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Traffic Training With Evergreen Profits

41 min listen

Jesse and Richie chat with fellow marketers from Evergreen Profits to pick some of the best practices for driving the first 1,000 store visitors.


Jesse: What’s going on, Richie?

Richard: What’s happening, Jess? It’s that time again.

Jesse: It is. Today is a special edition. This isn’t like a regular podcast. This is a special, bonus edition. I don’t know.

Richard: Just because of the special people we brought or the topic, or combination?

Jesse: I think the topic and the special people we brought on the show today. So let’s bring them on. This is Matt and Joe from Evergreen Profits. How’s it going, guys?

Joe: Thanks, man.

Richard: And they’re back again.

Joe: We are.

Richard: This is the second time around.

Jesse: Repeat guests. We want to bring people back that we like talking to before and that our guests talked about. So our listeners talked about. Guys welcome to the show. Yes.

Joe: What were your listeners saying? That’s true.

Jesse: Like “Don’t bring those guys.” (laughing) We ignored them okay. We’re not listening to them. Yes, very well. (laughing)

Richard: And what would also make it special is this is going to be… We have something coming up for Ecwid users where we’re going to be showing them how to get their first thousand visitors to their store. And so it’s basically a traffic training course that’s going to be developed, co-developed or mostly with you guys. But we did it with e-commerce insights because not only are you fellow marketers but you’re also fellow podcasters. And you have unique ways of driving traffic, basically. I mean fundamentally, if you remember back guys do a lot in the affiliate space tune and it starts with traffic. If you don’t have awareness, it’s really hard to go from there and so what we’re trying to help is the people who’ve gone through their due diligence to build out their store. They’ve sourced their product, they’ve got a prize. We might go into a little bit more of how they could spruce up their product pages in their product description when it comes to content. But other than that, it’s really, we’re gonna be handing the mics after you guys. Luckily you are fellow podcasters, you’ll gladly take the mics and start talking. But yeah, and it’s going to be around how to drive traffic. So this podcast is gonna be mostly why people should be doing that and what they should be looking forward to in this traffic training that we put together.

Joe: I think the big thing that we realized because over the last 12 years or so we’ve experimented with all sorts of different offers. But at the end of the day if you can’t own attention and figure out how to control eyeballs onto your site, your offers, get them on a list or wherever you can follow up with. It’s gonna be really hard to sell your stuff. Most people don’t buy on the first touch. So that’s the advantage if you have a good traffic system and there’s an easy simplified version that everyone can try themselves and then you can you basically raise your chances. It’s the multiple touch effect. The more touches you have there, the more times they see your brand, the more likely they’re gonna take action to actually buy your stuff. That’s pretty much what we’re gonna chat about.

Jesse: Yeah, totally. So the goal here is to… For people that are, we’ll say a month into your e-commerce journey here, maybe sooner, if you get there faster. But we want to speak to people specifically who have set up their store and now are saying to themselves: “Now what? All right, where’s my traffic? Where are my sales?” All right. Traffic and sales are not just going to fall from the sky.

Richard: But this is an issue of dreams… And they will come. (laughing)

Jesse: I really wish you were right. I imagine some people are frustrated like “I thought I was just going to build this store, where’s my million dollars?” Here’s the training, we’re bringing in some pros here. This isn’t just the Jesse and Rich show even though we’re pretty good too. We’re bringing in some certified legitimate pros here to teach some basics trades on traffic. I don’t know guys, do you want to start off with like an overview?

Joe: We can do the overview, the three pillars that we were lining out. We did some prep for the show. Yeah.

