How to Post On Instagram From Your PC or Mac

Many people often wonder if they can post to Instagram from their computer. This is especially the case for businesses that operate and market through the social media platform. The answer is YES, you can post to Instagram from your PC! There are a few simple steps that businesses and marketers can follow to get their content from their computer onto Instagram.

Mehr als oft nicht, a lot of our best content with great Instagram potential is stored on our computers. Nicht nur das, but many business owners and marketers are often glued to their computers throughout the day, which makes finding time to post via a smartphone challenging. Aus diesen Gründen, we have decided to share with you exactly how to post on Instagram from PC.

Why Post on Instagram From a PC?

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Instagram has been carefully designed to allow for streamlined use through smartphones. Everyone and anyone typically posts their stories, Rollen, and pictures from their phone. Das ist keine Überraschung.

So, why post on Instagram from a computer?

Increased accessibility

Gut, as mentioned earlier, a lot of business owners and marketers have their content ready to go on their computers, and just don’t know how to post it. Oder, business owners and marketers are already glued to their computers and can’t take the time to make their posts from their phones. It might be easier to upload company posts and videos from your desktop rather than constantly being seen with your smartphone open on the job.

Company files are most likely more accessible through your desktop than on your mobile device. If you use Photoshop to edit company photos, it’s easier to upload to your desktop rather than going through the headache of getting the content onto your mobile device.

Increased efficiency

Let’s say you’re a social media marketer for a prominent brand. The last thing you want to do is accidentally post your brand’s content to your personal Instagram account. You also don’t want content from your computer to get all out of whack when transferring it to your mobile device. It’s simply not a good look to have your phone in-hand while taking care of important work on your desktop.

Wie auch immer der Fall sein mag, there are many reasons why brand ambassadors, social media managers, social media marketers, etc. should post from their desktop.

Taking advantage of the web version

While Instagram is meant to be used in-app via a cellular device, the web version of Instagram offers a nearly identical experience on your computer. On the social media app’s web version, users can still watch and replay other people’s stories, browse their feed, use search, and comment and like posts.

But let’s discuss what really matters for businesses: posten.

With Instagram’s web version, users can also reply to direct messages, post photos and videos to their profiles, post stories, and post reels. Im Wesentlichen, the web version is nearly identical to the cellular version. So, these are the reasons why one should post from their computer.

Now let’s cover how to post on Instagram from your PC.

How to Post on Instagram from PC

Whether you’re on a PC or a Mac, you can easily post from your desktop computer.

Instagram’s web version allows users to upload an Instagram post the same way that they usually would through a mobile device. This platform is aware that many users prefer to post via a desktop format (or need to do so when at work), and so they have made it easy for businesses to do so. Let’s go over how to post a picture on Instagram from PC, then the details of how to post a video from PC.

  1. Open up your preferred browser
  2. Go to
  3. Log in to your account using your credentials
  4. Click the ‘+’ button at the top bar
  5. In der pop-up, click select from computer
  6. Choose an image file to upload
  7. Crop the image (optional)
  8. Choose a filter (optional)
  9. Write a caption
  10. Click Share!

Dort haben Sie es! You’ve successfully posted to Instagram from your desktop. Einfach, rechts? Mach dir keine sorgen, the process is pretty much exactly the same as posting from your phone. Jetzt, let’s take a look at how to post a video rather than a photo to your Instagram account from your computer. Uploading videos from your computer to Instagram makes it extremely easy to share professionally-shot videos that may not be readily available on your phone. That means you can post marketing videos and ads that were shot by a freelancer or your in-house videographer.

Hier ist, wie es zu tun.

  1. Head to on your preferred browser
  2. Click the ‘+’ button next to the DM symbol
  3. Click “Select from computer” to upload
  4. Resize your video and add more media if desired
  5. Choose a cover photo and trim the video
  6. Write a caption, tag users, toggle commenting options, etc.
  7. Click Share!

Das ist alles dazu!

As you can tell, there’s virtually no difference between posting photos and videos on a PC. The greatest benefit is that professionally shot photos and videos can retain their quality when you upload them via desktop rather than from your mobile device.

Letztlich, für Unternehmen, posting on Instagram from a PC is the way to go. There are so many benefits and no drawbacks. The way users can post to Instagram and interact with others is virtually the same on a desktop as it is on the app.

Start Posting! Share Your Message!

Now that you know how to successfully post your photos and videos to Instagram via your desktop, it’s time to give it a whirl!

You’ll no longer have to feel guilty for pulling your phone out at work or stress about editing and cropping videos and photos on your phone. You also won’t have to worry about professionally shot videos and photos losing quality when transferring files over to your phone.

Statt, just post directly from your PC.

Give it a try now!

Über den Autor
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Trotzdem, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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