Ecommerce Packaging: Everything You Need To Know

The significant number of competitors means online businesses must do whatever they can to differentiate themselves. There are many ways to do so, but one of the best and easiest is packaging. Let’s take a closer look at the general principles of ecommerce packaging and the best ways to go about it.

Product Packing Basics

Product packaging has three purposes. The first two are well-known: protecting a product during shipping and ensuring it arrives at the appropriate destination through the shipping system. The third is to present a branding experience au client, which is an often underutilized purpose by many ecommerce companies.

Several factors go into product packaging, including selecting the right packaging, inserting padding and protection, sealing the package, et l'expédition.

Packaging for Ecommerce: Protecting Products

Tout d'abord. Packaging is meant for protection.

Il n'y a rien de pire que de commander un article en ligne, attendant patiemment qu'il arrive, et de l'avoir présentent à votre porte dans une fracture de la, désordre mutilé. Mais malheureusement, c'est assez souvent. According to various online resources, comme beaucoup comme 1 dans 10 les envois sont endommagés en transit.

Pour vous, this means it’s important to ensure your orders are properly packaged to minimize that risk.

While the exterior package already adds some level of protection, internal padding is often needed for protection during shipping. There are several options for this, y compris:

Don’t ever skimp on internal packaging protection. While it may save cost in the short term, it can add up when returns or refunds begin to stack up.

De plus, damaged products can create a negative brand image, leading to customers leaning toward other brands or bad reviews.

Types of Product Packaging for Ecommerce

Before going any further, let’s take a quick look at the various types of packaging for ecommerce. Ces inclure:

Corrugated Boxes

Corrugated cardboard boxes are retailers’ most common form of packaging. Ils sont general shipping boxes that can be purchased from any store or postal service.

An example of corrugated boxes. Source de l'Image: Amazon

There are many different types and sizes of corrugated boxes, which make them a popular option for many sellers. This is especially true for those who sell large products.

Tuck Top Product Boxes

Tuck-top boxes are a separate type of cardboard box with tabs to secure it shut. They may have one tab that goes into the inside front of the box or two tabs that slide into the sides.

An example of tuck top boxes. Source de l'Image: Amazon

These boxes are most commonly used for small or medium-sized products, but there are some larger versions as well.

Padded Mailers

Padded mailers are an excellent option for smaller products and those needing extra protection.

An example of padded envelopes (mailers). Source de l'Image: Amazon

These are essentially envelopes with bubbles or additional padding inside. They are great for jewelry, livres, l'électronique, et plus.

Poly Mailers

Poly mailers have become an increasingly popular option for many sellers. These envelopes are commonly made from paper or polyethylene LDPE.

An example of poly mailers. Source de l'Image: Amazon

They are light, abordable, and self-sealing, making it easy to package many products. Cependant, their size and durability do limit the contents.

Choosing the Ideal Product Packaging

The proper packaging for a product can vary between sellers and the particular product. Cependant, here are some immediate points to consider:

L'Achat De Matériaux D'Emballage

Quand il s'agit de trouver un fournisseur pour vos matériaux d'emballage, vous avez besoin d'une entreprise qui peut vous fournir de haute qualité, polyvalent, l'expédition des produits que vous aider à démarrer votre matériel en toute sécurité pour le client.

Some options for sourcing your packaging include eBay, Alibaba, et PaperMart (pour ne citer que quelques). Pour la plupart, buying these shipping materials in larger quantity means getting a larger discount — so don’t be afraid to stock up.

Pourquoi stock? Because as you source your packaging materials, you’ll need to figure those costs into the retail price of your item (ou à ajouter sur un de livraison supplémentaires/des frais de manutention de). La maîtrise des coûts dans le département d'emballage signifie des prix plus abordables pour les clients et les marges plus importantes pour vous.

Going Above and Beyond with Product Packaging Design

Many ecommerce sellers default to using the easiest or cheapest product packaging. While this is understandable in the early days of an ecommerce store, sellers should try to shift to creating an impression with their packaging.

En d'autres termes, il est essential to design packaging that is pleasing and impactful to the customer. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that can be achieved.

Packaging Design Points

Some ecommerce businesses may not know where to begin when it comes to designing packaging for ecommerce. Heureusement, some immediate design points can be considered, comme:

L'Emballage De Personnalisation

La personnalisation est toujours une bonne chose, et il ya un couple de façons différentes que vous pouvez accomplir cela pour votre emballage. L'option qui convient le mieux pour vous dépendra de vos besoins et de votre budget. Nous allons nous intéresser à deux voies différentes, ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients des deux.

BRICOLAGE de Personnalisation

If you are a small to mid-sized ecommerce business and are managing the shipping process on your own, vous pouvez mettre en œuvre la personnalisation de l'emballage standard que vous avez commandé avec l'aide de la coutume-faites de timbres, autocollants, et du ruban d'emballage qui renforcent l'image de marque de votre entreprise. C'est un plus sur les mains et approche du temps, mais les œuvres pour ceux qui veulent réduire l'emballage des dépenses liées à.

An example of a crafted package design

Pros: The DIY customization route adds a personal touch to packaging, comme chaque commande sera un peu différente que les autres. C'est aussi beaucoup plus abordable à ajouter, ces personnalisations sur votre propre.

Cons: Adding the custom stamp and/or branded stickers to your packaged orders will take more time, et ne pas regarder aussi standardisés que si vous avez utilisé personnalisé, marque emballage.

Emballage Personnalisé

Pour ceux qui veulent un plus standardisée et de look soigné pour leurs commandes expédiées, custom-made emballage peut être la voie à suivre. You can design and order custom packaging from sites like Packlane or Pakible, et de créer des matériaux d'expédition qui renforcent votre image de marque.

An example of a custom package design

Pros: Chaque commande, l'emballage est exactement le même, et c'est une étape de moins pour vous, dans le département de l'exécution des commandes. Ce look est soigné et professionnel.

Cons: Dans l'ensemble c'est plus cher, et il n'a pas la main touche que l'approche de DIY n'.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

The rise in ecommerce has also led to a significant increase in waste production, which has made more people concerned about the environmental impacts. Heureusement, this has also contributed to an increase in emballage écologique.

Mushroom packaging for Mr Bailey x adidas Originals OZLUCENT sneakers

There are ample eco-friendly materials, packaging made from recycled materials, et plus. This can be a great way for ecommerce businesses to adhere to their eco-friendly standards and appeal to customers with the same interests.


Product packaging is a critical part of ecommerce, and there can be a lot to it.

Cependant, creating or finding the proper packaging that protects your products and elevates your brand can be key to ecommerce success.

We hope this guide helped you learn everything you need about product packaging.

Good luck in your selling journey!

Foire Aux Questions

We have compiled some common questions asked by those new to online selling.

What is ecommerce packaging?

Ecommerce packaging is the supplies and process associated with enclosing, protecting, and shipping a product to a customer.

Is there a standard packaging for ecommerce purposes?

There is no standard packaging for ecommerce products, as it can vary depending on the product’s size, fragility, et plus. Cependant, cardboard boxes tend to be the most common choice.

Do you need packaging stamps for ecommerce products?

Packaging stamps can be an easy way to add the address to any packaging when self-fulfilling. Cependant, it is more common to use prepaid shipping labels with all the necessary information to save time and shipping costs.

A propos de l'auteur
Lina is a content creator at Ecwid. She writes to inspire and educate readers on all things commerce. She loves to travel and runs marathons.

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