Matt: The key ideas you want to try to get them over to your site as easily as inexpensively as possible to start. And then what you want to do is you want to retarget anybody who came to your site initially. Right, because like Joe was just saying a lot of people aren’t going to buy on that for sale. You got to bring them to the site. And then once you run to the site, that’s essentially them raising their hand and saying: “Look, this is something I’m researching, I’m interested in.” That’s when you hit it with the retargeting. That’s when they start seeing you everywhere. And it appears that you have a massive ad budget but you might only be spending a buck or two a day. That’s really the core concept that we want to teach. One of the things we were talking about before we stepped into the studio here and started recording, was Google Shopping ads. You start with the Google Shopping ads, that’s a very low hanging fruit way to get that initial traffic over. Once they’ve landed on the page, looked at your offer, then you start using some of the retargeting capabilities of Facebook and Google to bring all those people back to the site. And that’s essentially the basics that we’re going to really dive deep into how to set this stuff up.

Jesse: Yeah. I think for people that are thinking: “What’s retargeting?”

Joe: Good question.

Jesse: Maybe they’re turned off by that term already. By the way, it’s super easy to do and everybody does it.

Joe: They shouldn’t be scary either. A lot of folks I feel like they go to the negatives of that but all that is personalized marketing. All it is you’ve raised your hand and showed interest in something and there’s a pixel, a cookie that your browser has accepted because you’re using the Internet and that is just a little identifier. They don’t have your information, you’re not taking emails and all that stuff with that information. You can’t really do much other than show another ad to them.

Richard: It’s not like they’re saying: “Hey, Bill come over here look at what Rich and Jesse are doing.” They don’t know the particulars. And it’s funny as I was listening to you guys talk about it. It’s really easy for people to go into the negative and say: “Wait a minute, are they telling me that one to two people out of every hundred people are only going to buy when I first driving to my site?” I could see how if you looked at it that way it does seem a little disheartening and maybe like an uphill battle. And tell, you now think of that retargeting and reframe it as no, that means you get to put another ad in front of the 99 or 98 people that didn’t. They raised their hand if they liked it enough to show up and now you’re just finding out. Did they go there by accident, or were they there and they got interrupted by their boss, or it was time for dinner, whatever the reason they didn’t do it. That’s where the marketing afterward comes from. I really really want to get into the listener’s ear here, and just remember this is the way you cover both sides. You want to do the Google ads to get the people that right of the gate when you do the Google Shopping ads. You’re literally showing up on top of the search results where the pitcher and the price of your product, of the thing that they just searched for. The odds are good that they want to buy and that’s where you get those one to two people and all the other people that maybe didn’t buy. The retargeting gets a chance to get one more shot.

Joe: Just to show the evolution, I guess the customer journey, that’s probably good for folks to really understand. That’s what we’re looking at is customer behavior, we’re always thinking of psyche. People aren’t typically going to buy on the first such and it’s like a super commodity product when you have the lowest price and great reviews but most people probably don’t. Or if you have a brand and people specifically are searching for your brand. True, that helps a lot and this helps you create a brand. That’s a byproduct of having a good ad strategy and being where your customers are and meeting them where they’re at in their customer journey. As if you can line it out and think of “OK, they’re in the discovery phase. I should probably have… my products looking great but I’m not expecting a sale from the beginning.” Like you said Rich, there’s always going to be a handful and that might help you with your ad costs. Not make that not a worry but just realize you’re not banking to make all your money from the get-go. You have this follow up system on Google, you can use Google ads, you use Facebook. That’s our biggest bump out of retargeting and those are following people around with very strategic specific ads to people who raise their hand. It’s so powerful.

Jesse: The raise your hand is so important that they typed in these words or spoke these words into their voice device. They have an interest in this. And that’s the best signal you can have. If people listening here, have an e-commerce site, and Google Shopping probably comes from your product title and your product descriptions. So they are interested in your product, they’ve been at your site. Showing them these ads is the perfect way to remind them and start building this brand and then build some of the other strategies we want to talk about. This is the start of the journey but we want to get people beyond just “I launched my site, where’s my sales” into “Here is the strategy for building this”. It’s going to be a little bit of a process and we’re bringing on the right team to share that process.

Joe: Should we lay out the three pillars just to show, because this is what you were saying matters. To be super clear with here’s the starting blocks, this process and we could break down the why’s behind each one of them.

Richard: That sounds great.

