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10 Best Rating and Review Tools for Online Stores

16 min read

U eri u kojoj na odluke o kupnji uvelike utječu online recenzije, imati jaku online reputaciju i puno pozitivnih svjedočanstava kupaca ključno je za svaku trgovinu e-trgovine.

Studije su pokazale da 87% potrošača kaže online recenzije utječu na njihove odluke o kupnji, i 84% vjerujte online recenzijama koliko i osobnim preporukama od prijatelja ili obitelji.

Imajući ovo na umu, to je ključno za vas, kao vlasnik trgovine, kako bismo mogli učinkovito prikupiti i prikazati recenzije kupaca.

U ovom sveobuhvatnom vodiču, we’ll discuss how to get customers to leave reviews and share our recommendations for the best customer review sites and tools at your disposal.

Why Use a Customer Review Tool for Your Online Store

Do you ever wonder what percentage of customers leave reviews? 52% of global internet users aged 25-34 leave reviews online. Tako, it’s only natural that customer reviews have become an essential part of the online shopping experience.

By reading reviews, customers gather valuable insights, allowing them to make informed decisions about the products they wish to purchase.

Customer reviews not only help your potential buyers in making decisions, but they’re also instrumental in building trust and confidence in your store, which ultimately results in higher sales and conversions.

Percentage of global internet users who post reviews online (Izvor: Državnik)

Plus, as an online store owner, reviews are helpful for you, isto. You can implement customers’ povratne informacije kako biste optimizirali svoje proizvode i usluge i poboljšali cjelokupno iskustvo kupnje.

Štoviše, vaša sposobnost da odgovorite na negativne povratne informacije potrošača značila bi da vam se može vjerovati, i u konačnici, pružanje rješenja za brojne brige kupaca dat će vam dodatne pozitivne kritike.

Mnogi vlasnici trgovina pitaju se kako zamoliti kupca za recenziju. Dobro, mnogi potrošači spremni su dati povratne informacije nakon što su to zamoljeni putem e-pošte ili nakon što su kupili vaš proizvod. Tako, it is a great idea to strive to increase the number of reviews on your products.

Međutim, collecting customer reviews manually can be a time-consuming and tedious task. This is where customer review tools come in – to make your life easier and help you take control of your online reputation.

You’ll need ecommerce review software or tools in order to maximize the reviews for your online store. Posebno, what these tools do is that they help you stay organized and manage your reviews effectively. Nakon svega, you are very likely to find tracking and responding to reviews more challenging as your store grows.

Tako, using review software or tools offers various benefits for your online store. To uključuje:

  • Efficient review collection: Automate the process of collecting reviews via email, SMS, or other channels, allowing you to gather more customer feedback effectively.
  • Streamlined review management: Easily respond to customer feedback and address any negative reviews, enhancing your store’s reputation and demonstrating excellent customer service.
  • Customizable display options: Showcase your customer reviews attractively on your website or product pages, boosting your store’s credibility and overall appeal.
  • Insightful analytics: Track the performance of your product ratings, svjedočanstva, and overall review trends to help optimize your marketinška strategija i ponude proizvoda.

You can ensure that nothing slips between the cracks and maintain your credibility by investing in a reliable ecommerce review tool.

Essential Features of Ecommerce Review Tools

Tako, what should you look for in a good customer review tool? Here are the essential features to consider:

The most important part of these tools is that they simplify the collection and management of reviews. They offer automated reviews, so you can avoid having to reach out to each customer manually.

Some tools offer rewards or incentives for customers who leave reviews, making it more likely for them to do so. If you’re not sure how to get customers to leave reviews, poticaji poput popusta na sljedeću kupnju mogu puno pomoći.

Usput, ako koristite Ecwid by Lightspeed za svoju online trgovinu, možete omogućiti zahtjevi za automatizirani pregled putem e-pošte jednim klikom – i ponudite popust kao poticaj ako to želite.

Primjer zahtjeva za automatski pregled koji možete postaviti u svojoj Ecwid trgovini

Dodatno, Korisnici Ecwida mogu lijepo prikazati prikupljene recenzije na svojim stranicama s blokovima Svjedočanstva kupaca za Instant stranica. S Ecwidom, također možete display reviews on product pages, which eliminates the need for a third-party platform.

Postoje različite vrste blokova za pregled kupaca za vašu Ecwid trgovinu

Budući da kupci mogu ostaviti recenzije na različitim internetskim platformama, možda biste željeli isprobati alat koji se integrira s platformama poput Googlea, Facebook, i Yelp, omogućujući vam prikupljanje recenzija iz različitih izvora.

