How to Become a Mommy Blogger and Make Money

Being a stay-at-home mom is hard work, and thanks to the pandemic there are significantly more moms (and dads!) staying home with their young ones. In fact, Parents magazine reported that there has been a 60% increase in the number of stay-at-home moms as of the 2020 census. In addition, the number of freelancers in the US grew by 2 million people in 2020 alone, a staggering increase compared to previous years. Everyone is looking for ways to make money with as little effort—and as short a commute—as possible.

One of the best ways to supplement or replace your income while staying at home is blogging. Blogging has become a multi-million dollar industry, with the majority of new freelancers choosing this occupation. Mommy blogs are among the most popular, and they do say to write what you know. If you’re a stay-at-home mom (or dad, or caretaker of any kind!), here’s how you can turn your experiences into a money-making blog.

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Top Reasons to Start a Mom Blog

There are a lot of reasons you might want to start a mom blog. Some of the most common are:

Here are a few more important reasons you should start a mom blog that you might not be aware of.

Full-time hours are not necessary

You can start making money on a very part-time basis, making this the perfect avenue for moms who only have a few hours of downtime per day. Most people can complete a blog in 3 to 4 hours (or less), and you really only need 2 to 3 blogs per week to be successful. Of course, you will also have to spend some time on blog promotion, recordkeeping, and administrative work.

Multiple income streams through a single effort

There are several ways you can make money with a mommy blog, and you don’t have to choose from just one. Most mom bloggers are members of at least one affiliate program, with 42.85% of affiliate marketers are enrolled in Amazon’s Associates affiliate program. But that’s not the only way you can make money.

You can also make money from your blog site by signing up with Google Ads. Enrollment in their program will allow you to earn income by allowing Google to place relevant ads on your site. You don’t have to do anything to earn money from Google Ads other than signing up and posting new content on your website on a regular basis.

Residual/Passive Income

The best part about being a parenting blogger is that mom blogs make money long after your content is first published. As long as the content and the links within it are still live on the site, you will continue earning money from the ads and affiliate links embedded in the blogs. If you’ve written truly useful and relevant content, you’ll enjoy top search results for some time with no effort.

What Makes Mom Blogs Successful?

Of course, not every mom that starts a blog is successful. While it takes time for any blog to start earning a significant amount, some never really get off the ground. What type of mom blogger are you? What will make you a successful mom blogger?

The most important thing about becoming a successful mommy blogger is that you must be both patient and consistent. Although you might not start earning money for a few months if you don’t post at least 4 times per week you will have no chance of meeting your goals.

Ways to Make Money Blogging

As mentioned above, there is more than one way to make money blogging. While you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one income stream, don’t get carried away with the monetization of your blog. If you get too pushy or salesy you will lose readers, which means losing money as well.

Here are the best ways to earn money with a parenting blog.

Affiliate marketing programs

There are a lot of popular baby brands and marketplaces that offer affiliate programs. The most popular for mommy bloggers are:

All of these affiliate programs offer up selections suitable for a parenting blog. You can choose the types of products you promote, and you can choose the brands you prefer. If you do decide to use affiliate marketing on your blog, make sure you disclose that you could be paid if they click on a link.

Google Adsense

When you join Google Adsense, Google will put relevant ads on your blog site (where you choose). As long as you keep your blogs on topic, you should get relevant ads on your site that will actually benefit your readers. Google ads are clearly marked as ads, so you don’t have to worry about a disclaimer. The ads remain on the site for as long as the blog is live, although the ads displayed may change.

Sell your own digital or physical products

Do you have a self-help book to promote? Maybe you would like to put together your own subscription boxes, or you have made your own solution to a common parenting problem. Whether you have digital or physical products to sell, your blog can be a great way to draw in the right audience.

Offer up sponsored posts

You won’t be able to implement this income stream until you have a well-established blog. Mom bloggers with a substantial number of readers can sell sponsored posts to companies offering products or services to your audience. Sponsored posts are based on influencer marketing. If you add active social media to your blogging efforts, you could line yourself up as an influencer in the parenting niche and significantly increase your earnings.

Steps to Starting a Parenting Blog

Most moms start out with a wonderful blog idea, and they want to jump right in. Perhaps before you even found this article you made the decision to create a blog. In fact, most parents start their mommy blog on a whim. But it takes careful planning, promotion, and blog maintenance for your blog to be successful long-term.

Take these steps to successfully start your mom blog:

1. Go in with a plan

Before you get carried away with figuring out how to make money from your blog, plan out what you want your blog to be. Narrow down your niche, choose your main topic categories, and choose a blog host. Choose your domain carefully, as it isn’t easily changed once you get started.

2. Build your site and write your content

Take your time to build your site and write your content. All blog hosts offer free templates to make it a bit easier for less tech-savvy folks. You might opt for the blog itself to be the home page, or you can create a landing page in which your readers can subscribe to your blogs or emails. An About section or page is a must because it lets your readers know why they should listen to what you have to say.

3. Write your first blogs

Even if you have an about page or section, your first blog should be all about you, your kids, your parenting philosophy, and why you want to be a mommy blogger. Subsequent posts should establish your blog as an expert resource, giving information and parenting advice to those who need it to build readership. You should have several blogs ready to go as soon as your site is live.

4. Promote your blog and build readership

You will never make money with your blog if you don’t have a high readership. Before you even begin monetizing your blog, you need to start promoting it right away. Many affiliate programs, including Amazon Associates, require you to have an already established blog before you can include their links on your site.

The easiest way to promote your blog is through social media. Your blog should at least have a Facebook page, but it is a good idea to include Twitter and Instagram as well. You can also promote your mommy blog on Pinterest and other social media platforms.

5. Set up income streams

Once your blog is well underway, it’s time to start monetizing your blog. Get signed up with the affiliate programs you want to work with, as well as Google Ads or other monetization techniques. Start including those links in your blogs. You can also go back to previous blogs and update them to add relevant links and ads.

Are you ready to start your first mommy blog? What are you waiting for!

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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