Joe: It starts with Google shopping. Google ads is what we were saying that’s how you can show up very strategically with these product titles that you have. Jesse, you have a lot of experience in that too.

Jesse: Yeah, absolutely. Hopefully, you’ve listened to all of our other podcasts and all of our videos and you’ve taken the advice and your product names are obvious what they would be what people would search in Google. Then you’re already lined up for this next stage. There’s Google search as well which is text ads. So that’s taking this a little bit further and that is a way where not only can you control it based on what your product title is, you can use whatever word you want. This is probably where Matt can provide more detail.

Joe: That’s definitely.

Jesse: We’re bringing the AdWords pro here.

Matt: With Google ads you can basically tell people or tell the search engine that you want your product to show up when they search for a specific keyword. But then you can even go even deeper. I don’t wanna get too into the weeds, we’ll get more into the weeds when we do our training. But you can do what’s called a broad key. A broad match keyword, or a broad match modifier keyword where if a search term shows up within any search terms, like let’s say we’re selling spatulas. I don’t know why that came to mind but let’s just say we’re selling spatulas.

Joe: You must be hungry. (laughing)

Matt: So you’re selling spatulas, and somebody searches what is the best spatula for making pancakes. My ad is gonna show up because the word “spatula” was in there. Now Google is going to tell me that somebody did this full long tail search of what spatula works best for making pancakes. Now I know that keyword is a keyword that somebody search for that, clicked on my ad, and now I can go deeper, add that in, create some new ads based off that. And without getting too much into the weeds you can really start to optimize which keywords your ad start to show up for. So the beauty there and this is a big strategy. Again I get into the weeds but you can leverage Google and pay them money, but you’re now going to jump all the ranks because you have all these other people that are fighting for attention. That is your discoverability point. And that’s all you’re looking to do in this first stage, this first pillar which is Google ads or Google Shopping ads. You’re just trying to get discovered. You’re trying to get on the radar and trying to get the click over to your product. So then phase two pops in.

Jesse: We’ve got the hand reason for retargeting and then you’ve got a piece of information for stage three as well. You were advertising for spatulas. But now that people are searching for pancake spatulas and so you want to save this little information for step three, a little spoiler alert. But OK. So the pillar two, retargeting. A lot of ways to do retargeting. We’re going to probably cover mostly on the Facebook side, so that way you’re covering two ecosystems. But there’s a lot of ways to do retargeting. You can do it in Google, Facebook, and a ton of other places. But OK. If somebody typed in pancake spatula, they clicked on the Google Shopping ads, they’ve been to the site, they’re pixeled. What…

Matt: …they look like?

Jesse: Yeah. What the heck?

Matt: Well, next time they go on Facebook ideally they’re going to see an ad for your spatula back to your website or if you’re doing Google Display Network retargeting, they might see it on any blog on the Internet. Because that’s the way the Google Display Network works. Anybody who has a blog, they can go put ad word, ad sense on their site and that’s where the ads show up. So if you’re doing your retargeting, it looks like all of a sudden your product is being advertised everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Any blog on the Internet, it just all the sudden appears, you’re advertising everywhere. It appears you have a massive budget but realistically you can get away with retargeting with a dollar a day budget. I mean it depends on the amount of volume you’re getting.

Joe: And you made a good point, it appears you have a massive budget. And we were talking earlier, this is how you can look like Amazon. And if you look at the big behemoth in the space, there are data company there. They’re totally driven by that. But what happens when you go to Amazon and click one of their products, they’re now following you around everywhere on Google. Exactly, just describing that. And also on Facebook and possibly other places too. And they knew that the data shows that follow up marketing, like that retargeting and using different platforms where your customers natively live on. All you’re doing is reminding them, it’s that multiple touch thing. “Yeah, those guys” or it might be another product of yours that’s similar. You might figure out that one product specialist sells really well with this other thing. People tend to bundle them up or why not. Like maybe if they didn’t bite on this one, you’re showing the other one with a retargeting ad, or you can rotate a bunch of products that are similar in the cooking space. Maybe they need some pots or something. I don’t know. There are so many different things you can rotate with the retargeting. Second touch, third, fourth, fifth touch, until they finally take the action and buy something.

