How Adding Ecommerce Future-Proofs Your Business

With more and more of the world doing their shopping online, the ecommerce industry continues to prove its sustainability and its power to shape the future of business. It is quickly making its way to become the leading way of selling, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic forced more people to rely on online shopping for most of their goods.

In fact, global ecommerce sales are expected to hit $5.5 trillion worldwide in 2022 and are forecasted to reach nearly $7.4 trillion in 2025.

As a result, the growth and expansion of ecommerce has helped usher in a permanent change to customer shopping habits. While some shoppers may relish the opportunity to shop in-person in a physical store, it’s naive to think that the broad acceptance of ecommerce and its convenience and safety is simply going to go away.

And as a digital services provider, that means there’s never been a better time to partner with Ecwid to launch an ecommerce platform and meet the demands of your customers — both current and future.

Beyond the opportunities for revenue and serving your customers, offering ecommerce services helps to future-proof your business as global trends continue to shape and reshape the retail and ecommerce sector, altering the way many buy or sell online.

How? Keep reading to learn a few ways ecommerce can help you future-proof your business and help you understand what the future of online commerce will look like.

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Subscription Services

One of the fastest-growing segments of ecommerce is subscription-based goods and services. In fact, the subscription economy is expected to grow to $1.5 trillion by 2025. The subscription business model continues to present itself as a driving force for the ecommerce world of the future.

As customers’ demand for subscription-based items and services keeps rising, the ability to offer subscription-based selling to your current and future merchants through an ecommerce platform helps get you in on this reliable, recurring revenue stream.

Ecommerce platforms like Ecwid can easily provide sellers the ability to switch to recurring billing whenever they want to. There is not much that needs to change for an established seller to jump on the subscription train.

This new way of business not only helps your merchants leverage their sales and provide customers with more affordable prices, but it also helps them combat rising customer acquisition costs. As digital advertising costs continue to rise, customer retention becomes a priority for many merchants. This is exactly what the subscription model is all about, as it encourages loyal customers to subscribe and stick around — which means solid, continuing revenue for your merchants and you.

Mobile Shopping

Mobile shopping continues to rapidly surpass most traditional shopping methods out there. For example, it’s predicted that shopping through mobile devices like smartphones will account for more than $175 billion in retail sales by 2022 — a massive amount of revenue that merchants without an online store or presence will simply miss out on. Even now, stores and retailers that lack mobile access or a mobile-friendly design turn away potential customers and lose out on significant revenue.

This rising preference has left many business owners seeking ways to provide their customers with a reliable and convenient mobile shopping experience. Sellers can no longer rely on desktop optimization alone but are in desperate need of ways to make their sites accessible from a mobile device as well.

As an Ecwid partner, this is where you come in. Launching an ecommerce platform that simplifies and streamlines the process of creating an online store — one that has mobile-friendly settings and designs baked in  ensures that your company remains on the cutting edge of business and is attractive to potential merchants.

Mobile ecommerce can provide your merchants’ customers with not only an optimized, easy-to-navigate and easy-to-access website, but it also offers them with a payment and checkout experience that’s as secure as if the customer were shopping from a desktop device. All with minimal effort from you or your merchants.

Social Media and Social Commerce

If you’re active on social media, you’ve probably already noticed the new section added to Instagram where users can check out thousands of brands and products right from the app’s shopping section.

The popularity of social media continues to grow exponentially, and with it has risen social commerce, which is the use of social media platforms to promote businesses and sell products directly to customers through the social media platform.

This year alone, social commerce has grown to over $36 billion in sales in the U.S., making it an undeniably popular way of shopping.

For an ecommerce provider like you, partnering with Ecwid gives your merchants the ability to advertise and market their products hassle-free on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram from day one. That means your platform and your merchants’ stores will be able to reach customers from across the internet and get into this growing trend as social media channels continue to evolve.

Get Started Today

At Ecwid, we believe the future of commerce lies in the ability to buy and sell anything from anywhere, and it’s clear that that’s what customers and merchants want, too. How and where customers shop has changed rapidly, and ignoring the ecommerce space and its abilities puts businesses of all sizes — yours included — at risk of losing out to the competition in the future. Click here to learn more about partnering with Ecwid, and let us know how ecommerce has changed your shopping or your business over the last few years in the comments.

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About The Author
Colin Thompson is a content writer at Ecwid. He writes about marketing, business development, and promotion for our Ecwid Partners. He loves cats, Chicago sports, deep dish pizza and going on hikes.

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