Automated Google Shopping for Ecwid Merchants: Hire Experts to Make Money for You

With news that Google Shopping listings are free for retailers, feels like a win — right? Free traffic from Google Search, eager shoppers ready to buy. Sound ideal?

List your products on the Google Shopping tab to reach more potential clients

If you’ve ever tried to set up Google Shopping on your own, using Google Merchant Center, you know that it’s not that easy. Setting up an account, waiting for approval, structuring campaigns, adding negative keywords, optimizing titles, images, and prices, troubleshooting if something goes wrong.

We’re not saying it’s unbearable, but it takes too much time. And that’s time you can’t afford to lose.

Ecwid wants to help you sell more, and give you back time — which is why we launched a new service for all merchants:

Automated Google Shopping!

Setting up and optimizing Google Shopping just got easier for Ecwid merchants. Now you can delegate the entire process to professionals and focus on selling.

Start Selling on Google

What Happens Next?

It’s good to know that you have an expert in your corner, but let’s talk about the impact.

Read more about selling on Google Shopping in Google Shopping: Now Fully Automated and Optimized With Ecwid.

Sounds Too Good to be True

To promise you that much, we’ve got a powerhouse partner in the advertising field. Who brings enough credibility and expertise to manage your advertising investment and success?

Meet Kliken.

Kliken is a deeply integrated service that helps SMB’s market their products on Google by providing automated Google Ads and Shopping campaigns. Fully automated, budget optimized and designed to drive sales. A US-based firm helps over 1,000,000 small businesses worldwide run ads on Google. Read how they improved ROAS by 30 times having a conversion cost of $7.

Ecwid Automated Google Shopping service powered by Kliken is a unique opportunity for Ecwid users to increase sales while lowering the conversion cost.

Also: Soundwave Art Earns 415% Return with Google Shopping

How to Sign Up for Automated Google Shopping

Google Shopping automation is available on Venture plans and higher for $10/month through the end of the year. It’s only 2 cups of Starbucks Cinnamon Latte a month! But don’t wait too long, the price will increase to $20/month in January 2021.

Opt-In Now

Is Google Shopping Really Worth It?

Google Shopping ads drive over 76% of retail search ad spend, generating 85.3% of all clicks on Adwords or Google Shopping campaign ads, according to Smart Insights. If the retail industry bets on Google Shopping, it’s likely worth following them.

Andy Taylor, a director of research at Tinuiti, in his article on Search Engine Land predicts the Google Shopping impact will continue to grow because customers don’t want text, they “want vision!”


What do I need to start selling on the Google Shopping tab?

To start selling on google shopping for free you don’t need a Google Merchant account, you don’t need a Google Ads account, you don’t need an e-commerce website.

The only thing you need is Ecwid. Together with Kliken we’ll provide a free and secure online store, we’ll create all Google accounts and connect them to the store, and we’ll generate a valid product feed, sync it with Google Merchant Center, and will keep it up to date.

What is Automated Google Shopping service in a nutshell?

We will take care of account and product feed validation, we will keep the feed compliant to Google requirements, we will optimize the look and feel of your ads. Whether you will launch free or paid campaigns, we will manage and optimize them for the best return on investment. The service is only $10/month for Venture and higher plans. The price will increase to $20/month in January 2021.

Are Free Google Shopping tab, Organic Google Shopping, and Google free listing the same?

Absolutely, those are the terms that the Internet community uses to describe the ability to list your product feed on the Google Shopping tab for free and sell them without commissions.

Where can I advertise my products with Google Shopping?

Almost everywhere!

Scale with Ecwid and Google

More time, more confidence, more sales, and revenue. More freedom! Get the growth professionals to the team. Hire experts to manage your Google Shopping and ads.

Do you want to learn more about selling on Google?

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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