Jesse: And you can use it. We talked to what about the product. But there’s a lot of other ways you can retarget. You can do the video. You have a phone in your pocket. You can make a video to tell people why you have such a great brand, why here spatulas are more…

Joe: Benefits play.

Jesse: For sure. Cooking tips with a spatula. I don’t know if it even exists. (laughing) A spatula was a poor choice. (laughing)

Matt: I’m starting to regret that I used that as my example. (laughing) No, but one of the beauties of touching a point you’re just saying is when people think of content marketing, they think of setting up a blog and just creating tons of content, and writing tons of long articles, and doing all this stuff. But you can actually do content marketing purely on the platforms that you’re also advertising on. You can do all of your content marketing purely within the Facebook infrastructure, purely within the YouTube which is owned by Google infrastructure right. So with Facebook, you can put videos on your Facebook fan page and anybody who watches that video, retarget them with your ad. So if you’re selling e-commerce products, you can do, pull out your iPhone, take a quick video. Let’s say we’re doing like notepad or something. You make a little video of me flipping through the notepad and showing the nice pen that came with it and looking at the back. I take that video and I put it on Facebook and anybody who watches that whole video, now I’m retargeting them to the page where they can go by that same notebook that they just saw in the video one and the same thing applies with YouTube. You can do that on YouTube. Put the video on YouTube. Anybody who watches the full video, you could actually retarget them with a Google display network ad. Back to the actual offer from the video you just watched.

Jesse: Yep. And when you bring them back to the site, one thing we had mentioned before is you want to get their email.

Joe: You want to capture them on a list. They can follow up with that you control.

Jesse: Absolutely.

Joe: It’s all about getting them in a bucket of follow up mechanism.

Jesse: So we’re spreading around these different platforms. They’re getting pixel by each. So that means you can better target them throughout all these other areas. And you’re also getting their email, maybe there’s a pop-up form on your website. There’s an off existing script or something like that. Now you’re covering all your bases and really this all came from the initial thing, it was a Google search. They searched for how to make the best specialty for pancakes. And now like there’s … (laughing)

Joe: A common term. (laughing)

Jesse: All the listeners right now are starting spatula stories.

Joe: Start as a trend.

Jesse: It’s going to be like a trending Amazon product.

Joe: Yeah. You covered it perfectly. We have that initiation point, the discovery point. Phase one which is Google and over time maybe you can SEO-ing with, which will be phase three in a second. The second phase is retargeting and phase three is content and really optimizing your product pages to start with what you already have, what you have control over and this is not making new stuff. Don’t worry about that, you’re optimizing what you got. So you’re building out a really good content base using the product pages and your catering that Google’s wants and needs which is to serve their customers, people searching on Google great content. You want to give them a good value. They’re going to show content in products and pages and all that stuff to people who really are relevant and also stick on the site for a while. It’s like you want to give value, build the benefits, break it out, make it nice looking, and all that great pictures of the product because that will show in Google everywhere. And then you’re setting yourself up to win in the long run and then with content. Guess what. You can still use that as ads, you can repurpose that in the videos and social media posts. If you wanted to. That’s the beauty with all this work is you could do the work once but it could be used in all different areas.

Matt: I think one of my favorite content marketing strategies that I’ve heard for the e-commerce world came from a guy Rob Burnes who was recently on our show. He was talking about the strategy of selling AECOM products by going out to a fair, or walking around in the streets, or going to a conference or something and walking up to somebody and being like “Hey, check out this notebook here and take a look and let me know what you think. I just want to film your action. What do you think of this notebook?” and just film a video getting reactions to what you think of this product. You go and you do that for like two or three different people. You take that video, put that video on Facebook, put that video on YouTube. That’s your content, play right there, retarget people that watch those videos. And that’s a perfect second touch for like a retargeting play because you’re trying to build the trust. Someone might have a senior product, maybe like the design, maybe the price was a little too high for a first touch but then they start seeing your ads. Then the trust is built. You could hear what customers are saying or even people on the street. Like in this case and then you can fool around with testimonials and all that stuff and then slowly but surely it might take a few touches later on Facebook and Google and then all of a sudden they’re like: “All right. This looks good. I’m going to blow the 50 bucks on this pancake special.” I don’t know if there’s a…

Joe: Quality special. (laughing)

Matt: I’m trying to get a good price.

