Didn't Migrate to Google Analytics 4? Here Is Why You Need to Do That Now

Running an online store or business comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of the main duties is to ensure that your website analytics are updated and accurate. Ovdje na scenu stupa Google Analytics. Pomaže u praćenju prometa na web stranici, mjeriti uspjeh oglasne kampanje, i pružiti smislene uvide.

Međutim, kao zaposleni vlasnik tvrtke, možda ste propustili veliku vijest: Universal Analytics prelazi na Google Analytics 4. Ako ste zaboravili napraviti ovu promjenu, ne brini! Ovaj blog post je ovdje da pomogne.

Zašto tvrtkama treba Google Analytics?

Prije nego što zaronimo u pojedinosti, trebali bismo objasniti zašto je Google Analytics ključan za vaše poslovanje. With Google Analytics, you can measure your website’s success and shortcomings, study your audience, track your marketing performance, and make decisions based on actual data.

You can gather information about audience behavior from analytics—like the most viewed pages on your website, time spent on a page, and device usage. These details can help you customize your website to improve user experience.

Jednostavno rečeno, Google Analytics help:

If you still haven’t set up Google Analytics for your Ecwid store, follow these steps from our Help Center. The instructions help you set up Google Analytics 4 so you’ll have the newest program set up for your Ecwid store.

Why Do You Need to Migrate to GA 4?

Universal Analytics is the previous generation of GA. Kao takav, zamijenit će ga Google Analytics 4 počevši od srpnja 1, 2023. Htjet ćete migrirati na GA 4 kako biste bili u tijeku s najnovijim analitičkim softverom.

Google Analytics 4 je ogromna nadogradnja Universal Analyticsa. Uključuje nove značajke osmišljene da pomognu tvrtkama da bolje razumiju svoje klijente. S ovim najnovijim sustavom, možete učinkovitije pratiti ponašanje korisnika i konverzije.

Noviji GA 4 također ima veći fokus na privatnost korisnika, s naglaskom na kontrolu podataka za korisnike. Uz poštivanje privatnosti kupaca, it allows you to collect data from your website and apps, both iOS and Android.

Plus, Google’s machine learning model allows you to estimate future user actions, such as the likelihood of someone making a purchase or stopping their subscription. It can help you predict future revenue!

Štoviše, Google has announced that Google Analytics 4 would be the future of their data platform. Tako, it’s wise to switch to Google Analytics 4 before Universal Analytics is phased out.

What Happens If You Don’t Switch to Google Analytics 4?

Sve do srpnja 1, 2023, možete koristiti i prikupljati nove podatke koristeći Universal Analytics. Međutim, Universal Analytics prestat će obrađivati ​​podatke u srpnju 1, 2023. Dakle, ako nakon toga želite nastaviti s učinkom svoje trgovine i oglasa, prijeđite na Google Analytics 4. Osim ako se ne želite odreći GA... Ali zašto biste to učinili?

Također, počevši od srpnja 1, imat ćete samo šest mjeseci da dohvatite svoje prethodno obrađene podatke iz Universal Analyticsa. Izvezite svoja povijesna izvješća unutar ovog razdoblja kako biste zadržali vrijedne podatke.

Kako migrirati na GA 4?

Let’s remember the main Google Analytics terms before diving into all the instructions. It’ll help you with the migration process.

A imovine is a website or mobile application with a unique tracking ID.

A Google tag is a tag you can add to your website to use Google products and services, such as Google Analytics and Google Ads. It helps you measure the effectiveness of your website and ads; na primjer, time spent on page, klikovi, and purchases.

For simplified tag management, you can use a free tool, Google upravitelj oznaka. Ako imate trgovinu Ecwid, možete jednostavno povezati Google Tag Manager sa svojim Instant web mjestom ili drugim web mjestom pomoću aplikaciju s našeg App Marketa.

Ciljevi izmjerite koliko vaša web stranica ispunjava vaše ciljane ciljeve. Jednostavno rečeno, cilj je aktivnost koja, kada se završi, doprinosi uspjehu vašeg poslovanja. Za web mjesto za e-trgovinu, cilj je obično kupnja.

Evo detalja upute o procesu migracije. Plus, evo videozapisa ako više volite video format:

Ne zaboravite migrirati na GA 4 putem desktop preglednika, ne mobilna aplikacija Analytics. Također, try to complete migrating in one session to minimize potential errors.


Switching from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 is vital, even if you miss the initial migration period. You want to continue analyzing your website traffic and gaining insights about your online store. Though it may seem daunting, the switch will ultimately give you results that benefit both your business and customers. Google Analytics 4 is the future of analytics. It’s never too late to jump aboard!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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