Flyer Advertising: How To Run An Effective Flyer Campaign

Digital marketing strategies will likely remain dominant as society continues to increase internet usage.

But this doesn’t mean that traditional marketing methods are dead or not worth using.

On the contrary, several offline marketing methods, such as flyer advertising, are still quite effective. The bombardment of ads in the digital space can even make physical advertisements feel refreshing at times.

Overall, flyer advertising can be an easy and cost-effective method of rounding out any business’s marketing strategy. Continue reading to learn more about flyer advertising and how to do it effectively.

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Why You Should Have an Advertisement Flyer Campaign

Some people may think an advertisement flyer campaign sounds pointless in the age of digital marketing.

However, according to the Data & Marketing Association research, 89% of people remember receiving a flyer over other forms of advertising, and 79% either keep it after glancing over it or pass it to a friend. Compared to the 38% of people who notice TV ads, this shows that flyers leave a significant impact on recipients.

The Advantages of Flyer Advertising

There are several advantages to flyer advertising campaigns, including:

When to Use Flyer Advertisement

A flyer advertisement can be used for regular update campaigns or for specific events. Here are some practical uses for flyer campaigns.

Effective Flyer Design

Of course, for business advertising flyers to be effective, they must be well-designed.

Poorly designed, hard-to-read, or cluttered flyers can easily end up right in the trash before they are read.

Let’s take a look at some important considerations for flyer design.

Keep it simple

Don’t overwhelm the reader with a wall of text that tries to include every single detail.

The message should be clear, concise, and easy to read. This goes for visuals as well.

Too many visuals or poor image quality can clutter or degrade the appearance of the flyer. To get some ideas, check out advertising flyers examples online.

Call to action and contact information

The flyer should include a call to action that prompts the reader to take the next step. This could be telling them to call, place an order, visit the website, etc. The idea prompts the reader to interact with your business rather than just reading the flyer.

In addition, make sure to include contact info for your business, such as a phone number, website, or physical address. Otherwise, this puts it on the reader to locate this information, which makes them less likely to pursue action.

Eye-popping details

Create a focal point for your flyer design to catch the reader’s attention. You want high-quality imagery, easy-to-read text, and colors that will really pop and hold the attention.

Hire a professional

If you are inexperienced in graphic or advertisement design, it may be a good idea to hire a professional.

It is important for your flyer to be well-designed, or it might be next week’s garbage and a waste of resources. Sure, there will be a cost for designing a flyer, but good design will offer a better return.

Use an online template

If you don’t know where to start with designing a flyer, a template can provide a good foundation. Check out the numerous advertising flyer templates online for some customizable ideas.

Some online platforms can be excellent for creating flyers, such as Canva. Canva has various templates available that you can edit to create your own personal flyer.

Consider your delivery

There are also several factors to consider in the delivery of your flyer, such as:

Another Tool in Your Marketing Strategy

Flyers will never replace digital marketing in today’s day and age, but they can help to round out your toolkit. They help to get the word out about new offerings, products, promotions, etc.

Print media also helps to catch the eyes of those who don’t follow your business on social media or spend much time in the digital space.

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About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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