Ideje za nove proizvode za online prodaju: Trenutni trendovi & Kako ih prepoznati

Oslanjamo se na trendove koji nam govore mnogo o tome kako živjeti svoje živote.

Bilo da se radi o tome koju emisiju gledati, koju marku nositi, ili koga pratiti na društvenim mrežama, ono što je "u trendu" pomaže nam u svakodnevnom životu.

Pa zašto ne biste učinili isto za određivanje vrste proizvoda za prodaju na mreži?

If you want to open a store but are struggling to decide what to sell, trends can be a great tool. By analyzing search volume, market sizes, and global happenings, you can understand exactly which products to purvey — in 2023 i dalje.

Naravno, all that involves a lot of effort — so we’ve done it for you! Below, we’ve rounded up our top six trending products to sell online. And to make sure you always discover innovative product ideas, we’ll explain the steps to identify in-demand products.

How to Identify Good Product Ideas

Gotovi popisi sa cool idejama za proizvode su izvrsni, ali naučite osobu loviti ribu, pravo? Pri određivanju dobrog proizvoda, morate razviti svoje vještine uočavanja potencijalno virusnih proizvoda. To će vas odvesti dalje od toga da vam se govori što da prodajete. Nakon svega, ovu tehniku ​​možete koristiti za pronalaženje proizvoda za prodaju 2023 i u budućnosti.

Evo koraka koje trebate poduzeti kako biste pronašli proizvode koji će se prodavati kao alva:

Pinterest Predicts is a great way to explore what consumers are looking for

Naravno, there are more ways to spot in-demand products, from checking B2B marketplaces to exploring ecommerce trend publications.

To learn even more on how to identify viral products before your competitors, read our article on how to find trending products to sell online. By learning how to identify trend potential, you’ll be able to find products that are not only relevant but also have a solid chance of trending in the future.

Ideje za nove proizvode za prodaju odmah

Da ti dam prednost, sastavili smo popis proizvoda koji su trenutno u trendu i imaju dobar potencijal da postanu najprodavaniji u budućnosti.

Solarni paneli

109ºF u Tampi. 99ºF u Londonu. Dok se opasne razine topline spuštaju globusom, ljudi traže načine za borbu protiv klimatskih promjena.

Posebno, ljudi žele znati što sunce može učiniti za njih — savjet: čisto je, obnovljiva energija.

Iako su solarni paneli najpoznatiji po tome što smanjuju količinu ugljičnog dioksida koja se emitira u atmosferu i ubrzavaju klimatske promjene, postoje mnoge druge prednosti. To uključuje manje oslanjanje na mrežu, državni rabati, i niže račune za energiju.

Da — solarni paneli imaju mnogo toga za ponuditi.

Prema Google Trends, ljudi to počinju shvaćati puno. Dana 11. kolovoza, 2022 — pogonjen gorivom, možda, neuobičajeno visokim temperaturama — interes korisnika u Velikoj Britaniji za pretraživanje solarnih ploča porastao na rezultat od 100. Ovo je prvi put da je to učinjeno i predstavlja povećanje od više 100% od prosjeka prethodna dva mjeseca.

Pretrage solarnih ploča u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu u posljednjih pet godina (Google trendovi)

Što ovo znači za vas? Jednostavno rečeno, prodaja solarnih panela je unosan posao. Oni koštaju tisuće dolara za kupnju, instalirati, i popravak. Ovo je posao koji, posebno s globalnim zelenim inicijativama, stvarat će prihod još mnogo godina.

With coal and gas prices soaring and global catastrophes and military conflicts continuing to affect the economy, energy bills are hitting ever-increasing heights. Fossil fuels now represent not only an ethical concern for consumers but a monetary one, as well.

By selling solar panels, you can help satiate your local demand while becoming a part of (one photovoltaic cell at a time) the world’s transition to green energy. Boost both your bottom line and the planet’s prospects for a brighter future.

Selling solar panels can be a lucrative business

Vinyl Records

There’s something about vinyl records that feels wonderfully old-fashioned. Phonographs did, nakon svega, come out in 1948 — predating CDs by 34 godine, and the iPod by 53 godine.

Old-fashioned, maybe. Out of fashion? Not a chance.

