using important data to create profiles based on a company’s unique customers. This data includes customer demographics, behavioral patterns, pain points, preferences, and goals.

With this understanding, businesses can offer a more personalized, catered approach to how they market their products to these personas.

We’ll dive into personalization later in this post, but modern consumers demand deeper levels of personalization throughout their online shopping experiences. This includes the social media platforms they prefer, the ads they click on, and the website pages they’re visiting.

Customer Experience

It’s no secret that offering a stellar customer experience will quickly turn customers into brand advocates. We already know that most consumers (PWC study reports 86%) are willing to pay more for a positive customer experience, and those will make repeat purchases.

With this in mind, continue to evolve and improve your company’s customer experience to please clients and make them feel appreciated. Ask for feedback, be empathetic, and offer products and features that meet their needs.


By analyzing customer behavior and historical data, businesses can create tailored, relevant content to market to current customers.

Here’s an example. Say your customer purchased a t-shirt from your shop and you’d like to hear their feedback. Send an email asking for a review or feedback, and share a discount code for their next purchase in your store.

Client email nurture campaigns are extremely effective at building relationships with customers. Encouraging repeat purchases is beneficial to your business because retaining current customers is much more cost-effective than acquiring new customers.

Additionally, repeat customers usually spend more money than first-time customers because they’ve already had a positive experience, understand the company’s shipping and return policies, and know what to expect post-purchase.


Making your business easy to access for customers is critical to properly nurturing your relationship with them. Offering accessibility can be done in a few ways.

For one, you can ask for feedback, create polls, and encourage reviews via your brand’s social media profiles to build community and foster transparency.

If your customers are located around the globe, offer accessibility for customers even when your customer service team isn’t online. Utilize AI chatbots on your website that can field customer service questions, help customers shop on your website, make product recommendations, and much more.

Focus on Retention, Not Acquisition

Did you know it can cost four to five times more to acquire a customer than to retain current ones?

While customer acquisition is a natural part of growing a business, focusing on retaining your current customers is just as important! Retain current customers by offering them a tailored experience through educational content, product recommendations, accessibility via social media, and personalized emails.

In focusing on retaining existing customers, you’ll make them feel seen and heard rather than just another cog in the wheel. Consumers want to feel appreciated, and if they don’t, they will find another brand that will.

Take intentional steps to ensure your customers know how much you appreciate them, and they’ll quickly become brand lifers.

Offer Incentives

Encourage customer loyalty through discounts, special promotions, giveaways, and other incentives that current customers will use.

Whether it’s a simple discount code for making their first purchase or a freebie for spending $100 in your shop, get creative with how you incentivize current customers!

In doing so, you’re making them feel appreciated for their business and continuing to establish a positive relationship.

Final Thoughts on Client Nurturing

Understanding the importance of client nurturing is a key piece of any company’s marketing strategy.

No matter how you nurture a lasting relationship with your clients and customers, it should be at the forefront as you create content, targeted communications, and personalized product recommendations for this important audience.

In such a saturated industry, ecommerce sellers must set themselves apart from the rest. Nurturing relationships with existing customers is a foolproof way to establish your business as an authentic brand.

In time, you can expect referrals from those happy customers, more sales, and greater success as an online store.

Reach Customers Anywhere Using Ecwid

Regardless of where your current customers and prospects exist online, Ecwid can help you target and sell to them via your current ecommerce website, social media platforms, marketplaces, in-person, and more.

If you’re just getting started with an ecommerce business, we’re here to help! Try our instant site builder to quickly build an ecommerce shop without any technical experience.

Need more guidance and support? Explore our blog for tons of resources on starting a shop, finding customers, and how to navigate the growth phase. We’re here to help in any way we can!


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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