How to Change Your Instagram Name in 5 Steps

Learn how to change your Instagram name and username in less than 5 minutes. Whether you wish to change your business or display name, or simply wish to update your username, here is how you can change it in 5 simple steps.

How to change your Instagram name:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account
  2. Go to your profile
  3. Tap Edit Profile right beneath your bio
  4. Type in your new username
  5. Tap Done.

Following these simple steps will get you a new username in no time. If you happen to have a large following, you might need to wait for a review before your new username is updated. Continue reading as we go into details about changing your Instagram username or your display name on other devices like a desktop computer or Android.

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 Instagram Username and Display Name

Before we start, you should have a clear understanding of the difference between display name and username. The steps mentioned above refer to changing your username which is at the top of your Instagram profile, above your profile picture. This is the name others typically use to find your profile and is the name these can also use to tag you using the “@” symbol.

Your display name, on the other hand, refers to your personal or business name. This is the one that shows up on your profile above your bio and under your profile picture. It helps others realize they’ve come to the right page and learn more about you.

Your Instagram display name:

Your Instagram username:

To change your Instagram display name:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account
  2. Tap “Edit Profile”
  3. Tap the box next to “Name”
  4. Remove your current display name
  5. Type your new name
  6. Tap “Done” when you are finished

To change your Instagram username in the app for iPhone or Android:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account
  2. Go to your profile
  3. Tap “Edit Profile” under your bio
  4. Go to the username field and type your new username
  5. Click “Done” for iPhone or “submit” for Android

These are the steps related to mobile view. Many users prefer a desktop version of Instagram which we cover up next. The steps to change your Instagram username or display name from your computer are fairly similar to those related to the app, with only some minor differences.

How to Change Your Instagram Name from Your Computer

Changing your username in a web browser takes less than 5 minutes. To change our username from a web browser is just as easy as it is to change it from the app. The steps are basically the same, what varies is the login source and the placement of some of the buttons.

Here is the desktop version on how to update your Instagram name:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click your Avatar or account icon found at the top right of your screen
  3. Once in your profile click “Edit Profile”
  4. Click the “Name” or “Username” field
  5. Type your new username or display name
  6. Click “Submit”

Once you’ve followed these simple steps you should be directed back to your profile where you’ll be able to see your changes.

Edit Your Business Name or Information

Many Instagram users are also business owners who use the platform to promote their products and business brand. The information and steps provided above apply to business owners as well.

You can change your business information using these same steps, just keep a few things in mind. Once you click “Edit Profile,” You’ll see a “Public Business Information” section that is not available for regular accounts. Use this to edit information like your business category, contact info, and more.

For more information on how to edit your business Information on Instagram, you can visit the Instagram Help Center guide.

Instagram Won’t Let Me Change My Username

If you happen to encounter problems when changing your Instagram username, this can be due to multiple reasons. The most common one is the username you are trying to use was already taken by another user.

Another reason why you might be encountering problems when trying to change your username is that your new username does not comply with the platform’s guidelines. This specific issue can vary from things like the language is not accepted by the platform, use of unapproved characters, or it might simply be too long or too short according to Instagram’s guidelines.

Last but not least, as briefly mentioned above, users can only change their name twice before having to wait 14 days to update to a new one. Always make sure to abide by the platform’s guidelines to avoid getting your account reported or blocked, which results in Instagram completely blocking your username.

What Happens If I Want My Old Username Back?

As you are probably already aware, changing your Instagram name puts you at high risk of losing your current one. Due to Instagram’s strict guidelines related to username uniqueness, if a new account takes your old username once you’ve changed it, you won’t be able to get it back.

Although this may sound harsh and overwhelming, this is to protect your account. Your username is the key or code other users rely on to find your profile, it’d be a disaster if thousands of users had the same username.

A possible solution to have your username back, in case you decide your new one is not working, is contacting the new owner of your previous name. You can try to politely ask if they could change theirs so you can try to have yours back.

Keep in mind that oftentimes users have been waiting for a long time for this username to become available, so many won’t be open to this possibility.

Why Your Instagram Name Matters More Than You Think

Changing your Instagram username can be fairly easy and should not affect your following.

However, be mindful of the fact once you’ve updated your name, followers won’t be able to find you under your previous one. This is why those with a business account or with a large following should put the necessary emphasis from the very start when deciding on an Instagram username.

The Bottom Line

We always recommend that our Ecwid merchants choose an Instagram business name that is in line with their brand and target audience. This name will be how their customers associate their ecommerce store on their website and across all of their social media platforms. For more information check out our guide on How to Choose the Best Store Name.

At Ecwid, we not only provide each of our members with the necessary information to advance their ecommerce store but we also provide them with a forever-free plan that makes it easy to sell across all social media platforms. Build your online store today and start selling. It’s easy and free!


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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