Cara Kerja Algoritma Instagram (Dan Bagaimana Menggunakannya untuk Keuntungan Anda)

The Instagram algorithm is an ever-evolving platform that affects how visible your content is to your existing and potential followers. For a business owner menjual di Instagram, understanding how the algorithm works is an essential part of being successful there.

Dalam posting blog ini, we’ll explore what the Instagram algorithm is, mengapa itu penting, and what you can do to make sure your content gets noticed. We’ll also provide tips on how to use the algorithm to your advantage so that you can maximize your reach and engagement on the platform.

What is the Instagram Algorithm?

The Instagram algorithm determines which posts appear in users’ Feeds. It is based on various factors such as user history, post popularity, timeliness, dan lebih. The goal of the algorithm is to show each user-specific content that they are likely to find interesting or engaging, thus increasing user engagement overall.

Even if two people follow the same accounts or like similar content, their Feeds will still look slightly different from one another. It depends on who follows them back and how often they interact with certain types of posts.

Why Should You Care About the Instagram Algorithm?

It’s important for businesses and content creators alike to understand how the algorithm works to maximize post visibility and engagement rates. By optimizing your posts according to current trends and best practices, you can ensure that they reach as many of your followers as possible. High visibility leads to higher kesadaran merek and potentially increased revenue down the line.

Selain itu, keeping up with changes in the algorithm gives you an edge over competitors who may not be aware of emerging trends or best practices. Staying up to date keeps you ahead of the curve when it comes to maximizing brand visibility on Instagram.

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

Algoritme Instagram mencegah pengguna tenggelam dalam aliran konten yang tak ada habisnya. Only posts with high engagement make it to followers’ feeds. To make sure each of your posts is seen, liked, dan dibagikan, you’ll want to follow the tips below.

Berikut ini adalah faktor yang dipertimbangkan algoritme Instagram saat memprioritaskan postingan di feed:

Seperti yang anda lihat, the Instagram algorithm considers your past behavior to create a unique feed for you. Untuk memastikan Anda menikmati umpan hasil personalisasi Anda, the app also prioritizes the content with the most engagement from other users as well.

Kiat dari platform itu sendiri (Gambar: Instagram @tokopedia)

Keterlibatan paling penting untuk peringkat umpan adalah komentar, suka, saham, saves, and views for video posts. Interaksi palsu (seperti komentar dari bot) diidentifikasi dan tidak dihitung.

​​How to Work With the Instagram Algorithm

Now that we’ve gone over some basics on what influences a post’s position in someone’s timeline, let’s talk about some actionable steps you can take to get your posts a larger reach and gain leverage against competitors.

Pertama, beralih ke profil bisnis. Dengan profil bisnis, you can access your profile analytics, which is called Instagram Insights. The insight tool will help you understand who is engaging with your business and which content gets the most interactions from your followers. Pay attention to which reels, cerita, posting, and IGTV perform well. Then you can create more content that works.

Once you have a business profile, keep in mind the following points when working with Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm.

Get More Interactions for Your Content

Anda telah mempelajari interaksi itu (suka, saham, komentar, and views) are vital for proving to the Instagram algorithm that your content is compelling and worth showing to bigger audiences. Jadi, bagaimana Anda membuat konten yang orang-orang ingin terlibat dengannya?

Here’s how to encourage audience engagement on Instagram:

Gambar: Instagram @tokopedia

Embrace Video Content

In the vertical video era, using video content on Instagram is key to getting your posts seen by more users. Videos are more eye-catching and attention-grabbing than photos. That can help you capture people’s attention.

Video content increases user engagement, which tells the platform that your post is interesting and relevant. This boosts the visibility of your content in the algorithm, meaning more eyes will see the content you want them to see.

Reels are one of Instagram’s newest features and a great way to boost your reach. They allow you to create short videos that appear in the Explore tab and can be discovered beyond your following. This is great for increasing your visibility on the platform.

@ritual announces their sale with a fun reel

You can use reels for all sorts of content. Reels can be used to showcase your products or services, demonstrate how-to tutorials, and share entertaining content in an engaging way that will keep viewers coming back for more.

@thepetscoutshop makes fun videos about dogs and their owners

Making video stories is also beneficial for increasing your reach. They are great for giving users behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. They also help you build relationships with potential customers and create an emotional connection with them.

@sugarfina shares customers’ videos in their stories and adds a link to their product

Make a habit of posting video stories and reels often and stick to it. Reels will help you reach a broader audience. Stories will engage new followers and help you build relationships with them.

If you don’t have a lot of videos, start by turning your pictures into videos using reel templates on Instagram. The slideshow format is especially helpful for showcasing your product.

Click “Use template” in a reel that you like, and you’ll be able to replace the clips or photos with your own and it will match the time stamps of the template reel.

Find the Use template button above the creator’s username

If you still want to publish photo posts, consider slideshow posts instead. One Instagram post can contain up to 10 gambar. When you publish slideshow posts, the Instagram algorithm shows them a couple of times if a follower hasn’t seen all the pictures in the post.

A slideshow post featuring products by @indybrandclothing

Juga: Belanja di Gulungan: Cara Baru untuk Ditemukan dan Menjual Produk Anda

Align Your Content with Your Brand Message

Instagram is a great place to find your potential customers, but to do that, you need to show through your content who your company is, what its values are, and what kind of value it can give its target audience. This helps the Instagram algorithm recommend your content to the right audience.

Untuk mendapatkan dan mempertahankan pengikut, anda perlu untuk membentuk suatu hubungan yang melampaui orang-orang menjadi tertarik pada anda update. Setelah semua, you’re competing for space alongside your followers’ closest friends!

Jadi jadilah teman! Jadilah kepribadian. You don’t have to post your products all day, setiap hari. The aim is to create an emotional connection with your potential customers.

@myblissclub shares fun reels their target audience can relate to

There are many ways you can shape your message. Mencoba untuk menemukan jawaban untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini untuk memulai:

Remember that your brand message must align with your audience’s interests and values. Tidak ada yang dewasa yang membaca buku-buku untuk anak-anak. Ada tidak masuk akal dalam mengundang seorang vegetarian penonton dengan menceritakan tentang seorang pemburu kehidupan.

@sakaralife shares a post that explains their brand values

Hal yang sama berlaku untuk bermitra dengan merek dan influencer lain. Collaborate with companies and creators whose followers have the same values as your brand. People are more likely to subscribe to your profile after they see a collaboration post if it is something that genuinely interests them.

@jot partners with influencers that capture their brand’s aesthetic

Belajar lebih banyak: Konten E-niaga 101: Easy Types of Content to Make for Your Business

Lebih Banyak Tip untuk Merek di Instagram

Having an Instagram account for your business can be really fruitful. After you get used to the process, it will only take you a few moments to prepare content and post it.

Check out our engaging reels ideas for connecting with potential customers and promoting your business. Once you gain a solid following, Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk memastikan penjualan Anda berkinerja persis seperti yang Anda harapkan atau jika Anda perlu mengubah strategi Anda generating sales with stories.

Sudah menguasai profil Instagram Anda? Tandai foto Anda dengan #ecwid_store sehingga kami dapat menampilkan Anda di halaman kami!

Tentang Penulis
Anastasia Prokofieva adalah seorang penulis konten di Ecwid. Dia menulis tentang pemasaran online dan promosi ke rutinitas sehari-hari make pengusaha lebih mudah dan lebih bermanfaat. Dia juga memiliki titik lemah untuk kucing, cokelat, dan membuat kombucha di rumah.

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