Útmutató kezdőknek az Etsy-n történő értékesítéshez

There are many ways for small businesses to sell products online. Hosting your own webstore on your company website is one option. This gives you great control over the presentation and payment features of your store. De, különösen a kisvállalkozások számára, you might not get enough traffic to meet your goals.

For higher volume online sales, you can join a larger online marketplace to gain a wider audience and more recognition. By far the largest online marketplace is Amazon, több mint 6 million sellers on the platform. But Amazon is not the only major marketplace in the ecommerce landscape. Etsy is another highly popular, but more niche, online seller. Etsy is used primarily to sell handmade or custom crafts, artwork, és dekoráció.

Etsy is a very fast-growing marketplace, more than doubling its total number of sellers mivel 2019. The marketplace generated felett $1 milliárd, ezermillió in revenue in 2020 egyedül, több mint 81 million active shoppers. For small businesses that sell custom crafts and decor, Etsy is a highly attractive ecommerce marketplace. természetesen, it is not for everyone. Customers don’t turn to Etsy when they need replacement auto parts, például. But if Etsy is the right market for you, there are tremendous benefits to selling on the platform.

To help small ecommerce businesses get started, here is a helpful guide on how to sell on Etsy for beginners.

How to Start Selling on Etsy: Amit tudnod kell

Lehet, hogy kíváncsi, “how do I sell on Etsy?” Selling on Etsy is a bit different than selling on Amazon or other online marketplaces. In some ways, Etsy has more requirements than other platforms, while in other ways it is looser. As for how to start selling on Etsy, the process is relatively simple. You begin by going to Etsy’s seller page and clicking the “Get started” button.

Innen, you simply need to follow the prompts as they appear on your screen. Begin by registering your account, just as you would on any website. Azt követően, you can start building your shop. Etsy will provide you with options for support which you can use as needed. You can also skip these options and dive right into building your online shop. Give your shop a name, enter your item info, and set up payment options for your shop. Don’t worry too much if your inventory is not finalized yet. You can always edit your item info later on.

Once the framework of your Etsy shop is in place, you can begin to customize your storefront page. This is a great way to personalize your shop and allow customers to see what you sell and what your company’s values are. There are many ways you can arrange your storefront to make it yours. A helpful tip is to focus on ways to maximize customer engagement once they find your page. You can follow many of the basic rules for creating an effective landing page when crafting your Etsy storefront.

Do you need a business license to sell on Etsy?

One of the most common questions people ask is, – Szüksége van üzleti engedélyre az Etsy-n történő értékesítéshez??" A válasz technikailag "nem". Maga az Etsy nem követeli meg eladóitól, hogy rendelkezzenek vállalkozói engedéllyel. azonban, egyes államok, önkormányzatok, vagy országok megkövetelik az üzleti engedélyt a határaikon belül üzleti tevékenységet folytató személyektől. Magának az Etsy-nek nincs szüksége vállalkozói engedélyre. azonban, bölcs ötlet, hogy mielőtt elkezdené, ellenőrizze a területére vonatkozó jogszabályokat.

What are the requirements to sell on Etsy?

Mert nem kell vállalkozói engedély az induláshoz, this is considered a great perk for many sellers. A lot of people turn to Etsy initially as a side gig to sell their handmade crafts to a broad audience. This can turn their craft from a hobby into an eventual business. But early on, obtaining a business license could be a major obstacle that could deter many sellers.

Ezzel azt mondva, there are some requirements if you wish to become a seller on Etsy. New sellers should familiarize themselves with Etsy’s Prohibited Items Policy. For most sellers, the prohibited items list is not an issue. But it is important to understand what can and cannot be sold on the platform.

Etsy also has detailed requirements about handmade and designer items which all sellers must follow. Etsy requires that all items sold in its marketplace be handmade. De, in their own words, “handmade is a spectrum”. Some makers are actually crafting their products by hand to be sold as is. Others might design their products themselves but rely on production assistants to create the finished product. Ezek a tervezők az Etsy-n értékesíthetnek, feltéve, hogy az Etsy eladói szabályzatának szabályai és korlátozásai szerint működnek. A frissített Etsy Eladói Szabályzatot teljes egészében elolvashatja itt.

