8 Must-Have éléments d'un grand panier Email Abandonné

Convincing someone who has already visited your online store to come back can be a lot easier than attracting a whole new customer. Especially if that person had a serious intention to buy from you but didn’t for some unknown reason.

This is why abandoned cart emails are a great tool to recover lost sales. If a shopper has added items to their online cart but left your store without completing the purchase, you can still win them back with the help of an abandoned cart email.

Mais que pouvez-vous écrire dans un e-mail de panier abandonné pour les meilleurs résultats? Nous vous avons avons couvert! Voici huit principes incontournable des e-mails panier abandonnés.

What Is an Abandoned Cart Email?

According to the Baymard Institute, presque 70% of online shoppers have abandoned a cart. Think of all the potential sales that have been lost to the abyss of abandoned shopping carts! Heureusement, there is a way to recover some of those lost sales.

Un e-mail de récupération de panier abandonné is a follow-up email that’s sent to a customer who abandoned their online shopping cart. The abandoned cart email is triggered after customers leave your online checkout without finalizing their order. You can send an abandoned cart email manually or automatically.

Abandoned cart emails are designed to encourage customers to come back and complete their purchases. Habituellement, they feature the item a customer added to the cart and a call-to-action such as “Complete the purchase,” “Buy now,” or “Visit the store.” Optionally, you can add a discount coupon to make the abandoned cart email even more enticing.

An example of an abandoned cart email by Rudy’s

Si vous vendez en ligne avec Ecwid par Lightspeed, vous pouvez activer automatisé abandonné la récupération de panier for your online store in a single click. De cette façon, you won’t need to manually send out abandoned cart emails every time someone exits without buying a product, saving you tons of time.

Ecwid’s abandoned cart email template is designed to fit any business. You can also customize an abandoned cart recovery email template. Par exemple, you can add a discount coupon, edit your company info, add your logo to emails, change the message or email subject, et plus.

Voici comment faire ça. Make sure to take a look at this guide because it’ll help you follow the best practices below.

An example of an abandoned cart email you can send in Ecwid by Lightspeed

Must-Have Elements of an Abandoned Cart Email

Now that you know what an abandoned cart is, let’s discuss how you can make the most of it. Here are some best practices for making a convincing follow-up email.

Venez avec une ligne Creative Objet

A subject line is the first thing potential customers see in their inbox when they receive your abandoned cart email. Make sure it’s irresistible!

Your store’s name and a friendly reminder are a perfect match for a subject line. Vous pouvez essayer informel, cheerful phrases like “Look what’s waiting for you” or “Did you forget something?” A classier “You left products in a cart” is also good.

If you offer a discount coupon in your abandoned cart emails, it’s worth mentioning it right in the email subject line to grab customers’ attention at once.

You should also consider testing different subject lines. Tant que votre idée de ligne de sujet fait l'e-mail se démarquer et va bien avec votre marque, it’s worth trying out.

If you offer a discount, highlight it in the subject line

Le texte après la ligne de sujet est l'aperçu de votre e-mail, which also influences your open rate. Idéalement, the preview text should enhance your subject line, engaging recipients.

Comme un strict minimum, assurez-vous que l'aperçu et le sujet ne sont pas similaires.

Une ligne d'objet par défaut pour un e-mail de panier abandonné d'un magasin Ecwid est, “You left items in your cart.” You can always edit it to make it more fitting for your business.

Astuce bonus: Vérifiez comment votre lien d'objet s'affiche sur les smartphones et les tablettes à l'aide de ce testeur de ligne d'objet gratuit.

Ajouter le logo de votre magasin

Les logos de marque sont l'un des éléments visuels les plus puissants qu'une entreprise puisse utiliser. Ils donnent aux e-mails de votre entreprise un aspect professionnel et légitime. Ils aident également les clients à savoir immédiatement de qui ils ont reçu l'e-mail, alors assurez-vous d'inclure votre logo dans les e-mails de panier abandonné.

Habituellement, les marques placent des logos en haut de l'e-mail. It helps to remind customers about the purchase they almost made in the online store.

A default abandoned cart email template for Ecwid stores displays the store logo at the top left corner automatically:

Don’t forget to upload your logo on the notifications page in your Ecwid admin.

Aussi: Comment Créer Un Super Logo De Votre Marque

Différencier votre marque avec copie

Soyons honnêtes, votre e-mail sera probablement le premier abandonné email de panier dans la vie de vos clients. So your copy should stand out to increase the chance of customers clicking the call-to-action button.

Start by telling customers why your abandoned cart email is valuable for them. Maybe it’s a friendly reminder that you saved the cart for their convenience. Or you prepared an exclusive offer just for them, like a discount coupon. Create a bit of fear of missing out (de remplacement) by clarifying it’s a limited-time offer.

Pipcorn keeps their email fun and lighthearted

Your abandoned cart email copy should be conversational and polite. Speak to a customer like you would in real life. Use simple words and phrases. Those are the general best practices, but if your brand has a unique voice, don’t hesitate to express it in your email.

