How to Close a PayPal Business Account

So, you’ve found a better way to get paid. Now you want to close your PayPal business account. Or maybe it’s that PayPal doesn’t offer all the features your growing business needs. We get it. And we’re here to help with this easy step-by-step guide (and to help manage your separation anxiety).

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Let’s review. PayPal accounts come in different flavors. According to PayPal, there are two main types:

Though PayPal is a big name in the payment processing industry, it’s certainly not the only one. At the end of this article, we’ll provide you some alternatives and links to other resources on the Ecwid site to make your transition away from PayPal Business a smooth one.

Ready, Set, Woah!!

If you’ve checked and are positive you have a Business Account, make sure you’ve considered the following before closing your account:

Ready Now? Let’s Go.

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click on your Profile link in the top right of the screen.
  3. Click on Account Settings.
  4. In the Account Settings menu on the left of your screen, select Account Preferences.
  5. Click the Close Account link in the Account Type row. (Just to be safe, make sure it says “Business” as the account type.)

That’s pretty much it. PayPal will want to verify that it’s you who’s closing your account, so make sure you have your password and any other credentials you’ve used to log in handy.

On the final screen, you will see a scary warning telling you your decision to close and delete your PayPal account is final. Be brave. There’s a world of options out there for you, and we’re here to help you decide what the right fit is for you and your Ecommerce dream.

Tips for an Easy, No-Stress Transition

Click on Help in the top blue bar of any screen you should see a menu slide out from the right of your screen. The tiny link you’re looking for is the Help Center at the bottom left of that menu. This will take you to a page with three options at the top.

The one you’re looking for is the Message Center. Click that and you’re in business. You can send a message there or click on Contact Us at the bottom of that screen to text or call a (hopefully helpful) support person.

Getting Over the Breakup

No matter what your reason was for closing your PayPal business account, Ecwid is here to make sure your Ecommerce business continues on without a hitch. That’s why we offer over 50 credit card payment providers — and Ecwid does not charge any additional transaction fees!

That’s it. You’re free from PayPal. Now go out and do something wonderful with your business.


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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