Small Business Upgrades: Ecwid Best Tools for Growing Your Store

“New Year, new me!” Or should we say “New Year, new e-com tools”?

Even if you take New Year’s resolutions with a pinch of salt, it never hurts to pause and reflect on your small business’s practices. And figure out some goals for the coming year. Should you make the products in your storefront more noticeable? Do you use your marketing tools to their fullest? Have your customers been asking about new shipping and payment options?

Instead of making a recap about us, we’re making it about you. We’d like to make sure you tap into the best Ecwid tools we launched and updated this year. All of them were created with one goal in mind – to make YOUR business more successful. Let’s dive to our breakdown!

U ovom postu, how-to:

Leverage Email Marketing with Mailchimp

E-pošta je spas za vlasnike malih tvrtki: jeftin je za korištenje, i oduzima manje vremena od drugih oblika marketinga. Kako bi Ecwid prodavačima bio još pristupačniji i lakši za korištenje, sklopili smo partnerstvo s jednom od najpopularnijih platformi za e-mail marketing, Mailchimp.

Evo kako možete koristiti Mailchimp alate za povećanje prodaje:

Uz Mailchimp, možete dopustiti svojim klijentima da kupuju vaše proizvode izravno iz e-pošte

Nauči više o Mailchimp za vašu Ecwid trgovinu.

Send Automated Marketing Emails

Znamo da si vlasnici malih tvrtki često ne mogu priuštiti vlastiti marketinški tim koji bi se pobrinuo za sve promotivne potrebe. Zato smo lansirali učinkovit alat za automatizaciju marketinga – automatiziranu e-poštu.

Ovaj praktični alat omogućuje vam automatsko slanje prilagođenih prodajnih e-poruka svojim kupcima kada obave određene radnje u vašoj trgovini. Na primjer, kada dodaju novi proizvod u svoje favorite ili završe kupnju. To osigurava da se e-poruke šalju pravoj osobi u pravo vrijeme za interakciju s kupcima i povećanje prodaje.

Najbolja stvar kod automatizirane e-pošte? Ne morate pisati kopiju, postaviti e-mail kampanje, ili segmentirati publiku - o svemu se brinemo! Sve što trebate učiniti je omogućiti automatiziranu e-poštu na vašoj upravljačkoj ploči Ecwid.

Neaktivne klijente možete vratiti automatiziranom e-poštom koja prikazuje vaše najprodavanije proizvode i neobavezni kupon za popust

Saznajte više o sedam vrsta automatizirane e-pošte možete poslati putem Ecwid E-commercea.

Get More Attention to Your Items with Product Subtitles and Ribbons

Lakše je prepoznati proizvod koji vaši kupci traže, vjerojatnije je da će dovršiti kupnju. Sada imate dva dodatna alata koji će vam pomoći u tome – podnaslove proizvoda i vrpce proizvoda.

Podnaslovi proizvoda kratki su dijelovi teksta koji opisuju stavku na vašem popisu proizvoda. Ovaj opis može biti posebna ponuda, popis sastojaka, popis dostupnih usluga, ili bilo koje druge informacije koje bi kupcu mogle biti potrebne za donošenje odluke o kupnji.

Možete koristiti podnaslove proizvoda za promicanje ponude ili prikaz sastojaka

Naučite kako istaknuti vrijednost svojih predmeta pomoću titlovi proizvoda.

Vrpce proizvoda su oznake u boji s tekstom prikazanim preko njih. Omogućuju vam da privučete pozornost na istaknute proizvode na vašem izlogu, bilo da se radi o bestseleru, predmet prodaje, new product, or any other item that deserves a spotlight.

You can use product ribbons to highlight a sale item, services available, or a new product

Learn how to get more eyes on your storefront with product ribbons.