Vinyl records account for a $1.3-billion global market and offer ever-growing appeal to a new, increasingly discerning generation of listeners (and we don’t just mean hipsters). Prošle godine, one in three albums sold were in physical vinyl form.

The best part about selling vinyl? Ljudi ih ne kupuju samo za vlastite kolekcije, ali i kao darovi za obitelj i prijatelje. Pogledajte ovu snimku zaslona Google trendova, na primjer. Pokazuje interes za pojam "vinilne ploče" u SAD-u. tijekom posljednjih pet godina:

Podaci Google trendova za "vinilne ploče" u SAD-u. tijekom posljednjih pet godina

Primijetite te šiljke? Ili, treba li reći, igle…

To je sezona praznika. Svake zime, potražnja za vinilnim pločama raste. To znači da s nekim ciljanim marketingom, sezonski pristup (i, suočimo se, sluh za dobru glazbu), možete iskoristiti tu potražnju. Možda ćete samo vidjeti kako vam profit raste, isto.

Kupci često kupuju vinilne ploče kao dar


U poslu, postoji neka potražnja koju ćete stalno moći osloniti.

Nekretnine napreduju jer će ljudi uvijek trebati negdje živjeti. Brza hrana stvorila je industriju vrijednu više milijardi dolara jer ljudima uvijek treba nešto za jelo, pogotovo kad su u pokretu.

Prodajni šampon je jedan od onih pouzdanih proizvoda jer će ljudi uvijek morati prati kosu.

Unatoč tome što je šampon malo oštećen 2020 (možda zato što ljudi nisu mogli doći do trgovine da ga kupe), the $94 milijardu tržišta proizvoda za njegu kose je na povratku. I unatoč svojoj 2020 blip (koji nisu tijekom pandemije?) Google trendovi potvrđuju stalni porast šampona u posljednjih pola desetljeća.

Podaci Google Trends za "šampon" u posljednjih pet godina u SAD-u.

Prodajem šampon, iako, zahtijeva predviđanje budućnosti. Kao što sugerira porast pretraživanja solarnih panela, potrošači postaju svjesniji planeta. Stoga će vas usklađivanje vašeg poslovanja sa šamponima s ekološkim vrijednostima pripremiti za, dobro… Održivo uspjeh!

Zato zaboravite parabene i palmino ulje. Odbacite plastične posude, i nemojte se približavati proizvodima koji su testirani na životinjama. Prodaja šampona nudi velike mogućnosti i dugoročne izglede - ali samo ako to radite kako treba!

Želite više savjeta o kako svoju online trgovinu učiniti održivijom? Naš detaljni vodič sadrži sve što trebate znati.

Šamponske pločice pomažu u smanjenju upotrebe plastične ambalaže

Saznajte više: 15 Vruće ideje za ekološki prihvatljive proizvode za online prodaju

Mjerice i žlice

The voracious demand for flour and sourdough starter kits may have vanished as soon as stay-at-home orders ended. But that pandemic-induced love of baking seems to have stuck around.

Exhibit A? The resurgence of measuring cups and spoons.

According to the Wordstream keyword tool, the term ‘measuring cups’ draws over 110,000 searches per month. Na sličan način, ‘measuring cups and spoons’ pulls in 5,400 mjesečne pretrage, dok 4,400 internet users are digging for ‘dry measuring cups’ every month.

Sve to znači da su mjerne čaše i žlice jedan od najpopularnijih proizvoda koji se prodaju na mreži. Ne samo unutra 2023, ili, ali ide naprijed: tržište kuhinjskog pribora će rasti $2.27 milijardi kuna između 2020 i 2025, tako da ima puno toga za kuhanje.

Uđite na tržište kuhinjskog pribora prodajom mjernih posuda i žlica

Jastuci za leđa

Kada je riječ o odabiru trendovskog proizvoda za prodaju, ponekad se morate osvrnuti da biste krenuli naprijed (doslovno).

Za vrijeme pandemije — kada su naše jazbine, Odjednom, became our offices — a scramble for adequate work-from-home equipment ensued.

Among them? Back cushions.

Yet despite the tide of the pandemic having largely receded, consumer demand for back cushions remains like the product — as firm as ever.

There is a demand for back cushions not only for office chairs, but for home offices too

Google Trends indicates that in 2022, searches for back cushions reached heights of almost double their 2019 levels and continue to hold steady. With the ongoing transition to hybrid working — and the widespread employer recognition now that flexible working policies are important — back cushions will only keep flying off the shelves.