Jesse: Fifty dollars is good.

Richard: One of the things to remember, just go back basics here too, although this is basics. You don’t want to be creative in step 1. Right. Really. Because this is mostly Google search is going to go off of the product title and product description. That’s not the place to get super creative. You don’t want to call it the supercalifragilistic pancake spatula because no one’s gonna type that word.

Joe: Don’t try to rebrand the specialty either, call it the spatula.

Richard: Yeah, but the good news is as you move down the three phases and I’ll just give them the… If the phrases were awareness and discovery and then consideration like they’re thinking about it because they’ve seen it now again in step two on their way towards making a decision to actually buying it, which would be step three although it’s not art. It’s the ultimate goal but our step three is gonna be more content. Yeah, it’s gonna be in that retargeting and in the content play where you’re gonna get more creative. Because they raise their hand to Jesse’s point and Matt’s point in the search. Now we’re gonna start to narrow in to “Oh, why did they raise their hand for the search.?” Maybe we really start to make branding around pancakes and maybe you really do make a new pancake one because there was like a lot of people once you look and see the results. You’re like “Wow, I never would’ve thought this many people were looking for a pancake one.” Imagine all the search juice we’re gonna get for this by the time it’s translated. But it’s in that phase 3 of what we’re going to talk about where you’re starting to ongoing create content where your creativity, you learn more based on what happened when Matt was talking about retargeting the videos. You can get in specifically and say.: “You know, they watched more than 50 percent.” Maybe at the 50 percent tile or a little farther you started to talk about a particular thing. Maybe now you can go into that a little deeper or in your product description back on your website. You can say those things in the product description. Really thinking this out that your actual search terms, that you’re going for as far as the initial search with the ad shopping be basic and be what people would be looking for. They have no idea you exist, yet you pain to get out in front of all those top of the search results because you’re going through the ad network. And because we know only one or two of those people out of every hundred are going to buy, we now have reframed it and going to say we’re taking the positive approach and we’re gonna be hitting the 98-99 percent who didn’t. But hey there’s only what 10 search results anyway so there’s only so many spatulas that can fit on the dang page.

Joe: The cool thing is and Jessie actually pulled up, it is a thing, pancake spatulas. Unfortunately, they’re only about eight-nine bucks so I guess we’re a little pricy.

Jesse: They are like silver, gold. Yeah. These are expensive spatulas.

Matt: They are going to spin this off into a legit product. (laughing)

Joe: Checking.

Matt: Going back to what you’re saying, which I think is interesting because I’m putting together another strategy people can think of, is maybe you did have a pancake spatula and it’s only you seven, eight, nine bucks and maybe that’s just your lead-in, that your discovery product. You’re not really banking on the sale of that product. If you do, cool, your ad costs are probably totally wiped out and be fine or pretty close to it. But the follow up maybe you have a bundle that’s worth a little bit more. So when they get to know your phase… In the retargeting phase, you can actually start selling way higher value products because you’ve been discovered with some big keyword like pancakes spatula. That’s huge. Do your keyword research before doing that. But if you think about it, you could have these lead in products, use Google and then the retargeting could be where you’d still show that product, but maybe there are bundles so you can actually make more profit from these products, and really back out your sales better that way.

