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Må og lad være med at kortlægge din køberrejse

19 min read

Chances are you’ve come across the concept ofcustomer journey mapping.It’s a widely recognized and valuable tool utilized in marketing and sales strategies. Det bruges til at få indsigt i kundeoplevelsen og forbedre den i overensstemmelse hermed. Men hvad består det egentlig af?

Kortlægning af kunderejser involverer processen med visuelt at illustrere alle berøringspunkter og interaktioner, som en kunde har med din virksomhed, fra den indledende bevidsthedsfase gennem købs- og efterkøbsfasen.

Ved at kortlægge denne rejse, du kan identificere smertepunkter, områder til forbedring, og muligheder for at levere enestående oplevelser på hvert trin.

Så, if you haven’t explored the power of customer journey mapping yet, it’s time to dive in and unlock the potential of your business!

What Is a Customer Journey?

A customer journey is the entire process that a buyer goes through when interacting with your brand, from the initial awareness to the final purchase and beyond. It includes all touchpoints, både online og offline, that a customer may encounter along the way.

A customer journey is sometimes called a buyer journey. Så, hvis du undrer dig over, hvad forskellen er mellem en køberrejse vs. en kunderejse, nu ved du, at det grundlæggende er det samme.

Der er fem hovedstadier i køberrejsen:

  • Opmærksomhed: kunden bliver bevidst om dit brand og hvad du har at tilbyde.
  • Betragtning: kunden begynder at undersøge og sammenligne forskellige muligheder.
  • Køb: kunden beslutter sig for at foretage et køb fra dit brand.
  • Tilbageholdelse: at holde kunden tilfreds og komme tilbage til gentagne forretninger.
  • Fortalervirksomhed: the customer becomes a loyal fan and promotes the business to their friends and family.

At each stage, the customer’s emotions, motivationer, and behaviors may differ, making it crucial to understand their journey to engage with them effectively.

B2B Buyer Journey VS B2C Buyer Journey

You might wonder how the business-to-business buyer journey differs from the business-to-consumer buyer journey. While many of the general principles and touchpoints are similar, there are some key differences to keep in mind.

for det første, B2B-købere har ofte en længere og mere kompleks købsproces end B2C-forbrugere. Dette skyldes, at B2B-køb typisk involverer større beløb og kræver flere beslutningstagere i organisationen.

Derudover, B2B-købere har en tendens til at fokusere mere på at finde løsninger, der vil gavne deres forretning med hensyn til effektivitet, omkostningsbesparelser, eller vækstpotentiale. De kan også prioritere at opbygge langsigtede relationer med leverandører frem for engangstransaktioner.

På den anden side, B2C-købere er normalt motiveret af personlige behov eller ønsker, når de foretager et køb. Deres rejse har en tendens til at være kortere og enklere, da de træffer beslutninger baseret på faktorer som pris, bekvemmelighed, og følelsesmæssig appel.

Hvad er køberrejsekortlægning?

Kortlægning af køberrejser er processen med visuelt at repræsentere de trin, en kunde tager, når han interagerer med din virksomhed, fra første kontakt til efterkøb. Det hjælper med at identificere berøringspunkter og smertepunkter, allowing you to better understand the customer experience and make improvements.

Mapping your buyer’s journey can be an incredibly powerful tool for improving your business’s overall success. Imidlertid, there are certain dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

How to Map Your Customer Journey

You can’t improve something if you don’t have it. Så, if you’ve never created a customer journey map, it’s time to do so.

Here are some best practices for mapping your customer’s journey:

Create Your Buyer Persona

To map the customer’s journey, you need to research and analyze your customers’ adfærd, motivationer, and pain points. That’s where buyer personas come in handy.

A buyer persona is a fictional customer that embodies the demographics and psychographics of your average customer. This customer persona serves as a constant reminder to align every aspect of your customer journey map with the right audience.

Identify your customers’ needs, motivationer, and pain points to create your buyer persona (Billede: Wordstream)

For eksempel, if you sell high-end skincare products, din kundepersona kan være en 35-årig kvinde med et fuldtidsjob og to børn, der værdsætter egenomsorg og luksus. Denne specifikke persona vil give dig indsigt i hendes behov, udfordringer, og mål.

Det ville hjælpe at udføre nogle brugerundersøgelser, når du opretter din køberpersona. For eksempel, du kan undersøge kunder og tage interviews.

At indsamle feedback fra forbrugere, der er interesserede i at købe dine produkter og tjenester, målrette mod dem, der enten har engageret sig i din virksomhed eller har til hensigt at gøre det. Denne måde, you can get accurate information about your target audience’s needs and preferences.

Identify Your Touchpoints

Næste, you’ll need to identify all the touchpoints where customers interact with your brand. At gøre dette, put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think about every possible way they could come across or engage with your business.

