How to Sell Digital Downloads on a Website Hassle-Free

Imagine discovering a product that eliminates the need for shipping or managing inventory. How incredible would that be? Great news – such a product exists and can be as diverse as you want. We’re talking about digital products, natürlich.

Mit digitalen Downloads, you can create a product once and start selling it to unlimited customers. Plus, the overhead costs are significantly lower than physical products, resulting in more profit for you. Und der beste Teil? Selling digital downloads on your website is easier than you think.

In diesem Artikel, we’ll guide you through the process of selling digital downloads on your website. Dive in!

What Is a Digital Product?

A digital product is any form of content or media that can be downloaded and accessed on an electronic device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. This includes products like ebooks, software, music files, videos, Online Kurse, Kunst, und mehr.

One of the main advantages of digital products is their flexibility. They can be created in various formats and easily customized to cater to different target audiences.

Gehen! Girl Guides sell downloadable travel guides for women who are traveling solo

Choosing a Digital Product to Sell

Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s important to choose what type of digital products you want to sell. There are various factors to consider, such as your expertise, Zielgruppe, und Marktnachfrage.

If you’re a writer or blogger, selling ebooks or digital guides might be the best option for you. If you have technical skills, creating software or online courses could be more profitable. You can also sell digital art if you’re an artist or graphic designer.

To get you started, hier sind 18 digitale Produktideen that fit almost any niche.

Ebooks with recipes are perfect for businesses selling cooking classes, Kochbücher, Mahlzeit Pläne

How Does Selling Digital Downloads Work?

Whether you’re an artist, Musiker, or software developer, digital downloads offer a convenient and cost-effective way to sell your products. Allerdings, if you are not familiar with how to sell digital downloads, it may seem like a daunting task. We’re here to reassure you: it’s much easier than you might think!

Selling digital goods can be a seamless and automated process. Here’s how it usually works: you upload a digital product to your online store, and customers automatically receive the download link through an email after the purchase.

But where can you sell digital downloads online? Gut, starting an online store is a great option – read on to learn how.

How to Sell Digital Downloads on Your Website

Selling digital downloads on your website can be a lucrative and hassle-free way to make money.

Erste, you need to choose an ecommerce platform. To sell digital downloads, you need a platform that supports digital products and automated delivery, wie Ecwid von Lightspeed.

Whether you have a site or a blog, Sie können einen Online-Shop, um es hinzuzufügen using Ecwid. Oder, if you don’t have a website yet, you can quickly set up one using Ecwid Instant-Site. It is an ecommerce website with a built-in online store that requires no coding or design skills.

Hiriwā Digital Art created their ecommerce website using the Ecwid Instant Site

Ecwid lets you upload files up to 25GB, which is ideal for digital artists, Musiker, or video creators. With this feature, you can upload high-quality files that appeal to customers and don’t have to worry about compression or quality loss when selling your products.

Just upload a file and your digital product is good to go

Auch, Ecwid bietet secure hosting and digital delivery for all your digital files. This means you are sure that your files are safe and cannot be accessed by unauthorized people.

Ecwid offers extra protection for download links. Download links can sometimes be shared with unauthorized people, resulting in stolen products. Mit Ecwid, you can set a self-destruct timer for download links or limit their usage. Rest easy knowing your products are secure, even if a customer shares a link online.

You can also disable or renew a download link in the order

Plus, Ecwid allows you to list an unlimited amount of files per product und Angebote unlimited file storage and bandwidth. Als Ergebnis, you have ample storage and bandwidth to support your store’s growth as it scales with time.

Schließlich, Ecwid ensures a safe download for customers. After the customer purchases the product, Ecwid automatically sends a secure download link.

Selling e-goods on Ecwid is straightforward – just upload the file and einen Preis festlegen. Remember to disable shipping for digital products. Sobald Sie eine Bestellung erhalten, update the order status to “paid,” and the customer will receive the download link automatically. If customers paid for the order online, they’ll be able to download the file right away.

Check out our Help Center for instructions on adding a digital product to your Ecwid store.

Examples of Selling Digital Products

Here are some real-life examples of businesses successfully selling digital downloads on their websites.

Business coach and Ecwid merchant Kyshira Moffett added an Ecwid store to her existing website to sell digital resources for business owners and entrepreneurs! Zu den digitalen Downloads gehören Planer, video webinars, und mehr.

