Selling Seeds Online: What Seeds Are in Demand

Agriculture is currently facing a variety of challenges in the 21st century. There is an ever-increasing need to provide food for a growing population, a need to adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods, and a need to adapt to ever-changing environmental conditions. However, there is a silver lining….

These challenges create a huge opportunity for vendors to sell seeds that are currently in high demand for substantial profits. Online seed sales is a growing market where dispensaries that sell seeds can begin to flourish amidst the challenges that majors are facing. There are an array of seeds that are in high demand nowadays, and when vendors choose to sell seeds online, they can reap major rewards.

Through extensive research and unparalleled resolve, we have cultivated a list of some of the seeds that are in the highest demand to date. Join us as we discuss these seeds, the need for them, and the benefits of selling them online.

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Online Seed Sales

Whether you’re just starting out your agricultural business or have been established in the industry for some time, every vendor can benefit from selling their seeds online. With Ecwid vendors can sell seeds through a variety of online outlets, including Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, Google, and more.

Ecwid offers a free account for vendors to keep as long as they’d like. From selling to marketing, and analytics to management, vendors who sell seeds can make the most of this ecommerce platform by implementing their strategy, and utilizing a multitude of tools to guarantee the prosperity of their business.

But, before getting started with online seed sales, vendors should understand which seeds are currently ranking in high demand nowadays. Vendors will find the most sought-after seeds (the best ones to sell) listed below.

Sell Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are one of the most majorly exported seeds, given that their production is limited to a few geographical areas. The chia seed market is expected to register a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period of 2022-2027. The COVID-19 lockdown affected the production and distribution of chia seeds immensely across the globe. With the pandemic increasing the health consciousness of consumers, superfoods like chia seeds are anticipated to experience monumental growth for years to come.

Chia Seed Market (Source: Mordor Intelligence)

As more consumers become aware of the chia seed and its benefits, the global market is anticipated to grow tremendously in the near future. Australia and the U.S. continue to be the main sources of high demand for chia seeds and other chia-based products. However, there are many other markets opening up that have shown substantial increase in their demand for chia seeds. There has never been a better time to sell chia seeds online than now.

Sell Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seed extract is the main product of the fenugreek plant, which is seeing such high demand on the market today. Its demand as an herb and spice product has been increasing exponentially over the past few years. Most of the global supply of fenugreek seeds derives from Asian countries, making production and sales in the U.S. and other countries a completely untapped market. The application of fenugreek seeds is gaining significant momentum as a key ingredient to pharmaceuticals as well. The opportunity to sell fenugreek seeds has never looked more promising than it does today.

Sell Morning Glory Seeds

Morning glory seeds contain the alkaloid compound D-lysergic acid amide (LSA). This compound is known to produce hallucinogenic effects, and are often viewed as a legal alternative to a potent psychedelic. Morning Glory is a part of the plant family known as convolvulaceae, which come in a number of varieties. In short, this type of seed is currently in high demand but does offer a number of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, anxiety, agitation, appetite loss, and more. Selling this seed does warrant a sort of “buyer beware” indication.

Sell Pomegranate Seeds

The global pomegranate market was valued at $8.2 billion in 2018, and is expected to reach a valuation of $23.14 billion by 2026. Increasing demand for pomegranate products, including pomegranate powder and pomegranate juice, is a major factor contributing to the increased valuation of the commodity moving forward. Growing investments and initiatives by various governments of different countries through subsidies and farmer training are also expected to cause a boom in the pomegranate market in the near future. There has never been a better time to sell pomegranate seeds than now, especially in terms of online seed sales.

Sell Cannabis Seeds

Vendors that are registered to sell regulated, legal cannabis products should definitely consider selling cannabis seeds to buyers who meet legal qualifications and follow the relative legal requirements for purchase. The cannabis market has been growing exponentially, and evolving at a very fast rate. Cannabis products range across a spectrum of products that all have different applications. Now is a great time to sell cannabis seeds, given that you are a legal vendor selling to a legally-qualified buyer.

Sell Sunflower Seeds

The sunflower seed market is anticipated to register a CAGR of 4.4% during the period of 2022-2027. Global consumption has seen a rise in healthy eating habits, including the consumption of sunflower seeds. Not only that, but these seeds have also begun to be considered for their essential oils. The sunflower seed market has witnessed tremendous growth over recent years, particularly in North American, European, and Asia-Pacific Markets. Ultimately, there is much more to the role this seed plays than being a delicious snack for baseball players (even though that is a great market). Now is a great time to consider the profitability of selling sunflower seeds online.

Market Snapshot (Source: Mordor Intelligence)

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Getting started with Ecwid and your online seed sales is as easy as 1,2,3. Ecwid offers a free ecommerce platform where merchants, vendors, and consumers can interact seamlessly and buy/sell products easily. Ecwid offers a variety of benefits with your free account, ranging from marketing to management. Set up your free account here!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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