Accept Tips at Checkout

Tipping is a common practice when you’re out and about, but it’s not just for the offline world anymore. In our pandemic-stricken economic landscape, supporting small businesses is more important than ever, and many people would love an opportunity to do exactly that. Stoga provjerite jeste li omogućili savjete u svojoj trgovini.

Uz Ecwid e-trgovinu, možete omogućiti opciju davanja napojnice na blagajni kako biste svojim klijentima omogućili da izraze svoju zahvalnost za pozitivno iskustvo s vašom tvrtkom.

Možete prikupljati napojnice kao postotak narudžbe ili određeni iznos. Kupci mogu odabrati jednu od varijanti (“Bez napojnice” je također opcija) i dovršite postupak naplate.

Možete urediti naslov i opis odjeljka s napojnicama kako želite

Nauči više o prihvaćanje napojnica u vašoj Ecwid trgovini.

Add Popular Payment Options to Your Store

A lack of preferred payment options is one of the primary reasons why shoppers abandon their carts. We can’t stress enough how important it is to give your customers more payment options – especially common and convenient ones they’ve come to expect at checkout.

Nothing beats Apple Pay i Google Pay, as they allow your customers to pay in a single tap. What’s more convenient than that? Set up Apple Pay and Google Pay to offer simpler payments and encourage more customers to complete their purchases.

With Apple Pay, customers don’t need to re-type their credit card details or shipping info

Learn how to enable one-tap checkout with Apple Pay.

Apart from convenience, don’t forget about customer preferences. Some people prefer card payments, some like to pay with an invoice, others use online banking methods. You can’t go wrong with having multiple payment options in your store.

In addition to the 50+ payment methods already supported by Ecwid E-commerce, you can accept payments with some of the most popular platforms in Europe: Klarna, PayPal Plus, idealan, Giropay, Odmah, i SEPA.

With Klarna, you can let your customers pay for their orders via three options, including installment payments

These payment options are incredibly common among European customers. Ovih dana, they expect them at checkout. Tako, if your store is located in Europe, or you have lots of customers from European countries, those payment options are your ticket to more satisfied shoppers and less abandoned carts.

Learn more about accepting payments with Klarna, PayPal Plus, idealan, Giropay, Odmah, i SEPA.

Upgrade Your Shipping Options

Ako imate trgovinu Ecwid, you already know that you can connect it to major shipping companies. The best thing is that you can also display real-time shipping rates at checkout for some carriers. That means rates are calculated based on the order weight, parcel or product dimensions, and delivery address.

With automatic shipping rates, you can charge your customers the same rates you pay when shipping their orders, so your delivery costs are always covered.

We’ve already enabled your shop to display real-time shipping rates for such companies as USPS, FedEx, Australijska pošta, and Canada Post. But this year we also launched automatic shipping rates for kraljevska pošta and updated our integration with UPS. If you ship (or want to) with one of those companies, make sure to enable their real-time rates at checkout!

If you’d like to streamline your shipping routine even more (while also saving time and money), don’t overlook one of the most prominent Ecwid tools of the year. We’re talking about printing discounted shipping labels right from your Ecwid Control Panel.

No need to go to the post office and wait in line. Now you can automatically generate labels and calculate shipping costs izravno s vaše upravljačke ploče. All you have to do is to print your labels at home, stick them onto your parcels, and drop orders at your front door for your postal worker to grab on their regular route (make sure you schedule a pickup with USPS).

Right now this service works only with USPS deliveries for the US. But we’re working hard to extend the service’s capabilities in the future!

Buy and print a shipping label for domestic shipments via USPS in your Control Panel

Nauči više o printing discounted shipping labels at home with Ecwid E-commerce.

Perfect Local Delivery

This year proved that offering delivery is vital for local businesses such as restaurants, trgovine, and other stores as a way to stay competitive. That’s why we wanted to make managing local deliveries easier for you. So we launched not one but several tools for that.

Local delivery differs for many businesses. A grocery store might not deliver on Sundays. Small shops might only deliver orders over $40 to keep it cost-effective. To fine tune local delivery settings for your store and manage orders with ease, možeš limit delivery by order total and operating hours.

