Localization Strategy: How to Do It the Right Way

Selling online has become easier than ever in the modern age. Even better, modern platforms and adaptations have allowed virtually anyone to sell across the globe to people in different states, nations, and countries. Not only does this offer the potential to increase revenue, but also the ability to create brand awareness among people of various demographics.

However, a vital factor to consider when selling in different areas around the world is your business’ localization strategy.

Let’s take a closer look at what a localization strategy is and how your business can effectively create and implement one.

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Localization Strategy Definition

Before we go any further, let’s take a look at the localization strategy definition so you can understand what it means.

Every country is different in its habits, lifestyles, behavior, and culture. Naturally, this needs to be considered when marketing to them.

In essence, a localization strategy means adapting a product or market approach to the cultural differences, purchase habits, and legal, linguistic, and behavioral requirements of another country.

A Localization Strategy Should Be Considered When Launching in an International Market

Without a localization strategy, it can be easy for new global launches to potentially fall by the wayside. In fact, according to a survey by CSA Research, 60% of non-English speakers rarely or never buy from English-only websites.

After all, the modern digital age has raised everyone’s expectations regarding commerce. Each individual expects a seamless and fluid user experience adapted to their preferences and standards.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Localization

Now, let’s cover some of the advantages and disadvantages of localization strategy, starting with the advantages.



While the above disadvantages should certainly be considered, they can often be outweighed by the benefits of correctly implementing localization at launch.

The Difference Between Translation and Localization

At first, localization may seem like it is just the process of translating current content into another language. However, this is not the case—there is much more to localization than simple translation.

Localization is more about adapting the content and offerings to the overall culture of the new market. The goal is for the content to read and feel as natural as possible within that market. This includes factors like…

Localization Done Right

While localization is a strategy that requires careful attention, it can be a massive success when implemented correctly.

For instance, Netflix is an excellent localization strategy example. In fact, they have become quite well known for their localization efforts across the developer side and translation.

Their technology makes it easy for their platform to be translated, as well as subtitles and dubbing across offered content. Moreover, Netflix has even implemented localization across its content creation. They create localized shows like the ever-popular Squid Game from North Korea and Sacred Games from India.

Another good example is McDonald’s menu offerings throughout different countries. For instance, they replaced beef with chicken in India to adapt to local culture.

The Vital Elements of a Localization Strategy

The right localization strategy can vary between companies. However, several key elements should be included in any effective strategy, including the following.

Though the above is a very cursory explanation of the localization process, it can serve as a helpful, general layout to expand upon.

Looking to Launch Your Store in Global Markets?

If you are considering taking your ecommerce store to international markets, Ecwid is here to make it easier. Our multilingual store makes it simple to take your store to markets around the world. With our software, you can directly translate your store through admin or detect it through geolocation. You can even add translations to your vital tax documents and legal pages.

Don’t let localization be any harder than it needs to be. Let the Ecwid multilingual store help you sell your products worldwide.

If you have any questions, be sure to check out our Multilingual Store page or contact us for additional information. We look forward to helping you reach new audiences around the globe. You can also see how our translating software works here.


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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