16 Free E-Сommerce Cost Calculators

Operating an e-commerce business means wearing a lot of hats. Sometimes you’re the chief marketing officer; other times you’re the warehouse manager. With so many different tasks involved in running your online store, you’ll take all the help you can get.

Everything from evaluating sales tax to the risk you run of being hacked — is purchasing cyber insurance worth it? — can stack up. The next time you find yourself performing the unenvious task of compiling a spreadsheet with lots of headache-inducing equations, try Googling “storage space calculator” or whatever it is you’re trying to figure out.

I’ve gone ahead and compiled a number of nifty free calculators that most e-commerce business owners could do with. If you’ve got a favorite that’s not on here, I’d love to know — please share it in the comments below!

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DIM Weight Сalculator

If you handle order fulfillment yourself, your back probably isn’t the only thing that’s a pain.

Trying to figure out whether it’s cheaper to send your package to Marianne in Marietta, GA via FedEx or UPS involves calculating dimensional weight, or DIM weight if you want to be fancy.

The folks at Red Stag Fulfillment make it easier for you to determine the cheapest shipping rate with their easy to use and free DIM weight calculator. Just plug in the weight and dimensions of the package you’re shipping and the calculator does the rest.

DIM Weight calculator, RSF

Tip: Enable dimensional shipping rates in Ecwid to get more precise shipping costs for your products.

Sales Tax Сalculator

Wanda in Wilmington, Delaware just ordered a pair of your e-commerce site’s famous kitten mittens for her Maine coon, Molly. The FedEx guy just picked up the package when it hits you: you forgot to assess sales tax on Wanda’s purchase!

D’oh! If you had used TaxJar’s Sales Tax calculator, you wouldn’t have freaked out. That’s because their database of state, county, and local sales taxes turns up a flat 0% for Wanda’s ZIP code. Use this free calculator and save yourself the trouble of assessing sales tax nexus.

Sales Tax calculator, TaxJar

Packaging Cost Calculator

If you want to dive into the nitty-gritty of packaging costs, you’re going to love this free cost calculator from Expandos.

It lets you calculate the cost of packing a single box of products based on the sort of packaging you use, such as packing peanuts or that really annoying/super fun (depending on your point of view) plastic packing bubbles.

Packaging Cost calculator, Expandos

Related: Everything You Need To Know About Packaging

Fulfillment by Amazon Revenue Calculator

Since Amazon accounts for almost half of US e-commerce sales, there’s a good chance your e-commerce business sells products through Amazon or Amazon Prime.

If you sell gourmet coffee makers online and just found a supplier for a fancy new pour over coffee setup, you can test out your split of revenue if you decide to list it on Amazon’s website.

Fulfillment by Amazon Revenue calculator, Amazon

Related: The Last Piece of the eCommerce Puzzle: Shipping and Fulfillment

Product Description Cost Calculator

For any business owner who’s suffered through the arduous head-meet-desk exercise otherwise known as writing product descriptions for their website, this nifty little calculator from OneSpace could be a lifesaver.

If your e-commerce business has thousands of SKUs that all need their own personalized product description but you don’t want to write them yourself, use this calculator to get an idea of how much it will cost to hire someone else to do it for you.

Product description cost calculator, OneSpace

Learn more: How to Write Awesome Product Descriptions That Sell

Return Cost Calculator

Returns a normal part of doing business, but how much do they impact your bottom line? Knowing how much each return costs your business is helpful for deciding whether or not or by how much to raise prices on certain products. This calculator aggregates data such as your average return rate and applicable fees such as shipping rates paid per customer.

Return cost calculator, return-cost-calculator.com

Learn more: Top Reasons for Returns and How to Minimize Them in Your Online Store

Reorder Point Formula

Running out of stock because your web store sells the next big fad toy that every parent is buying for their kid’s birthday is a good problem to have.

The moment you lose a sale because your new inventory is still halfway across the country on a freight truck headed to your warehouse is when it becomes a bad problem.

This is the sort of problem you want to prevent from happening; the solution is to calculate the optimal reorder point. Tradegecko’s reorder point formula minimizes the possibility of delays while ensuring that you don’t order new inventory too soon and end up eating up resources because now you have to pay for extra storage space in the fulfillment warehouse.

Reorder point formula, Tradegecko

More: Inventory Tracking in Ecwid

Cost of Lost Customers Calculator

Your friends might not be brave enough to tell you that your decision to undercut competitors by sacrificing on quality is a mistake.

