Konfekcija vs. Prilagođene platforme za e-trgovinu: Kako odabrati pravu

In the vibrant world of online commerce, the platform you choose to build your business upon can very well be the clay that forms your enterprise’s unique digital identity.

Much like an intricately styled garment, your ecommerce platform must fit your business’s every curve and contour to bring out its most marketable features. But does a platform’s bespoke nature always outshine the off-the-rack convenience?

U ovom članku, we’ll explore this critical decision business owners face: customizing a tailored solution from scratch versus picking up a pre-existing, off-the-shelf platform.

Understanding Off-the-Shelf vs. Prilagođene platforme za e-trgovinu

Before exploring the factors to consider in selecting an ecommerce platform, let us first clarify the distinction between off-the-shelf and custom ecommerce solutions.

Off-the-shelf platforms are ready-made solutions that come with a set of features and templates designed to suit various businesses. They can be purchased or subscribed to and generally have user-friendly interfaces for easy customization. Examples include Ecwid, Shopify, BigCommerce, i WooCommerce.

S druge strane, custom ecommerce platforms are built from scratch according to your business’s specific needs and requirements. They are highly customizable and can be tailored to fit your unique business goals, procesima, and branding. This option often requires hiring a team of developers and designers to bring your vision to life.

The Pros and Cons of Off-the-Shelf Ecommerce Platforms

Off-the-shelf e-commerce platforms are like a blank canvas – just waiting for your creative touch to make it your own. They’re super accessible and affordable, which is excellent for any business looking to quickly jump into the online world.

Quick Setup and Lower Initial Costs

Choosing a ready-made platform lets you get going fast without spending much time and money. These platforms come packed with all sorts of tools and features, so you can make a strong start and grab people’s attention right away, all without needing the extensive resources you’d usually put into a totally custom build.

Established Support

One of the huge perks of having an established platform is the robust support system that comes with it.

Gotove platforme nude tvrtkama niz lako dostupnih resursa, kao što je sveobuhvatna dokumentacija, forumi zajednice, i, najvažnije, posvećena korisnička podrška. Ova pristupačnost pojednostavljuje postupak rješavanja problema i traženja pomoći kad god je to potrebno.

Ugrađeno održavanje i redovita ažuriranja

Pružatelji redovito ažuriraju gotove platforme i implementiraju sigurnosne zakrpe, osiguravajući da internetska trgovina ostane aktualna s najnovijim značajkama uz brzo rješavanje ranjivosti. Značajno smanjuje opterećenje poslovanja za održavanje i upravljanje sigurnošću.

Međutim, gotove platforme također imaju neke nedostatke koje treba uzeti u obzir.

Ograničena prilagodba

Unatoč dostupnosti tema i predložaka, gotove platforme mogu biti ograničavajuće kada je u pitanju prilagodba. Možda neće biti moguće u potpunosti implementirati jedinstveni dizajn ili dodati prilagođene značajke bez opsežnog znanja o kodiranju.

Također: Kako odabrati najbolji alat za izradu web stranica za e-trgovinu

Prednosti i mane prilagođenih platformi za e-trgovinu

For businesses with highly specific goals and needs, a custom ecommerce platform may be worth considering. Here are some of its benefits:

Tailored to Your Business Needs

Custom ecommerce solutions allow for complete control over your online store’s features, oblikovati, procesima, and user experience. It all falls within your reach, be it complex inventory management, a unique customer relationship system, or one-click integration with a proprietary logistics platform. This level of personalization can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Više fleksibilnosti

Platforme prilagođenih košarica za e-trgovinu pružaju neusporedivu fleksibilnost, a ta autonomija omogućuje besprijekornu prilagodbu i rast bez ograničenja. Prilagođene web stranice za e-trgovinu mogu se bez napora prilagoditi i proširiti kako se poslovni krajolik razvija, jamčeći stalnu skalabilnost.

Tražite najbolju prilagođenu B2B platformu za e-trgovinu? Pogledajte ovaj članak, koji objašnjava kako odabrati B2B rješenje za e-trgovinu.

Higher Costs

Developing custom ecommerce platforms incurs greater development expenses than adopting ready-made solutions. A tailored solution demands additional time, resources, and technical know-how, leading to a more substantial initial investment for businesses. You’ll need a dedicated team of developers and designers to bring your vision to life, which may require a recurring expense for maintenance and updates.

Longer Time to Launch

Izrada prilagođene web stranice za e-trgovinu od nule znači prolazak kroz cijeli proces razvoja, od razmišljanja i dizajniranja do kodiranja i testiranja. Može trajati nekoliko mjeseci, za razliku od lansiranja u roku od nekoliko dana s gotovim platformama.