Alati za pregled e-trgovine također mogu pružiti napredne značajke, uključujući Googleove isječke bogate SEO-om, višejezična podrška, mogućnost prikazivanja video i foto recenzija, i više opcija objavljivanja.

Najbolji alati za korisničku ocjenu i ocjenjivanje internetskih trgovina

To help you enhance your online store’s reputation and leverage these benefits mentioned, we’ve rounded up some of the top customer review tools available:


HelpfulCrowd is an all-in-one customer review and loyalty platform designed for online stores. With features like automated review collection, customizable display options, and insightful analytics, it’s a comprehensive solution for collecting, upravljanje, and leveraging customer reviews.

HelpfulCrowd offers a range of features to enhance your product reviews. With Google-friendly SEO snippets, Q&A sections, video reviews, and automatic translation in over 27 Jezici, they’ve got you covered. It also connects with Facebook and Google reviews.

HelpfulCrowd seamlessly integrates with your Ecwid store, so you can easily set up and manage customer reviews without any hassle.


TargetBay is a customer engagement platform that offers reviews, ocjene, and testimonial solutions for online stores. With features like automated review requests, customizable templates, forumi, and QA sections, it’s an excellent tool to manage your reviews effectively and boost your store’s reputation.

TargetBay also offers a visual product reviews feature where customers can upload photos of their purchased products alongside their feedback. It also lets you moderate reviews to stop spammers and showcase only genuine user-generated content.

All content generated is indexable by Google; it helps improve your organic ranking and customer engagement.

TargetBay also integrates with Ecwid stores, tako da ga možete jednostavno postaviti i početi prikupljati recenzije kupaca.

Automatizirani korisnički pregledi

Automatizirani korisnički pregledi šalje e-poštom anketu nakon kupnje svakom kupcu, omogućujući prilagodbu predloška e-pošte i nudeći kupone za popust. Zadovoljni klijenti preusmjeravaju se na web mjesto za pregled po izboru, dok se nezadovoljni kupci usmjeravaju na prilagođeni obrazac za povratne informacije. Ovuda, oni vas mogu izravno kontaktirati radi brzog rješavanja problema i izbjegavanja negativnih recenzija stranice.

Osim najčešćih stranica za recenzije poput Facebooka, Google recenzije, ili Yelp, the Automated Customer Reviews app enables you to integrate additional review sites where your satisfied customers can be directed.

The app also integrates with Ecwid stores and automates the review management process. It’s a simple and effective way to collect customer reviews and improve your store’s reputation.


Trustami provides an innovative service that consolidates all ratings and reviews in one place, showcasing your trustworthiness and boosting sales.

Trustami collects, analyzes, i predstavlja korisničke distribuirane podatke društvenih medija/weba u standardiziranom i korisniku jednostavnom formatu. Ovuda, kupci mogu jednostavno vidjeti sve vaše izvrsne ocjene s raznih platformi na jednom mjestu, što olakšava vjerovanje i kupnju.

Trustami se također integrira s trgovinama Ecwid, što vam omogućuje izlaganje prikupljenih ocjena na vašoj web stranici.


Yotpo je alat za recenziranje posebno za generiranje recenzija. Uz Yotpo, svojim klijentima možete poslati automatiziranu e-poštu nakon što obave kupnju. A to može biti u svrhu recenzije, kao i za povećanje prodaje vaših proizvoda.

U Dodatku, Yotpo ima prilagodljive widgete koje možete uključiti bilo gdje na web stranici. Widgeti sadrže pouzdane i detaljne informacije o recenzentu, s kojim kupcima možete postaviti važna pitanja koja im mogu pomoći pri donošenju odluke.

Izvorno dizajnirana kao aplikacija za recenzije, sada korisnicima nudi niz značajki za nagrade za vjernost, sadržaj koji stvaraju korisnici, i SMS marketing. S umjetnom inteligencijom, aplikacija može neprimjetno prikupljati recenzije i prikazati ih na vašoj web stranici i drugim društvenim medijima kao što su Google i Facebook.

Pilot povjerenja

Trustpilot je popularan softver za recenzije koji može potaknuti povjerenje kupaca. Trustpilot pomaže korisnicima da poduzmu određene radnje, kao što je učitavanje popisa za slanje e-pošte i slanje pozivnica e-poštom na pregled, između ostalih. Te se recenzije šalju Bingu ili Googleu. Uz Trustpilot, možete provjeriti ili pratiti napredak pregleda kupaca i odgovoriti na njihove procjene.