Jesse: Yeah. The pillar 3 of what we talking about is the content piece. Now we use the search, we found this keyword, so other types of content depending on the product or your personality or what would be the right medium for it. You might be making a YouTube video of how to make the best pancakes of course with a special spatula. And the gold special. Yeah. You have to have a gold spatula. But yeah it could be a YouTube video. It could be a bunch of Pinterest pins on special pancakes or whatever. It could be Facebook and a Facebook group. It could be… but it has to fit the product and your personality. So that’s the part of that’s the content pillars you have to start building that. And in the long term you do want to build a blog. It’s great to be found on Facebook and Instagram but you don’t own Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube. You do own your own website. You own your own blog so you take those keywords and start building a blog and you don’t have to do that today. We gave you a lot of sales already. But you do have to do that eventually.

Joe: I mean a blog just opens up so many more opportunities too because you just have so much more control over the retargeting and putting offers in front of people based on which content they viewed and more ability to grow your mailing list. And there’s just so much more than you can do, that the possibilities are endless with all the various plugins and addons that you can put into a blog. I’d like the fact that stick with the modalities that work best for you. Build out the product pages but you don’t even have to be the best writer in the world. You can voice out the writing and have an editor do that if you wish. If writing’s like a stumbling block, that’s stumbling, that stops your progress, you probably should check that and figure out. “Oh, I’m not that good of videos.” That’s OK. Other people are, or you can always repurpose it into just a visual type thing with images or stock video with voiceover or something like that. But that’s all content.

Matt: There is also the podcast thing too.

Richard: For people like us, there’s no shortage of content creation. We’re all just like “Okay, I’ll stop talking and you guys can go now.” (laughing)

Matt: We’re all people that when we get together, we don’t shut up. So we decided to monetize our not shutting up but the conversations are so interesting. My new pancake pals podcast is coming out soon and you’ve got to find your tribe. We’re going to sell some spatulas. (laughing)

Joe: It’s our mission. The content phase doesn’t sound sexy but I will tell you from so much advising and our own experience, that is where the money is made in the long term. To sprint to something like a thousand customers of your product, paid ads are gonna be that catalyst to get the machine running like you were saying, it’s like a sausage making machine. You create it once, you maintain it, but you learn so much and you should be cranking sales. And then the content is like light and fuel on the fire for the long term.

Richard: Well, not only that but you can’t plan on a viral video. But it could happen and you never know. And now next thing you know that actually, that piece of content could become your number one form of discovery eventually. Now it doesn’t mean stop doing the other stuff. And again we’re trying to keep this on the one to one level. You’re just getting started. You just finish your store. These are the things you can do pretty easy, really quickly. You can set it up in the Ecwid Control Panel, Google Shopping. Boom, you’re done. It doesn’t take too long to your pages pixel and now you’re going to retarget on Facebook. You’re going to have a Facebook page, you’re going to…

Matt: That dynamic Facebook retargeting is pretty styling with Ecwid, right?

Jesse: Oh yeah. You can even… we talk about it on the podcast a lot. Dynamic product ads mean when people visit that product on your site, you will show that part to them, that exact same picture and price all across the Internet, Facebook and Google. You do need a little bit of traffic to get there. This is not like a “Should you set this up? Sure.” But if you just got started, maybe hold off a little bit. You can be a little disappointed. This is all the algorithms that need to run in the background, the algorithms that run our life, basically are saying “Feed me more traffic.”

Joe: Facebook.

Jesse: Yeah.

Richard: So that brings me back to something you guys were saying earlier, this dollar a day thing. We have a few people that have talked about it. Expand upon that a little bit for your listeners because that sounds like a budget that most people could actually…