What if you only deliver in a four block radius? Forget about zip codes or creating complex rules: jednostavno draw the delivery area on a map with our tool:

Draw a delivery zone to limit where you deliver to

Learn more about limiting delivery by zone isporuke, order total, and operating hours.

To nije sve! Također možete ask your customers for a preferred delivery date (ili datum i vrijeme) na blagajni, so customers know exactly when their order will arrive. No need for them to email or call you to get a delivery status update, or spend a whole day waiting anxiously by the door for a courier.

Customers can choose their preferred delivery time based on your business hours and order processing specifics (na primjer, order preparation time.) This is a life saver for businesses that offer local delivery or collect pre-orders for a specific date or time.

You can ask for both delivery date and time at checkout or for the delivery date only

Learn more about setting up delivery time picker for your store.

Upravljajte svojom trgovinom u pokretu

The Ecwid Mobile App is a simple way to have access to your store wherever you go. Add products, manage order and inventory, design your store, accept payments – you can do it all with our app. And when we say anything, we mean it! You don’t even need a computer to set up your online store. You can create your entire store using just our app!

The Ecwid Mobile App is a convenient, brzo, pouzdan, and secure business tool, and guess what – we made it better this year. Our apps for iOS and Android now support Spanish, francuski, Italian, and German. Now you can do everything listed above in your preferred language!

Naravno, we didn’t stop there. The Ecwid Mobile App improved a ton, and here’s just a couple of new ways you can use it:

Editing products in Ecwid Mobile App

Nauči više o using Ecwid Mobile App.

Povežite svoju trgovinu s online poslovnim alatima

When you run a small business, you often need to work smarter, not harder. Na primjer, eliminate repetitive tasks that take too much time. We have just the right tool for that!

This year we updated our integration with Zapier. It is an app and services connector that allows you to automate daily tasks that involve using Ecwid and 2,000+ aplikacije. You can do it yourself, without coding or relying on developers to build the integration.

Here are just a few examples of how to make your workflow more convenient with Zapier:

Nauči više o using Zapier for your business.

Sell Beyond a Storefront with Buy Buttons

The Buy Button is a tool that’s been around for some time. But ours got a recent revamp. Now you can get your products in front of customers by adding a shop button anywhere on a website: a homepage, a sidebar, a landing page, blog, a gallery, i tako dalje. You can even add Buy Buttons to your partner websites or onto Error 404 stranice!

Apart from promoting products on your site or partner websites, Buy Buttons demonstrate every advantage of your product, and allow a shopper to buy it right away. When customers click a Buy Button, they are instantly taken to the checkout with various payment options and shipping methods.

Now you can also change the look of a Buy Button to match your website’s aesthetic. Choose from four available Buy Button layouts and customize it to adjust it to your needs.

You can see a preview of your Buy Button when customizing it

Nauči više o selling with Buy Buttons.

Napravite web mjesto za e-trgovinu u WordPressu putem Ecwida za Elementor

WordPress users Elementor page builder for a reason. It is a free drag-and-drop page builder that allows you to create beautifully designed WordPress pages in no time, code-free.

With the Ecwid E-commerce plugin, you can add your online store directly in the Elementor editor. Whether it’s a whole storefront or a single product — drag, odbacite i počnite prodavati. It doesn’t get any simpler than that!

The Online store widget allows you to display the whole storefront on a page

Nauči više o using Ecwid widgets in Elementor.

Never Miss an Update

We wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the biggest Ecwid E-commerce updates of the year. But of course, there are more tools, tweaks and improvements we’ve made. We just couldn’t fit them all in one blog post! Međutim, there are several ways to always stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest:

Posljednji, ali ne manje važno, we’d like to say thank you for selling with Ecwid E-commerce! Budite uvjereni, we have way more tools and services coming your way!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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