How To Become A Fashion Blogger And Make Money

Who is a Fashion Blogger?

Blogging is a big deal! Combine that with the booming fashion industry and you have the most sought-after hobby (or profession) of the decade. Blogging is when a person decides to share their opinions, likes and dislikes, how-tos and more on the internet in an open platform for anyone to see. Blogging is usually done through social media or on exclusive blogging platforms. You can find blogs on a wide variety of topics, such as video games, books, and makeup, among several others.

Fashion blogging is becoming increasingly popular with people who believe they have some sense of style and/or fashion and beauty knowledge that others will be interested in. Fashion blogging does not come with a specific set of rules. You are free to run a blog however you want. However, the most successful blogs rely on a mixture of having a passion for your subject matter, trial and error and more. We’ll walk you through some of the best ways to test the fashion blogging waters and see if it’s a viable money-making opportunity for you.

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What Does a Fashion Blogger Do Exactly?

Fashion Blogging is a broad term: there are several things that can be included under the fashion blogging umbrella. Since there is a lot of creative freedom, you can find a great variety of fashion blogs in terms of look, personal style, and the type of information they focus around. Despite the fact that there are several things that a fashion blogger does, there are some things that are constant across the spectrum.

Let’s walk you through some things that successful fashion bloggers tend to do:

Create new looks

To post new content consistently, you must have an arsenal of looks that express your style at your disposal. These looks can serve the purpose of inspiring your audience in the cultivation of their own personal style, or just act as fodder for their lookbooks or style searches. No matter what your audience is looking to use your content for, consistently creating new visual/written content is an important factor in the success of your fashion blog.

Introduce new fashion trends

It’s a 21st century trend for sure: the rise of the Insta-influencer and social media trendsetter. It seems like these days it’s an outright responsibility of fashion bloggers to introduce new and interesting trends for the public to follow. These trends can be anything from wearing a belt in a different way to tying up your hair in a way that seems unique. A successful fashion blogger should be on the lookout for trends and be adaptable in their personal style to breathe life into them.

Take pictures

A successful fashion blog is visual! So, take pictures! Of your looks. Of how you style them. Of how you find inspiration in the world around you. How else can you show your audience what your style is, and how you achieve the looks you create? Luckily, modern social media platforms allow for a nearly constant stream of picture uploads, meaning you can create and post as much visual content as your heart desires. This in turn will foster engagement with your audience, and keep them entertained.

Make montages

One other way of sharing content is by making videos plan and direct your videos so that you can uploads content on your blog. These montages need to be interesting so that your audience watches them with interest.

Recommend brands or specific products 

Audiences are always looking for the best products to use and since they trust you and your judgment they would love for you to recommend products. Tell your audience what you are using and what your experience has been with that product.

Accept and review PR packages 

Since bloggers have a lot of audiences, many small businesses send them their PR packages so that they can feature them on their blogs. Fashion bloggers are expected to talk about these packages on their blogs and give their opinions.

Post engaging content 

The main responsibility of fashion bloggers is to post content that grabs the attention of audiences. This content can be in any form, as long as it is engaging, you are good to go.

Why You Need To Start Fashion Blogging?

If you are someone who has a great deal of interest in fashion and want to peruse it as a career, try fashion blogging. It is a great outlet to express your interest and enjoy yourself. In addition to that, you can also start making a considerable amount of money from your fashion blog. For people with a passion for fashion, this is the best career choice at the moment.

Are you up for the challenge? There is a long road ahead! But no need to fret, we are here to help you every step of the way!

Skills for Starting a Fashion Blog

Anyone can start a fashion blog! That is, with a few skills in place first: here are some things that we think will really come in handy if you want to succeed as a fashion blogger.


It might be weird to think about, but fashion bloggers are public figures. And as a public figure with a public platform, it’s important to possess strong communication skills. Blogging is technically a form of communication, right? To get your unique style and point of view across and engage your audience, it’s important that you are able to communicate in a way that is both approachable and easy to understand.

