Understanding Instagram Advertising for Ecommerce Businesses

With over a billion active monthly users and a highly engaged community, it’s no surprise that businesses turn to Instagram for advertising.

I dette blog-indlæg, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about advertising on Instagram and how it can benefit your online store. So grab a cup of coffee and get ready to elevate your Instagram advertising strategy with these tips!

How Do You Promote a Business on Instagram?

There are a few different ways to promote your business on Instagram. What you should choose depends on your goals and budget. Some options include:

Free vs. Paid Promotion on Instagram

Is it worth advertising on Instagram? Svaret afhænger af, hvor hurtigt du har brug for dine resultater.

Du kan promovere din Instagram-profil organisk, hvilket betyder at du erhverver et publikum uden hjælp fra betalte kampagner. This option is free and shows engagement in the long term.

Hvis du har brug for flere følgere eller ordrer på kort tid, paid promotion might be the option for you because it allows you to target specific audiences and get immediate results.

Boosted Posts vs. Ads on Instagram

If you have a business account on Instagram, you can choose between two paid promotion options: boosted posts and ads.

Boosted posts are a quick and easy way to promote your content on Instagram. You can select any post from your profile to be promoted, and it will appear as an ad in Explore, home feed, Explore feed, profile feed, and Stories.

You can boost any post from your feed right in the Instagram app

Boosted posts offer the advantage of being the most straightforward advertising choice available on Instagram. All you have to do is ​​go to your profile, tap the post you’d like to promote, and click Boost.

Ads are set up in Meta Ads Manager, which allows you to create custom advertisements with more advanced targeting options. For eksempel, audience demographics, interesser, adfærd, og placeringer. They also offer different formats like photo, video, karrusel, or story ads – more on that below.

The benefit of ads is that they are perfect for promoting specific products or services to a targeted audience.

Here’s how Instagram ads look like in the feed and stories

Another advantage of Instagram ads is their global availability, unlike Instagram Shops. i øvrigt, you can still tag your products in the ads.

Essential Instagram Advertising Terms

Before diving into the different types of Instagram ads, it’s important to know and understand some key terms that are commonly used:

Ad objective is the goal you want your ad to achieve, such as website clicks, post engagement, or video views.

Ad format means the type of ad you choose, such as photo, video, karrusel, or story.

Ad placering refers to where your ad will be displayed on the platform, such as in-feed or in-between stories.

This ad’s placement is a reel feed

Bid – when creating an ad on Instagram, you will have to choose a bid for each objective. This is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for each action (such as a click or impression) that your ad receives.

Budget is the total amount you’re willing to spend on your ad campaign. You can set a daily or lifetime budget, depending on your preference.

Click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it.

Konvertering refers to the specific action you want users to take after seeing your ad, such as purchasing a product or filling out a form.

Engagement is the amount of interaction and activity generated by your ad, such as likes, kommentarer, og aktier.

Indtryk are the number of times your ad has been displayed on users’ feeds.

Relevance score – Instagram assigns a score to each ad based on its expected relevance to the target audience. A higher relevance score means your ad is more likely to be shown to your desired audience.

EN målgruppe is the specific group of people you want your ad to reach based on demographics, interesser, og adfærd. Targeting is crucial for reaching your desired audience.

Instagram Ad Formats

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s take a closer look at the different types of Instagram ads and their benefits.

Instagram tilbyder følgende annonceformater:

Photo Ads

En statisk billedannonce fungerer bedst, når du vil lukke aftalen ved at tilbyde en rabat. Photos can be in square, landskab, or vertical format.

Video Ads

Disse er gode til at introducere førstegangskøbere til dit produkt og dets funktioner. Du kan dele videoer op til 60 sekunder lang i liggende eller firkantet format (except for in Instagram Stories.)

Stories Ads

Disse dynamiske annoncer hjælper med at styrke det engagement, du allerede har haft med kunden. While this format can support the same media you use in other placements, it’s better to use fullscreen vertical images or videos.

Reels Ads

This format is great for showcasing your brand’s creativity. Note you can only use a fullscreen vertical asset for this format.

Carousel Ads

Brugere kan stryge for at se yderligere fotos eller videoer i en enkelt annonce. This type of ad helps to highlight all the product’s features/benefits. These ads appear in the square or vertical format on Feed and Stories.


Use collection ads to visually inspire and help your audience discover, gennemse, and purchase products. Du kan bruge video, billeder, or a combination of both.

Instagram ads appear in users’ Feeds and Stories alongside content from the accounts and hashtags they follow and suggested accounts matching their interests.

