How to Have a Garage/Yard Sale and is It Worth It

A yard or garage sale is one of the best ways to free up space from old household clutter and make some money.

However, if you want a successful garage sale, there is more to it than just throwing stuff into a pile on a table with a sign. In fact, there are quite a few steps you can take to have a much more successful garage sale.

We have put together a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know to make your garage sale a resounding success. From thorough planning and pricing to effective advertising and selling strategies, this guide has got you covered.

With this knowledge, you’ll feel confident and ready to tackle the task of organizing a successful garage sale.

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Setting Up Your Garage or Yard Sale

Some people may wonder—are garage sales worth it?

Well, if you have plenty of unused or extra items around your home, then the answer is often a resounding yes! In fact, when done with preparation, a garage sale can be incredibly lucrative.

However, one of the important factors in garage sale success is a proper layout or setup. Think about those who will be attending your garage sale. Typically, most people have limited time or are just swinging in to see if they see anything they want quickly.

Unfortunately, those holding garage sales often set themselves up for failure by having piles of random items or disorganized chaos that is hard to sort through. Some shoppers may be interested in rummaging through these piles for hidden gems, but they will be far and few between.

More commonly, you will see shoppers who stop by, take a loop of the offerings, and leave when they don’t see anything at first glance.

That’s why it’s crucial to have a well-laid-out garage or yard sale. By organizing your items, whether by category (such as clothing, toys, or home goods) or by having tables for different price ranges, you’re taking control of your sale.

Ultimately, it’s up to you and can depend on what items you are selling. Whatever the case, having some level of organization can go a long way in bringing more sales.

How to Have a Garage Sale: Tips for Success

Before we jump into the finer details, let’s look at some general tips on how to have a garage sale.

Check Permit Requirements

One of the first questions to ask yourself is, do you need a permit for a garage sale? Every local area can be different, and this could be a requirement before starting your sale. If it is required, don’t try to avoid it and have your sale under the radar. This can easily lead to unwanted fines that cut any profit from your sale.

Don’t Sell Just Anything

As you sort through unwanted items in your home, you are likely to accumulate quite a lot. However, not all of it will be worth selling.

Before you put anything on sale, make sure to check its condition and functions.

To simplify this process, you can create three categories for your sorting: Keep, Sell, or Trash.

The reality is that some items may be better off thrown away if they are in rough shape or no longer work. If you are wondering what not to sell at a garage sale, here is a general list of items to avoid.

Some of the above shouldn’t be sold simply for two reasons.

Set a Date Ahead of Time

Another good practice is to set the date for your sale well ahead of time. This way, you will have plenty of time to prepare and get everything in order. Some people may succeed with a spur-of-the-moment sale, but it is much less likely.

If you are unsure of the best time to have your sale, setting a date earlier in the month is often a good practice. This is when many people have just started their monthly budget and haven’t spent all of their extra funds for the month yet.

Additionally, weekends are always better to ensure you get as much foot traffic as possible.

How to Price Items for a Garage Sale

The next tip is on how to price items for a garage sale. You want to ensure your items are priced fairly, but also that you are getting a decent profit from your hard work. Here are a few tips for garage sale pricing.

Where to Advertise Garage Sale

So, you’ve got your items, decided on a layout, set pricing, and scheduled a date.

The next step is to get the word out about your sale. Let’s break this down into physical and online methods.

Starting with physical, several tried and true methods continue to do well, including:

If you are wondering how to make garage sale signs, check online. Several guides can show you the best way to make them and what information to include.

While the above are still definitely effective, online methods are an excellent way to advertise your sale as well these days. Online methods and platforms include:

How to Post a Garage Sale on Facebook

Realistically, Facebook is probably the best online platform for advertising your garage sale. You can make an ad for your sale on several places across Facebook, including:

You can even cross-post on all three of these pages to ensure you reach the most people.

Online Garage Sale

To take your sale in the modern age, you can even create an online store for it. While this can take a little bit of extra effort, it offers several benefits, including:

An online store for your sale could potentially lead to a much better return on your items in the long run. Even better, if your store does well, you can start flipping thrift shop items or hit other garage sales for items to sell.

Looking to Launch an Online Store?

If you are looking to start an online store, Ecwid can help. Our easy-to-use selling platform can be integrated across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and more. Even better, you can get your store started today for free!


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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