Joe: On the most basic level on Facebook, the lowest ad spend you can set on Facebook is one dollar a day. That’s the lowest budget that let you put on anyone ad set right. What you can do is you can go and find some very very broad keywords. I can’t think of any examples of the cooking utensils. Let’s say there is a keyword in Facebook that you can target this interest of cookie, and probably just more cookies would be OK. A big interest, right. There’s probably millions and millions of people in that interest. If you were to set up a Facebook ad and set your buddies on a dollar a day and target people that are interested in cooking, you’re probably going to get like five cent clicks back to your website. If your conversion goal is just driving traffic to the site. And if that’s the goal of what you’re trying to do. You’re going to get really really really cheap clicks. Now anybody that comes back to your site is essentially somebody raising their hand saying I’m interested at least mildly in the product you’re talking about here. Enough to click over and look at it a little more. And then they fall into your retargeting system now. Now they’re going to see your Google display network ads. They’re going to see your dynamic creatives that are popping around on Facebook and the same system applies after that. And that’s what’s so cool at this dollar days. It’s your discovery engin on Facebook, that is what we’re saying here. You can make a video or a piece of content that’s interested a group, like cooking people would be interested in, and you’re like, “Did you know about these seven things that you could do with spatulas?” Wow. That could be a video or blog post and it sounds crazy, but people will click over to that if they’re interested. Boom. You now have them pixeled, so you can follow them around. And then obviously you can showcase your product within the content. Then follow them up with ads to actually buy that thing. Number four is frat house hazing.

Richard: One of the things we pack on, we went by real quick there, but so let’s just do a hypothetical. Let’s say your spatulas 20 bucks because it’s the super gold one. And if we were talking again about the one or two in every hundred, if you could get 5 cent clicks, now you’re talking $5. Right? Talking what, 20 people a day coming to your site.

Matt: For a dollar a day, if your product’s $20, I mean, you can go for however 20 days without making a sale and as long as you make one sale within 20 days, you’re in profit.

Richard: And that’s not even taking into effect yet. The whole second phase of retargeting to the 99 people who didn’t. It’s just something I wanted to really make sure the listeners heard, right there is, it’s a cost to doing business. It’s the cost of entry. For those of you who kind of go, “I don’t know, could you really get something for a dollar?” IYou gotta remember, Facebook, they want you to advertise more. So if you give them $1, they still want to provide a return to you because they were hoping that you give them at least $1 back. And if you get good results, maybe we’ll give them $2 back. And this is the technique that we know enough, but we’re trying to keep it pretty simple here for people that eventually, that maybe it turns to $2, maybe it turns to $5. We wouldn’t ramp it too much. We don’t recommend it because it doesn’t always scale the same. Like, “Oh wait, it worked at a dollar. I’m now going to start doing $1,000 a day.” Blow stuff up sometimes. But it was just those two things, something I wanted to make sure that they really thought about, because this is just why you want to be doing this. And this podcast is, but you’re going to go in on how you’re actually gonna do this. So we don’t need people to get too worried about that, but I just really, really, really want them to remember. You want to do this because how many stores in where there’s been spatulas? There’s a lot. And can you imagine how many more there are online? There’s a lot. So these are the small little tactical things you can do to just, what’s the differentiator and which leads back to the content piece eventually. I wanted to ask you guys, because you use it in various ways, you use it for affiliate products, used for your podcast. What are some creative ways of keeping it on the basic level that people could start to produce content and do they need fancy equipment? What are they, what are they looking at?

Matt: There’s tons of ways. Our main core way of creating content is speaking it out. We love to podcast. We’d love to have conversations with people. If we can’t find people to have conversations with, Joe and I just had conversations with each other and turn that into a podcast. For some reason people like it. And for us that’s the easiest way to do it. That’s just the modality that seems to work. But I mean there’re so many ways to create quick content. We’ve already talked about whipping out your iPhone and talking into the phone and making content that way, or making product videos or going out on the streets and talking to people about your products. Those are all ways to create content. If you’ve got products that you sell, you can always create a podcast. Just bring on people and talk about the product you sell. We were talking earlier about promoting products, using podcasts as affiliates. We can bring on people who have used the tool that we’re promoting as an affiliate, interview them about the product that they used. And that’s all content as well.

Joe: Another, a FAQ is you could just answer frequently asked questions about your product and that’s the easiest content. It just should come right out of you, it’s simple, quick research online. You can get all the answers and make it your own content and by answering it, it doesn’t have to be a podcast.

Jesse: This is a blog. You’re just typing about your product, the questions you think people are going to answer. Content should not be scary. We had a recent podcast about content with Tim, we’re trying to make it easy for people, but we also want to remind you that you will have to create it at some point. I think we covered a couple of good topics here. I want to make sure we don’t scare people, cause I know we’re going to go into the advanced stuff here pretty quick here and I want to cut us all off. Before we scared all of our listeners here.

