One-Tap Checkout with Apple Pay & Google Pay for Ecwid stores

This article was originally published in 2020. It was updated in 2022.

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for—now, you can let customers pay for orders with just a tap! All you have to do is set up Apple Pay and Google Pay for your Ecwid store.

Re-typing credit card details and shipping info is—unquestionably—the worst part of online shopping. Αυτό είναι ενοχλητικό. Είναι κουραστικό. Και πρόκειται για εντελώς πάρα πολλούς αριθμούς.

With Apple Pay and Google Pay for Ecwid stores, your customers can forget their credit card numbers all they want. They can complete the entire checkout process with a single tap.

Set up Apple Pay and Google Pay in your Ecwid store to create a simpler checkout process. This will encourage more shoppers to complete their purchases with a single tap. These payment options are available for free on all Ecwid pricing plans across 40+ χώρες.

What Are Apple Pay & Google Pay?

Before we expand on the benefits of getting paid with Apple Pay and Google Pay, let’s review what these payment methods are.

Η apple Pay is a mobile payment and digital wallet service by Apple. Με την Apple Pay, payment details are stored securely in the Wallet app. Customers can easily use it in Apple’s Safari browser across iPhone, iPad, και συσκευές Mac. Paying with Apple Pay is super fast and secure because of data encryption technologies and Touch ID/Face ID.

Google Pay is a digital wallet platform and online payment system by Google. It is available for Android users on their smartphones or computers. Just like Apple Pay, shoppers who use Google Pay don’t have to re-type their card details and shipping info every time they make a purchase. That information is already stored on their device and is automatically filled in when they confirm their order.

διαβάστε επίσης: Google Pay για επιχειρήσεις ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου: Πως δουλεύει

Ευκολότερη Ταμείο για τους πελάτες, Περισσότερες πωλήσεις για σας

So why are Apple Pay and Google Pay such revolutionary payment systems for online sellers?

Πρωτα απο ολα, shoppers love Apple Pay and Google Pay for security reasons. Customers’ card details are hidden throughout the transaction, which protects them from fraudulent merchants and security breaches. Apple Pay and Google Pay keeps their information safe, which is why many people turn to the apps for their shopping.

Then there is ευκολία. Όπως είπαμε, no one likes re-typing their credit card details and shipping info—even more so for mobile users. That’s another reason why online shoppers want to use Apple Pay or Google Pay when shopping in your store.

Apple Pay is used in 73 χώρες, and Google Pay is available in more than 40 χώρες. So even if you’re not an Apple or Google Pay user yourself, it’s likely many of your customers are.

As for those users already enjoying the convenience of Apple’s lightning-fast Apple Pay in other stores, adding their preferred payment system will give you a leg-up.

Adding Apple Pay and Google Pay to your Ecwid store is about more than doing something nice for your customers. Those payment methods offer an almost unbelievably smooth checkout experience for online shoppers.

The less friction you have in your checkout experience, the more sales you’ll have. Streamlined experiences stop shoppers from εγκαταλείπουν καροτσάκια τους. With fewer abandoned carts, you’ll make even more sales for your business.

Once you connect Apple Pay and Google Pay in your store, Ecwid will display a separate Apple Pay/Google Pay button on your checkout page signaling to customers that it’s available.

Πληρωμή με βρύση σε κατάστημα Ecwid

How to Enable Apple Pay & Google Pay in Your Ecwid Store

Depending on what country you live in, there are different ways to enable Apple Pay and Google Pay checkout in your Ecwid store.

Accepting Apple Pay & Google Pay in the US

US-based online sellers can accept Apple Pay and Google Pay through Lightspeed Payments. It is a safe and secure payment gateway in the US. Σας επιτρέπει να δέχεστε πληρωμές στο ηλεκτρονικό σας κατάστημα μέσω Apple Pay και Google Pay, along with major credit and debit cards.

Lightspeed Payments’ processing fees are lower compared to other payment gateways (2.9% + $0.30 ανά συναλλαγή). There are also no extra fees when accepting Apple Pay or Google Pay with Lightspeed Payments.

Another benefit of using Lightspeed Payments is that you can sign up for and access Lightspeed Payments right from your Ecwid control panel. You don’t need to go to a separate website to manage your payment gateway. αντι αυτου, you handle all things payment-related in the Ecwid control panel (payouts, Οι λεπτομέρειες πληρωμής, and refunds).

Ακολουθήστε αυτά βήμα-προς-βήμα οδηγίες in our Help Center to start accepting Apple Pay and Google Pay with Lightspeed Payments.

Accepting Apple Pay & Google Pay outside of the US

For online sellers outside of the US, the best way to accept Apple Pay and Google Pay is through Stripe. It is available in 47 χώρες including Canada, το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, Αυστραλία, Ιαπωνία, και τα λοιπα.

Με λωρίδα, you can also accept recurring payments and use the “Buy Now, Pay Later» επιχειρηματικό μοντέλο. Stripe also supports payment methods popular in the EU: giropay, SEPA, ιδανικός, αμέσως, Κλάρνα, and Alipay.

Το τέλος επεξεργασίας Stripe είναι 2.9% + 30¢. There are no extra fees when accepting Apple or Google Pay with Stripe.

Ενεργοποίηση της Apple Πληρωμή με λωρίδα χρησιμοποιώντας μας ολοκληρωμένη βήμα-προς-βήμα οδηγό στο Κέντρο βοήθειας.

Ενεργοποίηση της Apple Pay & Google Pay Today

With mobile shopping increasing in popularity, αποτελεσματικό ταμείο είναι μια μη-brainer για τους εμπόρους Ecwid. With a simple one-tap checkout via Apple or Google Pay, you can convert more shoppers by providing a seamless customer experience. Get more sales today!

Ενεργοποίηση της Apple Pay & Google Pay

About The Author
Qetzal είναι επικεφαλής των προϊόντων σε Ecwid. He loves to create new things to make people's lives easier.

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