Why Selling Ecommerce à la carte Makes Sense for Any Business

Have you ever gone out to have a meal somewhere, knowing that you wouldn’t actually have a choice about what you ate?

Maybe it was back in school when the cafeteria only had one or two options; or maybe it was at a wedding where you simply picked “chicken, fish, or vegetarian” and hoped for the best; or maybe you went out to a nice place, only to find that plates and menus were “set” and your options were limited.

While it probably wasn’t the worst experience, it likely made you miss having the freedom to pick and choose. Because once you’ve gotten used to ordering and getting exactly what you wanted, it’s hard to go back to making do with pre-selected options and someone else’s choices, right? You’re never really satisfied.

The same can be said for digital services. Given the choice, wouldn’t you rather shop for only the digital services your company needs on their own (or even build your own bundle of services) rather than buy something that someone else picked out and feels one-size-fits-all?

So why wouldn’t your customers, regardless of the industry you’re in, want the same thing? New’s flash: they do! Giving customers the option to purchase your digital services à la carte — meaning the services are priced and sold separately from the other products and services you offer — enables them to craft the exact service package they need for their business with none of “the fat.”

And alongside your current offerings, there may be no hotter digital service to sell than ecommerce. The ecommerce industry has seen explosive growth recently, and more and more are seeking top-notch ecommerce services as a growing proportion of the world moves online to do business.

So let’s look at four reasons why businesses should be selling ecommerce services à la carte.

1. Instant (and long-term) income

Earning income and spurring revenue growth are two main goals driving many business owners, but creating new ways of bringing in revenue can be challenging for any company.

One strategy many small- and medium-sized businesses have taken is to beef up their suite of offerings by adding new digital services to sell to their customers à la carte, most notably ecommerce. The incredible ecommerce growth we mentioned above means that more people across the globe are interested in selling their products and services online than ever before.

And by selling them ecommerce services, you’ll generate income for your business in two ways:

That means you’ll start generating revenue for your business shortly after you start selling ecommerce, and it’s revenue you can count on for the long haul. Talk about a win-win for your business!

2. Diversify your revenue streams

There’s a saying that goes, “The only constant in life is change.” The last few years have only seemed to bear that out, as global pandemics, international conflicts, and rising inflation have upended the world as we knew it.

A sense of unpredictability seems to reign more than ever, and that level of growing risk can threaten the bottom line of any business geared toward the status quo. To protect their business (and financial) interests, many companies are diversifying their revenue streams by selling new services like ecommerce.

In an increasingly internet-first world, savvy businesses know that ecommerce is the future of how business will be done. Selling ecommerce as a separate, à la carte service helps to future-proof your business and provide another revenue stream that’s outside of your core services, adding diversity to how your company generates income.

3. Build up the stature of your business

Some businesses take on the motto of “Grow or die.” While that’s likely a bit extreme for many companies, the underlying point is mostly true: you need to keep enhancing, improving, and evolving what your company does, because those companies that focus on doing just one thing don’t last.

Consider your own business. If you had the choice between working with two partners — one who offers the core services you want and nothing more, while the other is frequently adding on new products and services that would be impactful to your business — wouldn’t you rather work with the company that’s continually trying to make its customers’ lives better?

So as a digital service provider, your current customers will be more likely to stick with you (and new customers will be more likely to sign up) if you add more à la carte offerings to your service suite like ecommerce, as it indicates that you run a mature and thoughtful business: one that keeps its customers’ needs front and center.

4. Stay ahead of the competition

Along with building up the stature of your business, selling ecommerce and other new digital services à la carte helps your company remain competitive in the industry.

Let’s face facts: it may be cliché, but the old adage, “It isn’t personal, it’s just business,” rings true. That is, no matter how much one of your customers may like you, if you aren’t offering the services and support that they need, they’re probably going to move on and work with one of your competitors that does offer those things.

By expanding your suite of services to include popular offerings like ecommerce, you’ll be providing current customers with the cutting-edge digital services they crave — but from a reputable business they know and trust: yours. And by offering these new services à la carte, you’ll be able to attract new customers who may be looking for ecommerce services but also have other professional needs that the rest of your service suite can meet.

We hope this post has been helpful to you and your business, but we want to hear from you! How does your company go about adding new offerings to its service suite? What sorts of products and services are your customers seeking from you? Let us know in the comments!

Good luck!

About The Author
Colin Thompson is a content writer at Ecwid. He writes about marketing, business development, and promotion for our Ecwid Partners. He loves cats, Chicago sports, deep dish pizza and going on hikes.

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