Potreba za razvojnim timom

Tvrtke koje se odluče za prilagođena rješenja za e-trgovinu preuzimaju odgovornost za kontinuirano održavanje i podršku. Ova odgovornost obuhvaća primjenu ažuriranja, ispravljanje grešaka, i implementacija sigurnosnih protokola. A committed team and considerable technical know-how are required to manage and maintain the platform efficiently.

Relying on a particular team for maintenance, upgrades, and support carries potential risks, especially if they become unavailable or if there’s a need to switch to a new team in the future.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ecommerce Platform

Now that we have a better understanding of the two types of ecommerce platforms, let’s delve into the factors you should consider when making this crucial decision.


Off-the-shelf platforms are often more affordable upfront, as they already have pre-made templates and features. Međutim, these platforms may charge additional fees for specific customization options or for using third-party apps.

S druge strane, custom platforms require a larger investment in time and money. In addition to hiring developers and designers, you will also need to consider ongoing maintenance costs.

Features and Flexibility

Standardne platforme dolaze s unaprijed ugrađenim značajkama koje mogu biti dovoljne za mala i srednja poduzeća ali bi mogao ograničiti potencijal rasta za poduzeća.

Prilagođene platforme nude gotovo neograničene mogućnosti prilagodbe, omogućujući tvrtkama stvaranje jedinstvenog korisničkog iskustva prilagođenog njihovim specifičnim potrebama. Međutim, ova razina fleksibilnosti ima svoju cijenu, budući da zahtijeva opsežno kodiranje i testiranje kako bi se osiguralo da sve značajke rade besprijekorno.

Veličina poduzeća i norme djelatnosti

Veće tvrtke često se odlučuju za prilagođena rješenja kako bi prilagodile svoje poslovanje, dok manji pothvati smatraju pogodnost gotovih platformi razumnijom.

Industrijska scena također nam daje neke naznake. Industrije koje trebaju vrhunske transakcijske sustave mogle bi odabrati prilagođene postavke, dok se drugi mogu sasvim dobro snaći sa standardnim platformama.

Proračun i dugoročne mogućnosti

Budžetiranje je ozbiljna stvar kada se uzme u obzir opseg platforme za e-trgovinu. While custom solutions initially command a heftier price tag, they provide you with a platform to grow without incurring additional licensing costs.

S druge strane, off-the-shelf platforms may seem less intimidating in their upfront costs. Još, they can become pricier as businesses outgrow their initial plans and require multiple add-ons to meet functional demands.

Balancing Ready-Made with Customization

In the world of ecommerce platforms, it’s rarely an all-or-nothing affair. Hybrid models that blend the convenience of off-the-shelf with strategic customizations could provide the best of both worlds. This approach can be particularly rewarding for businesses that wish to upscale organically, with the added cushion of features tailored to specific touchpoints within their market strategy.

Ecwid – Where Custom Meets Convenient

Enter Ecwid, the best customizable ecommerce platform. Suppose you’re looking for the nexus between custom-built flexibility and off-the-shelf simplicity. U tom slučaju, Ecwid nudi platformu prilagodljivu poput gline, čekajući vaš spretni dodir za izradu digitalnog remek-djela.

S Ecwidom, dobivate najbolje od oba svijeta:

Na vrhu toga, Ecwid offers in-house customization services that allow for deep customization without hiring your own development team. It will enable businesses to focus on their core competencies while still having the freedom to create a unique online shopping experience for their customers.

Tako, whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale your business, Ecwid might be your best ecommerce platform for customization, as it provides the perfect balance between customization and convenience.

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U e-trgovini, the platform you pick ties everything about your brand online. Whether you go for a tailor-made solution or grab something ready-made, it’s not just about what your business needs right now. It’s about choosing something that fits where you see your business going in the future.

Doing a deep dive into ecommerce platforms can clarify the main things to consider. It includes how well it plays with the tools you already use and if it can grow with your business. Get everyone involved, from the IT crew to the marketing gurus. They’ve got insights that could fill in any blanks you might miss.

For a perfect balance, smatrati Ecwid tvrtke Lightspeed, the easiest ecommerce platform to customize and a scalable solution that accommodates businesses of all sizes and industries. It’s loaded with impressive features, including a straightforward setup, robust marketing tools, and ample customization options. Plus, you’ll receive continuous updates and support as time goes on.

In today’s digital world, your online shop is the link between your brand and your customers. The ecommerce platform? It’s the glue that holds it all together. Pick the right one, and watch your business fly high with wings crafted just right.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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