Trustpilot’s free tier offers review management and reporting, while the paid plans include additional features such as customized review requests, Google seller ratings, and on-site widgets.


Stamped.io is a versatile tool to collect and showcase user-generated content ranging from photos to video reviews.

If you seek to integrate your reviews with a loyalty program, this software is for you. It offers a points and rewards system, referral program functionality, and a VIP program. The tool is vastly responsive, nudeći širok raspon značajki koje mogu koristiti i male i velike trgovine.

Stamped.io sadrži prilagođene obrasce za pregled, lokalizacija s više od 20 Jezici, poticaji za pregled proizvoda, Google SEO-bogati isječci, stvaranje oglasa ili slanje recenzija na društvene medije, i prikupljanje recenzija putem glasnika, SMS, ili e-poštom. Stamped.io nudi Basic i Business planove čije cijene variraju ovisno o broju narudžbi. Refirmirane trgovine mogu ih kontaktirati za prilagođene cijene.


Junip je alat za pregled e-trgovine, upravo skalabilna platforma za pregled koja omogućuje trgovinama e-trgovine prikupljanje neograničenog teksta, video, i zahtjevi za fotografije. Aplikacija je laka za korištenje i jednostavna za postavljanje, i može se koristiti na web stranici unutar obrazaca zahtjeva za recenziju kako bi odražavao vašu robnu marku kao online trgovine.

Još jedna fascinantna stvar kod Junipa je ta da se integrira s Google Shopping i marketinškim aplikacijama, uključujući Omnisend, Postskriptum, Kapati, i Klaviyo.

eDesk povratne informacije

Ovo je alat za višekanalni pregled. Možete koristiti eDesk Feedback da od kupaca zatražite povratne informacije o vašim Amazon ili eBay trgovinama, na Trustpilotu, Google, i još mnogo toga. Prvenstveno pomaže u slanju e-pošte i jednostavnom traženju recenzija proizvoda. To može biti potaknuto događajima koje provode korisnici, u rasponu od ostavljanja pozitivne recenzije narudžbe do primanja proizvoda, između ostalih.

Korisnici također imaju punu kontrolu zašto, što, i kada kupcu poslati e-poruku. Među najboljim je alatima za recenziranje za e-trgovinu jer olakšava automatiziranje zahtjeva za recenzijom kupaca.


Bazaarvoice is a popular customer review and rating software. It allows brands and retailers to collect and display several types of user-generated content on their ecommerce websites.

Apart from showing and displaying ratings, consumer reviews, pitanja, and answers, Bazaarvoice also helps manage other types of user-generated content, such as social content, sampling, creator, and influencer marketing.

Best Practices for Managing Customer Reviews

Now that we’ve discussed some of the most popular customer review tools, let’s go over some best practices for using them effectively.

If you’re not sure how to respond to customer reviews, the first step is to establish a process for responding to both positive and negative reviews. This shows that you value customer feedback and are actively engaged in improving your business.

Dodatno, make sure to monitor and track your reviews regularly. This will help you identify any recurring issues or areas where you can improve.

It’s also important to cover a variety of review sites, as customers may have different preferences for where they leave reviews. By using a review management tool, you can make sure to cover all the major platforms and collect reviews from multiple sources.

Konačno, don’t be afraid to ask for reviews! Nakon svega, happy customers are more likely to leave positive reviews if they are asked to. Use email marketing or social media to reach out and request feedback from your customers.

Choose Your Customer Review Tool

Ecommerce reviews and ratings have continuously helped Amazon and other ecommerce stores build a great shopping empire through factors such as social proof, brand experience, and consumer trust.

Now that you know the essential features of customer review tools and have an overview of the top options available, let’s sum it up for some easier decision-making.

A good ecommerce review software or tool should be able to do some or all of the following:

  • automatically request reviews from customers via email or other channels
  • filter reviews and messages by type
  • manage reviews across different platforms
  • support scheduling of post-purchase messages
  • integrate with your ecommerce platform.

For a review tool that integrates with Ecwid and showcases ratings from different platforms, go for HelpfulCrowd, TargetBay, Trustami, ili Automatizirani korisnički pregledi.

If you’ve ever wondered how to ask customers for reviews, the featured tools in this article are designed to ease that concern for good. Odaberite bilo koji od njih kako biste unaprijedili svoje poslovanje i izgradili povjerenje kupaca.


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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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