Communication is both written and verbal. So keep that in mind on your next Instagram live, or blog-linked fashion vlog. If you are writing a post, it is important to be relatable and able to describe your style clearly and in a way that is inspiring to others.

Social media knowledge

Some of the most popular platforms for blogging link directly to social media. In fact, lots of fashion bloggers use social media profiles as their number 1 tool for gaining followers and increasing engagement. So, it’s vitally important for a fashion blogger to have a clear understanding of how it works. That includes the algorithms that each social media platform operates with and general conventions about types of posts and their frequency. If you understand these concepts, you’ll have a leg up when it comes to getting people interested in your fashion blog.

Photography chops

Photography is an art. To attract an audience to your blog it is important that you post pictures that are aesthetically pleasing. If you are unable to photograph your outfit well, your audience will not be able to celebrate your looks and see them the way that you do. You don’t have to be an expert photographer to take nice photos, but you do have to invest some time into basic photography rules and get yourself a set-up complete with equipment that works for you (even if that’s just an iPhone camera!).


The big goal for a fashion blogger is to increase their audience and maintain it, because with an audience comes monetization (we’ll get to that in a minute, we promise). To increase your audience, you need to network in order to meet people and share ideas that will help you build your follower count and get ahead.

How to Monetize Your Fashion Blog

There are several ways you can make money as a fashion blogger. And while we know that you are interested in fashion blogging for the love of the game, it never hurts to turn a hobby into a bonafide side hustle, right? What is the use of investing so much time and energy into something and not being able to make money out of it? Influencers around the world have harnessed the power of monetization, and use different channels to make substantial earnings from their blogs.

Here are some ways you can bring in the bucks:

Sponsored posts

Fashion bloggers with a consistent following have the option of soliciting sponsorships from brands and companies. These brands will ask you to post content in collaboration with them: often that means giving your followers the details on a new product launch or otherwise creating buzz around a product or campaign. Using your posts, they promote their product and services and give you a share of the profits driven by your posts. These sponsored posts also usually involve getting sent the sponsored product for free, which is often a bonus for aspiring influencers with a passion for fashion.


If you have a large audience, many brands might approach you to collaborate with them on different things. For example, they might ask to partake in the launch of a product they might be introducing for the very first time. They might offer you a free trip to their production facilities, or to a luncheon to celebrate the release of a new campaign, in exchange for you doing a write-up about it. Since you are popular, they might use your face to get rapport in the audience.

Conferences or classes

If your fashion blog involves make-up-as well as fashion, or any other related and teachable skills (sewing, embroidery, etc), you can create an online course for your followers. Online courses are comprehensive and dynamic content, usually involving video components and an online forum. For many fashion bloggers or influencers, this can be a lucrative way to make money from blogging and share some serious knowledge along the way.

Next Step is Online Selling

This step is what most fashion bloggers have their eye on. Online selling is one of the best ways to add to your fashion blog content. Do your followers love your outfit of the day? How would they like to actually shop looks for your closet?

There are several things you can sell on your blog, from full-out monetizing your brand and designing a specific product, to selling stuff that you endorse and recommend to your audience through your site.

Ecwid Can Help You!

Unsure about how to sell things online? You’re in luck. Ecwid is the brainchild of ecommerce experts, dedicated to making your online selling experience as smooth as possible. To assist you, we’ve developed effective tools that are more than capable of becoming your one-stop ecommerce solution.

Many influencers are intimidated by the idea of starting an ecommerce business on their own, which is why it is a good idea to have an expert on your team. We can help you sell your products across all platforms by resources from a robust help center that has fact sheets on all the most common FAQs and troubleshooting methods, to providing enthusiastic customer service via email and over the phone. We love helping to empower you to make informed decisions on things from pricing, to what payment options to provide, to sourcing inventory, to providing great customer service for your own store and fashion blog empire!

If you have a burning ecommerce question on your mind, search it on our blog, or reach out to us and we will ensure all your queries are catered to.

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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