Auch: So beginnen Sie so schnell wie möglich mit dem Verkauf von Online-Kursen

Wenn Sie Dienstleistungen verkaufen, zu, you can offer accompanying digital downloads as tools that complement your business. Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von Canva, ein kostenloses Design-Tool, als kostengünstige Möglichkeit, digitale Downloads zu verkaufen.

Take another Ecwid store, Ultimativ 5 Kader, zum Beispiel. His owner, RJ Rise, hat einen Kundenstamm mit kostenlos herunterladbaren Produkten aufgebaut, die er selbst mit Canva erstellt hat. These free worksheets help promote his business by gaining the trust of potential customers: “Maybe they’re checking me out for the first time out of curiosity. I want to make sure I give them a great special gift.” He could charge for it but would rather give it away and build their trust in the brand.

Wenn Kunden diesen kostenlosen digitalen Download bestellen, Sie erhalten ein 11-seitiges Arbeitsblatt!

Wie kann ich digitale Produkte ohne Website verkaufen??

But what if you don’t have a website? Keine Sorge! Wenn Sie nicht bereit sind, sich auf eine Website festzulegen, Es gibt einige Orte, an denen Sie noch digitale Produkte verkaufen können.


Meistens für handgefertigte Produkte gedacht, this marketplace allows you to sell digital downloads but not for free. Es gibt hidden fees associated with each sale. So, if you have a lower-priced product, Sie können nicht viel von einem Gewinn machen.

Social Media

Eine andere Alternative ist die Nutzung sozialer Medien, um Ihre digitalen Produkte zu bewerben und zu verkaufen. Jetzt, this requires lots of manual work, and you should know that it may deter customers. But if you really don’t want a website, then consider this option.

Überlegen Sie, wie Sie Zahlungen erhalten und wie Sie Kunden versichern können, dass Sie kein Betrug sind. Zum Beispiel, Sie können PayPal als Rechnungs- und Zahlungsmethode verwenden, um digitale Produkte online zu verkaufen. Und dazu mehr, gehe zur nächsten Frage!

Wie verkaufe ich digitale Produkte mit PayPal??

If you prefer a safe and reliable option, consider using PayPal as an invoicing tool to sell digital products online. It’s a trusted platform that offers security for both you and your customers.

Als der Kaufmann, Sie müssen herausfinden, wie Sie das digitale Produkt liefern können. Und während Sie das bewährte E-Mail-Format verwenden können, Möglicherweise finden Sie einige Sicherheits- und Dateilimitierungshindernisse.

If you’re serious about selling digital downloads online and want a seamless experience, an ecommerce platform like Ecwid is your best choice.

Können Sie digitale Downloads bei Amazon verkaufen??

The ever-popular marketplace giant Amazon certainly does not make it easy for you to sell digital downloads. Remember that they take a percentage fee, but the exposure could be worth it.

Wenn Ihre Produkte in diese drei Kategorien fallen, Der Verkauf bei Amazon könnte eine Gelegenheit für Sie sein.


In Partnerschaft mit Amazon Music, Musiker können ihre Songs hochladen und weiterverkaufen TuneCore. There is a charge to use the software, but Amazon does not charge a fee.

Selling music on Amazon with TuneCore


Talentierter Grafikdesigner? You can sell branded merch on Amazon with their Amazon Merch on demand feature.

Oder, if you open an Ecwid store, you can sync it to a print-on-demand service, Printful, and sell your merch on your website. Kein Inventar, kein Versand, no upfront costs. All print-on-demand orders are automatically printed and shipped in your store’s branding.


If you’ve written the next hit romance novel or compiled a family recipe ebook and want to sell it digitally, Mit Kindle Direct Publishing von Amazon können Sie „digital“ oder „on-demand“ veröffentlichen.

Erfahren Sie mehr: So erstellen und ein Ebook zu verkaufen

Mit jeder dieser Optionen, you are limited to those niche products. So, if you offer a variety of digital products, sticking with an online store gives you more flexibility and control.

Start Selling Digital Goods with Ecwid

Selling digital downloads on a website is straightforward, thanks to Ecwid. Als Inhaber eines Unternehmens, entrepreneur, oder Künstler, you can sell digital goods conveniently and efficiently. Plus, selling files on your website helps you avoid fees associated with listing your products on marketplaces.

Ecwid offers many benefits, such as secure hosting, extra protection for download links, unlimited files per product, and safe downloads to customers. It is a great option for anyone looking to sell digital downloads, as it is a reliable and user-friendly platform.

Start selling your digital downloads today with Ecwid, und beobachten Sie das Wachstum Ihres Unternehmens!

Über den Autor
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Trotzdem, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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