99% af forbrugerne research purchases online before going to a store, at least most of the time. Så, it’s pretty likely that your consumers do some online research, også. Imidlertid, don’t forget to use the data from your customer and market research. This will provide you with a list of all the touchpoints your customers use.

For eksempel, your customer’s touchpoints online may include:

  • Searching for products on Google
  • Visiting your website
  • Reading reviews on social media
  • Seeing your Facebook ads.

As for an offline customer touchpoint, this can include:

  • Visiting your physical store
  • Visiting your booth at a market or event
  • Calling your customer service.

Remember that each touchpoint should be evaluated based on its impact and importance to the overall customer journey.

Identify Pain Points and Opportunities

Once you have identified all the touchpoints, it’s time to look for pain points and opportunities for each of them. This involves analyzing customer feedback and complaints and using behavior analytics tools to identify areas where your brand can improve and provide a better experience.

For eksempel, if you notice many website visitors dropping off at the checkout page, they could be facing a pain point that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If you also see a surge in customer queries on social media but slow response times from your customer service team, this could be another area of improvement.

Document the Customer Journey

Once you have identified all the touchpoints, it’s time to put them in order and map out the customer journey. Start with the awareness stage and document each step until they become a loyal customer.

Make sure to include the emotions, adfærd, and motivations at each stage. This will give you a clear understanding of how your customers feel and what they need at each step of the journey.

The process of mapping the customer journey remains speculative until you actually implement it. Ved at gøre det, you will gain firsthand insights into potential drop-offs or obstacles that customers may encounter along their journey. If you have multiple personas, follow the journey for each of them.

Continuously Review and Improve

Remember that the customer journey is not static – it’s constantly evolving. That’s why it’s essential to review and improve your customer journey map continuously. This can involve conducting regular customer surveys, analyzing data, and making necessary adjustments to ensure a seamless customer experience.

Reviewing your customer journey regularly, for eksempel, kvartalsvis, will help you identify gaps and opportunities for further improving your customer journey.

Customer Journey Mapping Examples

To help you better understand the concept, let’s look at some customer journey map examples from various industries.

Customer Journey Map Example for Retail

A customer journey map for a retail store encompasses various touchpoints that customers encounter during their shopping experience. These customer touchpoints may include browsing products online, visiting the physical store, exploring different sections, trying on clothes in the fitting rooms, and finally making a purchase.

Throughout this journey, kunder kan få både positive og negative oplevelser. Smertepunkter kan opstå ved at støde på lange kassekøer eller interagere med uvenlige medarbejdere, mens positive aspekter kunne omfatte at finde nyttige produktanbefalinger, receiving excellent customer service, eller opdage personlige tilbud, der er skræddersyet til deres præferencer.

Eksempel på kunderejsekort til rejser

For et rejseselskab, kunderejsen begynder med at undersøge destinationer, where customers explore different options and gather information to make informed decisions.

Once the desired destination is chosen, the next step involves booking flights and accommodations, ensuring that every part of the trip is well-planned and tailored to the customer’s preferences.

Langt om længe, the journey concludes with the check-in process, where travelers go through the necessary procedures to get to their destination.

Along this journey, there may be pain points that travelers encounter. These could include limited flight options, restricting flexibility and convenience, or unexpected delays that disrupt travel plans.

Customer Journey Map Example for Banking

A bank’s customer journey encompasses a series of touchpoints that customers encounter throughout their banking experience. These customer touchpoints could include activities such as opening an account online, visiting a branch for in-person assistance, and utilizing mobile banking services for convenient transactions.

Imidlertid, it is important to identify and address potential pain points that customers may encounter during these touchpoints. For eksempel, pain points could arise from complicated online account setup processes or long wait times experienced at the branch.

Som du kan se, each industry may have different touchpoints and pain points. That’s why it’s essential to create an accurate customer journey map specific to your business and continuously improve it based on data and customer feedback.

Selvfølgelig, our examples are quite simplified versions of customer journey maps. Ideelt, your customer journey map should be detailed and consider not only the specifics of your business but also different target customer personas.

To make it easier to map your customer journey, you can use templates – learn more about that below.

Dos and Don’ts of Mapping Your Customer Journey

Now that you’ve grasped the idea of customer journey mapping, let’s dive into the do’s and don’ts to remember when creating your map.

Gør: Choose the Right Customer Journey Map Templates

Templates can be a helpful tool in creating your customer journey map. They provide a visual representation of the customer journey and make it easier to identify pain points and opportunities.

There are various templates available for creating a customer journey map. They differ in complexity, design, and approach. Some customer journey templates are better for visualizing a customer’s emotions, while others focus on touchpoints and pain points. It’s crucial to choose a template that best suits your business needs and goals.

Here are a few examples of common customer journey map templates:

Current State Customer Journey Map Template

This is one of the most common types of customer journey maps. They help you see and understand what your customers are going through – their actions, tanker, and emotions when they interact with your company. This valuable insight is used to enhance the customer journey continuously.

