How To Use Twitter Effectively For Marketing Your E-commerce Business

No matter your personal stance on Twitter, the truth is: You can make Twitter work for your business.

Twitter has about 310M active monthly users around the world, and every single day, users are building relationships with brands, founders, and employees at thousands of companies on this platform.

Not sure how to use Twitter for business? In this post, we’ll go over some concrete ways you can use this social media platform for your business–not only to drive sales–but to earn loyal customers who become life-long supporters, evangelists, and cheerleaders for you and your business.

Know the Basics

Before you start tweeting away, it’s a good idea to know a few nuances about this particular platform so you’re getting the most out of the time and energy you invest here. Here are a few quick facts that’ll tell you how to use twitter effectively (and be more realistic about your expectations).

Overall, this platform is a fast-moving stream of activity. And thanks to features like retweet and reply, users can easily share or reply to any tweets they want to. This is a great place for short blips of information, high quality photos, and short videos–as well as back and forth conversations with audience members.

Now that you know the basics, let’s look at some ways you can put Twitter e-commerce to work for your business.

Build Your Brand

Using Twitter for e-commerce, you can share text, images, and videos that help reinforce your brand and the feeling behind it. Over time, your followers will come to connect the dots between your profile photo and the fantastic, helpful content related to your products and offerings.

For example: Say you own a clothing store that sells high-quality yoga pants. For your Twitter ecommerce strategy, you share images of customers wearing and using your yoga pants at amazing exotic locations around the globe, as well as inspirational quotes that line up with your mind/body wellness brand messaging. Over time, your Twitter following will learn that you’re a go-to brand for all their yoga clothing needs.

Take a look at another example below fromYour4Walls. Their Twitter e-commerce tactic is showcasing images of their products in use in a way that builds up their brand persona, communicates their lifestyle brand, and that resonates with their target audience.

Bonus: They’re using hashtags to make the content easily found through search queries, and they’ve included a shortened link that goes directly to the product featured in the tweet.

Be Social

Twitter is also a great place to have casual back-and-forth conversations with your audience–whether that’s past customers, potential buyers with questions, or people who are simply interested in what you’re doing.

And because users can mention you with your Twitter handle, you can easily keep tabs on conversations that are happening here around your brand–and jump in with an appropriate response. This shows you’re engaged with the users here, you care about what they have to say, and you’re proactively monitoring and addressing those conversations.

Helping Rhinos does a good job of this. They use Twitter to promote their supporters who are out fundraising for their cause. By simply retweeting and adding a brief comment about this fundraiser’s efforts, they’re showing how much they appreciate those who work hard for their organization.

Manage Customer Support

If customers need a quick and easy way to get in touch with you, Twitter is a great channel for that. Leveraging this social platform for customer support means you can respond to those questions that may be keeping a customer from making a purchase (like a question about sizing, re-stocking, color, etc). In doing this, you’re increasing opportunities for sales and improving the customer experience.

Plus, since the Twitter mobile app has notifications that can pop up right on your smartphone, you can field these incoming queries from wherever you may go. It’s almost like having an on-demand support department right in your pocket and it makes Twitter e-commerce more effective.

Smooth Sailing Co. uses their Twitter account for this purpose on occasion, too. Look at them in action:

See how easy it is to field questions like this one using Twitter? With simple notifications, you can set up your account so you never miss an incoming question that could lead to a sale.

Showcase Happy Customers

Social proof is a powerful conversion-booster for your sales funnel…so why not showcase it on social media channels like Twitter?

Sharing stories, photos, and videos of your happy customers and supporters is a great way to add validation to your organization and offerings (and it’s a nice break from the constant sales/promotion angle.) It produces some major feel-goods in some instances, too. Take this example from Angels Rescue how to use twitter for business:

Look at the engagements on this tweet: 14 retweets and 22 likes!

The bottom line: Share your happy stories and remind your followers that you’re beloved by those you work with.

Test the Waters With Advertising

You can also test the waters with advertising on Twitter if you’re interested. You may have tried some Facebook ads in the past with success, and so now you’re ready to give Twitter ads a whirl. If so, here’s what you need to know.

You can create ads for various objectives, such as:

You also have much of the same controls as you do with Facebook ads, such as:

Aside from this, there are some other basics to keep in mind. It’s not always cheap: Twitter can be about 6x more expensive compared to Facebook advertising, but the click-through rate can be as much as 8x higher. However, according to Hubspot, promoted tweets can boost sales by 29%. You can also create a promoted trend…but that’s very expensive. The average 24-hour promoted trend costs about $200K.

It’s a good idea to start with a small budget of > $250 and do some testing to see what early results you find compared to ads on other platforms. You may find that your audience is very active on Twitter and it’s a fantastic investment, or you might find that your money is better spent elsewhere. Only testing will tell.

Work With Twitter, Grow Your Business

Maybe only one of these strategies is particularly effective for your target audience on Twitter. Maybe all of them together help grow your brand to the next tier of success. The point is: You can use Twitter to make your online store more effective and stronger in its online presence.

Give some of these tactics a try and remember to maintain consistency in all of your social media efforts. Over time, you’ll earn the trust and respect of your following there.

Let’s be friends. Follow Ecwid on Twitter!

About The Author
Kristen is a social media manager at Ecwid. She finds inspiration in sci-fi books, jazz music and home-cooked food.

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