How much does it cost to sell on Etsy?

Ha az Etsy-n történő értékesítésről van szó, a díjak minimálisak, de még mindig fontos tisztában lenni vele. Az Etsy nem igényel indítási vagy előfizetési díjat. Tehát technikailag ingyenes eladóvá válni az Etsy-n.

azonban, Az Etsy díjat számít fel a piactér használatáért. A legfontosabb, Az Etsy kis listázási díjat számít fel minden, az Ön üzletében felsorolt ​​cikkért. Az Etsy jegyzési díja $0.20 négy hónapos listára, a listák automatikus megújításának lehetőségével.

Az Etsy-n történő értékesítés más platformokhoz képest közepes szintű. Etsy díjat számít fel a 5% tranzakciós díj az összes értékesítésre. Így 5% terméke árából minden eladáskor az Etsyhez kerül. Például, a $100 Az Etsy neten árult kézműves $95 neked, és $5 az Etsy számára.

Szállítási címkedíjat is fizet az Etsy, amely fedezi a tételek szállítási költségeit. Ez a szállítmányozótól függően változik(s) te választasz, and the origin and destination of shipped items.

Other miscellaneous Etsy fees include a small payment processing fee, a Value-Added Tax, and optional fees for paid ads off-site.

Végül, the amount it costs to sell on Etsy depends on your sales. Because the fees are based on a percentage of your total sales, you should always make a profit. Whether that’s enough for you depends on your goals and how much you make.

Is Selling on Etsy Worth It? Érvek és ellenérvek

Így, after learning all that, is selling on Etsy worth it? The answer to that question depends on your business. First of all, your business needs to sell items that meet Etsy’s “handmade” requirements. As long as that is the case, there are plenty of good reasons to sell on Etsy. Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding if you should sell on Etsy.

Pro: Very easy to get started

Once you get started, there isn’t anything complicated about how to sell stuff on Etsy from a technical standpoint. The interface is intuitive, and Etsy does a great job to make it easy to manage your storefront and list products.

Pro: Huge marketplace

Etsy is the largest online marketplace for handmade crafts and decor. If you’re looking to sell your products online, Etsy has the highest volume of traffic of interested customers. For new small businesses, attracting new customers is one of the biggest challenges. Etsy can be a great way to solve that problem early on.

Pro: No business license or history is needed

Unlike other marketplaces, Az Etsy nem követeli meg, hogy rendelkezzen hivatalos üzleti engedéllyel vagy megalapozott hírnévvel. Egy napon egyszerűen elkezdhet kézzel készített tárgyakat készíteni, és a következőn Etsy-eladó lesz.

Pro: Highly customizable

Az Etsy a legjobb hely egyedi termékek értékesítésére. A testreszabás szelleme kiterjed az Etsy-áruház kezelésére is. A felhasználók nagyszerűen szabályozhatják kirakatuk elrendezését, amit árulnak, és szállítási lehetőségeik. Az Etsy-n történő értékesítés viszonylag problémamentes élmény.

Con: Highly competitive

The size of Etsy’s marketplace can be both a pro and a con. While the high customer traffic is great, there is also a high volume of sellers. So learning how to sell things on Etsy can be a bit trickier than simply listing your products and waiting for customers to show up. You may need to use some clever marketing tricks. You should also learn to make your product listings as appealing as possible to stand out from competitors.

Con: Listing fees can add up

If you want to list a lot of products on your Etsy store, you could end up spending money on listing fees. This means some sellers need to be selective about what items they list, at least in the beginning. As your sales grow, you may be able to add more listings to your store. But growing your inventory takes time if you want to avoid spending too much on listing fees.

Végső gondolatok

Végül, the decision of whether or not to sell on Etsy depends on your business. If you fit the marketplace and have quality products, selling on Etsy is almost always worth it. Ha nem, there are plenty of other ways to grow your business online.

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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