Instagram ads can also appear in the Explore section. On Instagram’s Explore page, users can discover new accounts they don’t already follow. By clicking on a tile, they can view ads in their feed while scrolling through a mix of organic posts and ads. Each user’s Explore tab features curated content that’s personalized based on their interests.

på Instagram, you’ll always spot a “Sponsored” icon on ads, and there might be a call-to-action button below the picture.

Ads on Instagram are marked with the “Sponsored” icon

You can add different calls to action to ads. For eksempel, if you show off a product’s features to a first-time audience, use CTAs like “Learn More.” If offering a final discount to close a deal, brug "Shop Now" som din CTA.

Setting Up Instagram Ads for an Online Store

If you’re running an online store, you might want your Instagram ads to showcase your awesome products. To make that happen, you’ve got to link up your online store’s product catalog with Facebook. Når det er gjort, your products will pop up in the Facebook catalog and be ready to roll in Meta Ads Manager.

Ads Manager is a tool by Meta that lets you whip up ads on Facebook and Instagram using details from your product catalog, like images, beskrivelser, priser, og mere.

Så, how do you sync your online store’s product catalog with Facebook? The easiest way is through your ecommerce platforms. Some of them have integrations that make the process easier, for eksempel, Ecwid fra Lightspeed. Connecting your Ecwid catalog to Instagram will enable you to create ads promoting your products in different formats automatically.

Advertising on Instagram enables you to connect with your ideal customers through precise targeting options, retargeting strategies, and Lookalike audiences.

Instagram targeting options allow you to reach people based on interests, adfærd, demografi, og mere. This allows you to narrow down your audience and ensure that your ads are seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your products.

retargeting strategies allow you to show ads to people who have interacted with your brand before, increasing the chances of conversion.

Lookalike audiences help you find new potential customers who share similar characteristics as your current audience.

Også, you can enhance your ads’ performance by linking the Metapixel. It is a code that tracks user behavior on your website, giving you valuable data to optimize your ads and target them better.

With Ecwid’s integration with Instagram, all these targeting options are made even more accessible. You can easily select which products to advertise on Instagram and customize the ad according to your target audience. This allows for a more personalized approach that resonates with potential customers.

Følg disse instruktioner to connect your Ecwid product catalog to Facebook and start advertising on Instagram.

Best Practices for Instagram Ads

Now that you get the idea of Instagram advertising, it’s time to discuss some best practices that can help you make the most out of your ads.

Test Organic Content Before Advertising

To gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s preferences, focus on creating organic content that resonates with them. Derefter, analyzer the response to this content to determine which aspects to amplify through paid ads.

This strategic approach ensures that your paid ads align closely with what engages your audience, boosting the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Keep in Mind Technical Requirements

When setting up your Instagram ads, make sure to follow Meta’s technical requirements. They are different for each format:

Ad formatImage typeResolutionRatioMaximum file sizeMinimum width
Photo adJPG or PNGI det mindste 1080 x
1080 px
1:1 eller 1.91:130MB320 px
Carousel annoncerJPG or PNG, MP4, MOV or GIF1080 x 1080 px1:1 eller 1.91:1Billede: 30MB Video: 1DK320 px
VideoannoncerMP4 or MOV1080 x 1920 px or
1920 x 1080 px
9:16 til 16:9Op til 4 DK320 px
Story adsJPEG or MP41080 x 1920 px9:16Op til 30 MB320 px

Sticking to these requirements ensures that your ad will be displayed correctly and won’t get rejected by Instagram.

Use Sound to Enhance the Video

Dataene viser, at 69% of users scroll through social media without sound. Så, make sure your video ads are good to watch without sound and use sound to surprise those who have it on:

Ensure Your Messaging Is Clear

The first few seconds of your video ad determine whether users stop scrolling to watch. Så, kick off with your key message and show off your branding right from the get-go. Instagram suggests including branding in the first three seconds for increased recall.


By leveraging the power of social media advertising and using Ecwid’s integration with Instagram, you can expand your reach and attract new customers. With advanced targeting options and data-driven insights, you can create highly effective ads that drive conversions and increase sales for your business.

Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to grow your online presence and boost your bottom line with Instagram. Start advertising now and see the results for yourself!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva er et indhold forfatter på Ecwid. Hun skriver om online markedsføring og promotion til at gøre iværksætternes daglige rutine nemmere og mere givende. Hun har også en svaghed for katte, chokolade, og gør Kombucha derhjemme.

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