Google Trends data for ‘back cushions’ for the last five years in the U.S.

Matcha Tea

U 2015, matcha tea exploded in popularity. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow took to Instagram to declare her matcha latte a “dreamy new discovery.” After that, people could not get enough of the drink.

Much like back cushions, međutim, matcha tea outlived the initial expectations around its popularity. Danas, matcha-flavored drinks have seen a growth of 202% u SAD-u. i 114% in the UK. Often marketed as a healthier alternative to coffee, matcha might just be coffee’s long-term successor — and you want to be in at the ground level.

Need some convincing around matcha’s rising popularity? Take a look at Google Trends:

Google Trends data for ‘matcha’ for the last five years in the U.S.

All this means, naravno, that selling matcha offers plenty of opportunities. Naravno, you can’t wind back the clock to when Gwyneth first professed her fondness for the drink, but to paraphrase an old Chinese proverb:

“The best time to start selling matcha was seven years ago. The second best time is today.”

Također možete sell tools for making matcha tea at home

To Trend or Not to Trend?

From solar panels and shampoo to measuring spoons and vinyl records, trending products offer big opportunities. You are, nakon svega, trying to find products with a proven demand. But you also want one that typically has good long-term prospects.

That said, don’t get too suckered in by ‘what’s hot now’. A healthy respect for the trends is best when blended with what you’re passionate about.

What do you want to sell? What product or service gets you out of bed in the morning? If you enjoy a particular line of work, it’ll keep you going — even when the going gets tough. Make sure to recognize and pursue work that you want to do.

Što je sljedeće?

Now that you know what products to sell and how to find products that will become popular, it’s time to start building your ecommerce business. Use the tips from this article, do your research, and create a store that sells products people want to buy.

To give you some direction, here’s what you can do after you find a new product idea to sell:

How to Patent an Idea or Product

Researching consumer trends can actually inspire you with a product idea of your own. To patent a new product, you’ll need to do a bit of research for the patent application process.

The patent application process might differ from country to country, so it’s best to consult with a lawyer specializing in intellectual property.

If you want to learn more about how to patent your product idea, listen to our podcast with an Ecwid merchant who successfully invented and patented a product herself: Inventing, Patenting, Manufacturing and Ecommerce.

How to Turn an Idea Into a Product

If you have a new product idea to sell but don’t know how to turn it into an actual physical product, there are a few ways you can do that. You can either produce the products yourself or look for manufacturers and suppliers who can help you with that.

It won’t hurt to create a product prototype since that will help you not only validate the product idea but also make sure manufacturers can actually produce your products.

If you want to learn more about how to take an idea and turn it into a product, pogledajte naš članak o how to create a product prototype.

How to Get a Product Idea to Market

Whether you decide to create trending products yourself or source them from suppliers, you need to get them to market. If you’re not sure how to go about that, our articles on how to start an ecommerce business will give you all the info you need to get started.

Provjerite Preparing to Launch section on the blog to learn everything you need to know for a smooth launch, od registracije vaše trgovine do odabira imena marke i pisanja opisa proizvoda.

Pronađite platformu koja vam odgovara

Sada kada ste odlučili koji ćete proizvod prodati, morat ćete negdje srediti da ga prodate. Ovo vjerojatno znači izrada web stranice. Uraditi ovo, morat ćete pronaći odgovarajući web host, a zatim dizajn, tržište, i proširite svoju online trgovinu na način koji će odjeknuti kod vaših kupaca.

Još je dug put do prodaje tvoje omiljeni (i idealno u trendu) proizvod.

Dobre vijesti? S nekim vremenom, napor, and hard work (and some luck), you can make your burgeoning business a brilliant success.

Continue to regularly explore current consumer trends to make sure you’re always up-to-date on what products are popular with your target audience. Pay attention to seasonal trends as well, so you can take advantage of holiday shopping periods.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to find and sell products that are in demand now and continue to be popular into the future.

About The Author
Rob Binns is a freelance copywriter and editor based in Melbourne, Australija. When not penning content about ecommerce and digital security, he’s playing (or watching!) nogomet, or relaxing in the sun with a book and a cold beer.

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