Matt: I was about to start explaining technically why the dollar a day ad work and then I had to like cut myself back because that’s a whole long conversation.

Jesse: I saw it coming. There’s a lot of people out there that are probably like, “I want to know how to do this.” What are you guys going to do for us here? This is a traffic training. What are we going to do?

Joe: So the training itself. You have been so graciously to bring us in here and basically told us like, okay, this is what’s needed for the group at Ecwid and to get a store running in up to, we’re having a goal of about 1000 customers, it’s the idea. We want to create a training and, or we have this training for you that’s all around this traffic system. So the “how to” and Matt is so graciously been the one to actually go through some of the baggage that we do it together.

Jesse: I think you just took credit for most of maths work. (laughing)

Joe: What we’re doing is creating a training around what we just talked about and so you can actually walk through and look over our shoulders and basically see behind the scenes of Facebook, Google, these contents created and how to put it all together.

Matt: Essentially we just want to show you how to do everything we talked about. We want you to understand how you get your Google ad set up. Where do I install this code on my website to make sure these ads pop up everywhere? How do I go set up that ad that’s going to be showing up after they visited my website once? We’re just going to walk you through all that stuff. You’ve got it set up right. And once you flip the switch and turn it on, traffic starts flowing.

Joe: So you’ll have that machine to get those sales crank in discoverability and the retargeting is going to go with the followups. You have those two and just a hint, most people don’t even do retargeting, even the big companies. And it’s crazy. You’re leaving so much money out there. Don’t be that person. Please. You have all this covered and then the content phase, we’ll give you some good strategies on how you can create content really quickly and easily. You can then use that to expand your efforts later on.

Richard: Yeah, and even though you guys are calling this the traffic chain for the first 1000 visitors, you can rent and repeat and do more content and more ads and more ads. You can do more and keep getting way more than a thousand.

Matt: Theoretically, it gets you the next thousand also.

Jesse: This is the real strategy out there for everybody. I hope people are listening are like, “Wow, I want to get access to this”. Because this is what people are doing, this is what the big companies marketers are doing. And we’re going to give you the step by steps, steps on how to do this. A lot of steps.

Joe: Training videos, walke through with us.

Richard: And was the only three steps by step steps. Same amount of pillars. Perfectly named it. Step by step steps.

Joe: Nailed it.

Jesse: I knew what I was doing.

Joe: Saturday get in this thing.

Jesse: All right, so to sign up for this, go to Ecwid.com/traffic. Pretty easy to remember.

Joe: I think so. Yeah, Ecwid.com/traffic.

Jesse: Remember that? So sign up for there. We’re going to give you the email when this thing is ready. I’m really pumped because I really want to see the Ecwid merchants be successful with this. I see people when they are like, when people quit they say like, “Oh I didn’t get any traffic.” You probably didn’t know what to do, so we want to tell you what to do. This is it.

Joe: It’s true man. And that’s the thing. It goes back to if you can control traffic, you can really control anything. Even if like your products just don’t work out. Guess what? There’s so many others that you can go forward, but if you know the strategy, it’s like you learn it once. You know how it works. We’re gonna make sure you’re really like solidified, know how to act and do it, and you walk away and you have this knowledge that you can then apply everywhere or help someone else.

Richard: Yeah, pretty much every business loves traffic. The only traffic I don’t like is what we’re probably going to hit on the eight or five south, when we leave. (laughing)

Joe: We’re doing this for you guys. (laughing)

Richard: You at least have a Tesla. You can just put it on auto.

Joe: I’m going to sleep. (laughing)

Richard: I have to actually pay attention.

Jesse: Awesome. All right guys. I hope listeners are pumped. Matt, Joe, thanks for being on the show.

Matt: Thank you.

Joe: Thanks for having us, I can’t wait to get the training out there.

Jesse: No, I’m excited. All right guys, make it happen.

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