Why Now is the Perfect Time to Offer Ecommerce

Every day, more and more business is being done online, and more and more people are going online to shop for more of what they used to get in-person at brick and mortar stores. The COVID-19 pandemic has supercharged this growth in ecommerce business as many people across the world were forced to change the way they shop.

With this high global ecommerce growth, it’s no surprise that many people believe that now is a great time to start selling online. And with all of these merchants looking to create new online shops to sell their goods and services, there’s never been a better time to launch an ecommerce platform.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons why it’s a great time to offer ecommerce services to the masses.

How to sell online
Tips from e-commerce experts for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.
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People like (and often prefer) shopping online

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic took root in the world, ecommerce has grown in popularity year after year, thanks to the convenience and variety of choice shopping online offers. The presence of the pandemic only heightened this popularity — due to efforts to stay safe from the virus, people had no choice but to get things they needed online.

For example, the home and garden, food and grocery, and sports and outdoors sectors experience a massive increase in ecommerce sales worldwide as more people spent the majority of their time at home because of the virus. And with more time spent at home, many customers have permanently changed their shopping habits to be more online-centric.

Shopping habits have changed permanently

All of this underscores that ecommerce is not only here to stay, but here to grow. Customers have grown accustomed to same-day pickup and at-home delivery of nearly every product imaginable, as well as the ability to shop around and compare services and prices among different retailers and sellers. Ecommerce is going to be the preferable form of shopping in this decade and beyond.

And as more sellers move online to try and grab a bigger piece of the market, they’ll need a solid ecommerce platform they can count on to reach and satisfy their customers.

It is easier to start selling online than ever

The advancement in and availability of technology has made it easier than ever to launch and run an online shop. With Ecwid’s online ecommerce platform, for instance, merchants can get access to an instant site and start selling their products and services online literally in minutes without any developer or other technical knowledge or expertise.

Ecwid’s platform also easily integrates with a wealth of other technology platforms and service provides, including payment gateways, site builders, POS systems, logistics and shipping carriers, and more. All of these integrations allow merchants to make their online shopping experience as sophisticated as they want.

And as an Ecwid Partner, you simply resell or white label the Ecwid platform. No website downtime, no server maintenance, no endless updates — no muss, no fuss!

Now’s the time to start

With these things in mind — the ease for merchants to start an online shop, the permanent change in customer shopping habits and the rise in ecommerce popularity — there really never has been a better time to launch an ecommerce platform. Check out more information on what partnering with Ecwid can do for your business and get started today. And let us know what your experience with ecommerce has been like in the comments!

Do you want to learn more about growing business with the Ecwid Partner Program?

About The Author
Colin Thompson is a content writer at Ecwid. He writes about marketing, business development, and promotion for our Ecwid Partners. He loves cats, Chicago sports, deep dish pizza and going on hikes.

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