Kako izgraditi svoju web stranicu za e-trgovinu od nule (3 Laki koraci)

Čestitke su na redu! Ozbiljno. Your goal of starting your ecommerce business has likely been weighed down by the stress that comes with learning everything you need to know to get started. Ali sad, here you are. One step closer to taking the leap into the landscape of your dreams, reaching for that business empire with all you have. So let’s get you going headed in the right direction.

Dosada, depending on how much coffee you consume at night and how many nights you have been making lists in your head of how to build out your ecommerce idea, it’s probably becoming clear that information overload is a real thing. Our job is to help you understand the crucial parts (and give you some insider tips) of quickly creating a powerfully engaging, customer-making machine. We’ll show you how to create an online store, getting it set up and running smoothly.

We have created a list that’s above all, simple to implement. It’s just 3 easy steps. Tako, let’s get started with step 1: decide on a web builder.

Take the Guesswork Out Of Choosing A Web Builder

When the thought of creating your very own successful online business first crept into your mind, you knew right away that you would need a, um…website.

Ali, if you are like most of us, you don’t know the first thing about coding or programming. So how can you possibly make a website build happen? Maybe you’ve heard of something called a “website builder” which is supposed to do the work for you. But then, how do you choose a website builder that isn’t too bulky, complicated, or out of your budget? Pitanja poput ovih mogu vas ostaviti zaglavljenima, oduzimajući zamah svojoj potrazi poput ispuštanja zraka iz balona.

Kao što ste mogli primijetiti, pitanja vezana uz značajke web stranice kao što su: želim li opsežan odjeljak bloga? Poboljšana galerija fotografija za proizvode? Značajke društvenih medija kao što su Facebook i Instagram, itd? može nadvladati poduzetnika koji tek počinje.

Stoga, prvi, morate odlučiti što želite da vaša web stranica radi, Tada možete početi birati graditelja. Ako vas zbunjuje razmišljanje o tome koje su značajke standardne, to također nije tvoja krivnja. Postoji na tisuće izbora. Tako, pogledajte nekoliko stranica potencijalnih konkurenata u vašoj industriji, i pregledajte njihovu web-lokaciju za potencijalne stvari koje morate imati za svoju web-lokaciju.

Zapišite te stavke i dobit ćete svoju varalicu koja će vas voditi naprijed. Upotrijebite ovu varalicu da suzite izbor graditelja web stranica koji odgovaraju zahtjevima. Sada, različiti graditelji zahtijevaju različite razine vještina i cijene su na različitim razinama.

Znam, Znam…

Ali, before you start the painful task of searching out each web builder individually, to attempt to decide if their learning curves are worth it, just know…we’ve made it super easy. We’ve already built a barrier-breaking website builder with virtually no learning curve to understand—chock full of features that are satisfying to even the most robust ecommerce needs.

Ne spominjati, it comes with a cost that doesn’t make any sense (in a good way!). But more about all of this in a bit.

After you decide on a website builder, you must choose either a template or a designer to create your online store. Stay with us. You’re getting closer and closer to selling products online.

To Template or Not to Template: That is the Question.

That is the ONLY question you need to answer at this point. So don’t let this part of your journey become muddy with competing ideas. We are here not to let it. Choose an option and then move ahead with your plan. For your online store design, choose a template design or pay a pro to customize your design. To je to.

Templates work great! You want to make sure the products you wish to sell fit the overall feel of the design. Otherwise known as the theme. Također, ensure the theme functions in a way that works, showcasing product photos.

Bilo kako bilo, a large amount of money doesn’t need to be spent to be successful here. Kao vlasnik tvrtke, do not fall into the trap of thinking custom is always better. Many times, adding specialized applications to your templated ecommerce site does more to add a function than you expected. Često, ove aplikacije djeluju na prilagodljiv način čineći vašu web stranicu izgledom, osjetiti, i funkcionirati kao i najbolji alat za izradu web stranica koji se novcem može kupiti.

Ecwid vas je također pokrio s ovim. Kad je riječ o predlošcima, trgovina aplikacija sa stotinama aplikacija, i mogućnost prilagodbe, čuvamo ti leđa. Ali, prije nego što vam dam detalje o tome kako, dopustite mi da objasnim vaš treći korak.

Saznajte kako odabrati i povezati svoju domenu

Vaša web stranica izrađena od nule je gotovo dovršena. Nadajmo se, you are beginning to understand that it’s NOT too late for you to join the ranks of successful ecommerce companies. There is no time like the present, and since you are very close to starting, let’s put off not put this off until tomorrow and instead, plow ahead.

You are at your last step of this part of your eCommerce journey. Sada, it’s time to choose a domain name.

This is the name people will type into search engines to find your site. A couple of tips in selecting a domain name are these:

  1. Jednostavnost (think about what you want to sell)
  2. Double-Check Spelling
  3. Avoid Numbers or Hyphens
  4. Add Keywords only if they make sense

Sljedeći, you’ll need to register your domain through a hosting service. Some website builders come with this function built inside of their platform.

Now you’re ready to make sure you’re connected to the internet. After a few minutes have passed from the time you registered your domain, type in your website.

Do you see it in your search engine? Boom! Congrats! Now you’re almost ready to start selling.

Stay tuned for future articles that will highlight how to set up your inventory, ship, work with 3rd party logistics (3PL), add products to your functional (!) web mjesto za e-trgovinu, set up a shopping cart, offer credit card payment processing, i više.

Knock-Out All 3 Steps in 1 Potez (For Free)

Ecwid lends its helping hand to the entrepreneur longing to create a platform to sell that is easy and efficient. Using a single control panel, you can build an ecommerce website, Imenuj, i lansirati ga na svim društvenim medijima i platformama za e-trgovinu. Plus, you can also monitor your sales and marketing efforts online from…you guessed it, ista kontrolna ploča.

Sada, što mislite koja je poštena cijena za prilagodljivu platformu za e-trgovinu. Onaj koji ima stotine dostupnih dodatnih aplikacija. (za analitiku, obrada plaćanja, marketinška strategija, itd.)

Pitamo jer Ecwid nudi Forever Free plan za početak.

To znači da nema prepreka da svoju web stranicu počnete izrađivati ​​od nule, SADA. Pa što čekaš? Zaslužujete ganjati svoje ambicije. Započni sada! You can combine all three steps to building an ecommerce store from scratch into a single action.

Dovršavanje postavljanja može se obaviti u jednoj postavci. Pa opet, prestanimo čekati i počnimo odmah.

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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