A default abandoned cart email template for Ecwid stores is written in a friendly yet professional tone. If you want to adjust the copy to your business a bit more, you can easily do it in your Ecwid admin:

Plus: Comment construire une marque: Un manuel pour les petites entreprises de commerce électronique

Offrez un coupon de réduction

Nothing grabs someone’s attention like a great deal. You can offer customers a discount coupon to encourage them to finish their purchase.

Playtronica adds a discount to their abandoned cart email

Cependant, some customers are so used to getting discounts for coming back that they abandon their carts on purpose. They will look forward to a special offer in your abandoned cart email. To prevent losing profits because of too many abandoned cart email discounts, avoid offering Black Friday-like deals. Sometimes as much as 5% off is already a good enough way to incentivize customers to finish the purchase.

Une autre stratégie consiste à ajouter des informations sur les offres spéciales en cours dans votre boutique en ligne au lieu d'offrir une réduction pour les produits qu'un client a laissés dans son panier..

Dyson met en avant ses produits exclusifs dans l'e-mail de panier abandonné

L'ajout d'un coupon de livraison gratuite fonctionne également très bien pour ramener les clients dans votre magasin. Vous pouvez tester différentes offres pour les e-mails de panier abandonné afin de trouver celle qui convient le mieux à votre entreprise..

Dans Ecwid, you can create discount coupons and add them to your abandoned cart email in a couple of clicks. Voici comment faire ça.

Liste tous les produits du panier

A big part of abandoned cart email marketing is showing customers what they almost bought.

Sometimes customers forget what products they were looking for. It won’t hurt to show them which items they added to the cart right in the abandoned cart email. The beautiful product pictures will remind customers how badly they wanted to buy your products. Ne pas oublier de lier chaque élément à sa page de produit dans le magasin.

Si vous vendez en ligne avec Ecwid par Lightspeed, your abandoned cart emails will display the list of abandoned products automatically—product images included! You don’t have to do anything manually here.

Add a Strong Call-to-Action

A call-to-action button, or CTA, is the culmination of your abandoned cart email. Everything that goes before that should be convincing enough to make people click.

Le bouton lui-même des questions, trop. Make it bright and distinctive. Add short and straightforward text. Expérimentez avec différentes CTAs. All of these can dramatically increase the conversion level. Par exemple, “Complete my purchase,” “Finish checkout,” “Get it now,” etc.

In Ecwid by Lightspeed, the abandoned cart email template already has a distinctive “Complete Order” button. It’s clear, simple, and fits all kinds of businesses.

Ajoutez votre Coordonnées

Imagine a customer is ready to finish the order but isn’t sure whether the order will arrive in time. Ou le coupon de réduction ne fonctionne pas. Ou ils veulent poser quelques questions. You need to have or be someone who can address their problems.

In case your abandoned cart email doesn’t answer a customer’s question, make sure they can contact you quickly. Add a phone number, adresse email, ou toute autre information pour les aider à entrer en contact avec vous et lever les doutes. S'ils peuvent contacter votre magasin, les clients se sentiront plus à l'aise d'acheter.

Vous pouvez également ajouter des liens vers les pages de médias sociaux de votre boutique ou l'adresse du magasin pour aider les clients à trouver plus d'informations sur votre entreprise..

In Ecwid by Lightspeed, votre e-mail de panier abandonné affiche les informations de contact spécifiées sur le Paramètres Généraux page in your Ecwid admin.

Faire à votre façon

Vos e-mails de panier abandonné doivent ressembler et sonner comme s'ils provenaient de votre magasin, not some other online shop. That’s why don’t hesitate to tweak the email as you like to adjust it to your business.

Par exemple, you can design your abandoned cart email in corporate colors and choose a serious brand voice for your message. Ou vous pouvez envoyer une lettre amicale, as if you wrote it on your way to the office or while waiting in traffic—without logos and decorations. Such reminders look more personal and are perfect for small, “cozy” shops.

Peel keeps it simple

Customers will appreciate the service and attention. Même si elles ne terminent pas leur ordre, they can share some valuable feedback if they feel the email was written by a real person. Comme pour les grandes marques, ils n'envoient pas souvent de telles lettres.

Avec Ecwid par Lightspeed, you have the complete freedom to edit the abandoned cart email as you like. You can easily customize the default template by changing the message or email subject, editing company info, and adding your logo to emails. Usually that’s enough to adjust the default email template to your business. If you need deeper brand customization, such as changing text formatting or color or inserting additional images, vous pouvez également edit the HTML template.


An abandoned cart email helps to recover lost sales by reminding customers of the items they left behind and providing a link to the product pages.

Now you know what you need to create an irresistible abandoned cart email for your online store. Let’s revise:

En suivant les bonnes pratiques ci-dessus, you will definitely increase your abandoned cart recovery rate and drive more sales to your online store. Heureux de vente!

A propos de l'auteur
Anna is a content creator at Ecwid. She loves big cities, pasta and Woody Allen's films.

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