Download a current state customer experience map template here.

Day-in-the-Life Customer Journey Map Template

These customer journey maps show what your customers go through in their daily activities, including their actions, tanker, and emotions, whether or not they involve your brand and more. This type of customer journey map provides a broader perspective into your customerslives and helps identify their real-life pain points.

Day-in-the-life customer journey maps are great for addressing unmet customer needs even before they are aware of them. Use this type of map when exploring new market development strategies.

Here’s a visual representation and a template for day-in-the-life kunderejser.

Future State ​​Customer Journey Map Template

These customer journey maps provide insights into the actions, tanker, and emotions that your customers will experience during their future interactions with your company. When using this customer journey map, consider their current interactions with your brand.

Use these types of customer journey maps to visualize your vision and establish strategic goals that drive your business forward.

Her er en future state example of customer journey map templates.

Service Blueprint Customer Journey Map Template

These customer journey maps start with a simplified version of one of the map styles mentioned above. They then add the key elements that contribute to delivering a remarkable experience, such as people, politikker, technologies, and processes. These maps provide valuable insights into optimizing customer experiences and enhancing overall satisfaction.

Serviceplaner hjælper med at afdække de faktorer, der driver de nuværende kunderejser og kortlægge trin for fremtidige rejser. Dette vil hjælpe dig med at træffe informerede beslutninger for at forbedre dine tilbud.

You can download a service blueprint template her.

Gør: Test Customer Journey Mapping Tools

Der er adskillige digitale værktøjer derude, der hjælper dig med at skabe et kort over kunderejser. Disse værktøjer kan gøre processen mere effektiv og effektiv ved at give dig mulighed for nemt at samarbejde med dit team, tilpasse dit kort, og integrere data.

Nogle populære værktøjer til kortlægning af kunderejser inkluderer:


Dette værktøj indeholder forskellige skabeloner til forskellige brancher, gør det nemmere at begynde at kortlægge din kunderejse med det samme.

Du kan søge efter den skabelon, du har brug for, på UXPressia-webstedet


Dette værktøj tilbyder en brugervenlig grænseflade til at oprette forskellige typer kort, herunder serviceplaner og kunde- og brugerrejsekort, der kan tilpasses.


Denne software til kortlægning af kunderejser hjælper teams med at skabe visuelle repræsentationer af kunderejser. Det tilbyder forskellige skabeloner og samarbejdsfunktioner.


Dette er et populært diagram- og visualiseringsværktøj, der inkluderer en funktion til kortlægning af kunderejser. Den kommer med indbyggede samarbejdsfunktioner.

Oprettelse af et kunderejsekort i Lucidchart

Uanset hvilket værktøj du vælger, sørg for, at den passer til dine specifikke behov og hjælper dig med at skabe et detaljeret og effektivt kunderejsekort.

Gør ikke: Forsøm kundefeedback

En af de største fejl i kortlægning af kunderejser er ikke at tage kundefeedback i betragtning. Dine kunder’ meninger og erfaringer er afgørende for at forstå deres behov, følelser, og forventninger gennem hele deres rejse med dit brand.

Make sure to regularly collect customer feedback through surveys, anmeldelser, og andre kanaler. Brug disse oplysninger til løbende at opdatere og forbedre dit kunderejsekort.

Gør ikke: Skynd processen

Kortlægning af en kunderejse tager tid og kræfter. It’s crucial not to rush through the process or skip important steps. Take the time to thoroughly research and gather data, analyze it, and collaborate with other team members to create an accurate and comprehensive customer journey map.

Gør ikke: Forget to Update

A customer journey map is not a one-time task. It is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and attention.

As your business evolves and customer behavior changes, it’s essential to regularly update and revise your customer journey map to reflect these changes accurately. Ved at gøre det, you can ensure that it remains relevant and effective in guiding your business towards providing exceptional customer experiences.

Husk, a well-crafted customer journey map goes beyond just visualizing the customer’s interactions. It serves as a strategic tool that helps align your team’s efforts, foster collaboration across departments, and prioritize initiatives that will have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Så, embrace the concept of continuous improvement and make updating and revising your customer journey map a regular part of your business practices. Ved at gøre det, you can ensure that your organization stays ahead of the curve.

Let’s Sum Up Mapping Your Buyer Journey

Nu, let’s sum up the main do’s and don’ts of mapping your buyer journey:

  • Do use different types of customer journey maps to gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers.
  • Do consider using tools to make the process more efficient and effective.
  • Don’t neglect customer feedback, as it is crucial in understanding their needs and expectations.
  • Don’t rush the process or skip important steps.
  • Don’t forget to update and revise your customer journey map regularly.

By keeping these tips in mind, du kan oprette et detaljeret og præcist kunderejsekort for at hjælpe din virksomhed med at trives ved at give enestående kundeoplevelser.



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