But customers who plonk down the cash for your soon-to-be-trash product won’t be shy about sharing their opinions across Amazon, Google, and social media. That’s where this lost customers calculator could come in handy — maybe play around with it before you start using substandard materials.

Cost of lost customers calculator, Impact Masters

Cyber Attack Risk Diagnostic

When you accept credit cards online, you shoulder a lot of risk. A breach of the server you rent, an accidental click on a phishing email — there are a frightening number of possibilities for how a hacker can f**k with your life and the lives of your customers.

That’s why this free cyber risk diagnostic test from AON is so worth your time. Don’t be the next Yahoo; take the time to understand what vulnerabilities exist on your website and what you can do to protect yourself and your customers.

Tip: if you sell with Ecwid, your online store is HTTPS and PCI-DSS Level 1 certified (the golden security standard for e-commerce). No need to worry about your online store security. However, if you installed Ecwid on a HTTP website, we recommend you to switch to HTTPS. Learn more → 

Conversion Rate Calculator

There’s a bunch of KPIs that you should track if you want to optimize your store’s performance in search engines. A number of basic SEO metrics can be plugged into this free, easy to use conversion rate calculator.

Conversion rate calculator, Trafficplusconversion.com

Learn more: Online Store KPI: What It Is and How It Works

Marketing Automation Calculator

If you’re in the B2B ecommerce sphere, you probably already use a CRM to more effectively manage your sales team and the leads that come through the funnel.

How much are you using automation to nurture those leads though? This free calculator from Pardot will estimate the multiplier effect you could see by using automation to do everything from email drip campaigns to sending whitepapers or case studies based on lead profiles.

Time is money, and this calculator could be the first step in saving a whole lot of time.

Marketing Automation calculator, Pardot

Related: 6 Popular Project Management Tools for Small Business (Pros and Cons)

Fulfillment Cost per Order Calculator

The fulfillment consulting agency F. Curtis Barry & Co are a good resource for your e-commerce business should you wish to evaluate your fulfillment spending habits.

The margins in e-commerce are a fluid thing, so knowing which metrics could result in a 5% cost savings makes a huge difference. Use their free calculator to determine how much you spend on labor, packaging, taxes, and more — then plan accordingly to see the cost savings you need to keep your business profitable.

Email Marketing ROI Calculator

Do you need to hire a creative copywriter to craft an engaging email drip campaign? This free calculator is just what the doctor ordered. If you currently handle email campaigns for your business and want to see if maybe it’s worth hiring a specialist to take care of this for you, this email campaign ROI calculator will point you in the right direction.

Email marketing ROI calculator, easycalculation.com

Online Checkout Conversion Calculator

Are you getting ten thousand visitors per day to your e-commerce and somehow only 20 walk away as customers?

You’re probably overdue for a diagnostic to figure out what in the name of Jeff Bezos is going on. An online checkout conversion calculator can determine if your servers have a high rate of kicking visitors off the site as they add items to their basket.

It might find that your decision to ask customers to create a profile with a username and complicated alphanumeric password has backfired. Whatever it is that’s holding you back — even if you think nothing is wrong with your website’s design and UX  you won’t know till you find out.

Also read: Is Your E-commerce Business Making One Of These 10 Design Mistakes?

Transaction Fee Calculator

A question that has haunted philosophers, kings, and generals alike since the dark ages of the Internet is how to accept payments from customers?

There are two giants for doing it  PayPal and Stripe. This Fee Calculator gives you a quick n’ easy look at PayPal and Stripe rates so you know exactly how much you’re charged every time you make a sale.

PayPal and Stripe fee calculator, The Fee Calculator

Credit Card Fraud Cost Calculator

Speaking of credit card acceptance, if you do business on the internet it’s inevitable that you’re going to see an occasional chargeback.

When a fraudster tries to order one of your website’s fancy gadgets using someone else’s credit card and the victim inevitably cancels the order or charges it back after it’s gone through, you’re usually the one who fits the bill.

Yeah, it’s not even your fault, but that’s unfortunately how things go in the cyber payments industry. Besides implementing security measures such as asking for ZIP code verification and CVV numbers, you should price your products to allow for something in the range of 1% chargebacks.

This free calculator from Kount will help you determine how much fraud can cost your business and estimate your margins based on the cost.

Credit card fraud cost calculator, Kount


About The Author
Jake Rheude is the Director of Business Development for Red Stag Fulfillment, an e-commerce fulfillment warehouse that was born out of e-commerce. He has years of experience in e-commerce and business development. In his free time, Jake enjoys reading about business and sharing his own experience with others.

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