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How to Collect Customer Feedback Ecwid Blog

Cara Mengumpulkan Umpan Balik Pelanggan dan Menggunakannya untuk Membangun Kepercayaan

22 min read

98% pelanggan consider and look at product reviews when making purchase decisions. Tapi tidak mengherankan di sana! You probably also check reviews when shopping on a marketplace like Amazon or browsing a store’s page on social media.

Secara umum berbicara, pelanggan tidak mempercayai bisnis dengan ulasan negatif, or worse…no reviews at all. That’s why collecting customer feedback and working with it should be on your ongoing to-do list as a small business owner.

Baca terus untuk mempelajari cara mengumpulkan umpan balik dengan cara yang nyaman bagi Anda dan pelanggan Anda. And take note of our breakdown on using reviews to strengthen your relationships with customers — even negative ones!

Why Is Customer Feedback Important?

Customer feedback is crucial for businesses because it provides actionable insights and perspectives from the people who matter most: pelanggan anda.

Collecting customer feedback allows you to gain a deeper understanding of their needs, pengaturan, and pain points, which can help you improve your products or services.

Selain itu, customer feedback is also an excellent way to build trust with potential customers. When they see positive reviews from satisfied customers, they are more likely to trust your business and make a purchase.

How to Collect Customer Feedback

Setiap bulan, 47% pengguna internet worldwide post reviews about businesses. Customers are generally willing to share their opinions on a product or service to help others make an informed decision based on what worked and what didn’t for them.

Menampilkan ulasan pelanggan di situs web Anda membangun kepercayaan dengan pembeli potensial

Untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan ulasan pelanggan, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah membuatnya semudah mungkin bagi mereka untuk memberi tahu Anda bagaimana perasaan mereka.

Customers are more likely to write a review if the process is straightforward and only takes a few minutes. Mengisi 15 bentuk yang berbeda, atau menjawab survei dengan 50 pertanyaan? Umpan keras.

Bidik untuk mengizinkan pelanggan meninggalkan ulasan dengan cara yang tidak lebih dari dua menit. Tapi bagaimana Anda meminta pembeli untuk meninggalkan umpan balik mereka?? Yah, you’re in luck because there are many different tools at your disposal to help you go from 0 untuk 60 ulasan dalam waktu singkat. Alat-alat ini memiliki jangkauan akses, beroperasi melalui media sosial, email, SMS, dan aplikasi messenger.

Kirim Email Beberapa Hari Setelah Pesanan Dikirim

Anda dapat meminta pelanggan untuk meninggalkan ulasan di email konfirmasi pesanan. Namun, mereka jelas tidak dapat meninggalkan umpan balik yang berarti sebelum mereka benar-benar menerima pesanan mereka. Seringkali, mereka akhirnya menundanya dan akhirnya melupakan Anda bahkan meminta mereka untuk menulis ulasan.

That’s why it’s better to send a feedback request later—when you can be sure that a customer has already received their order.

Jika Anda menjalankan sebuah toko Ecwid, Anda dapat mengatur email otomatis untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik pelanggan. Mereka menampilkan produk yang dibeli pelanggan dengan tombol untuk meninggalkan ulasan. Ketika pelanggan mengklik “Leave Feedback,” a new email window will open with the prefilled store email. Semua pelanggan Anda harus lakukan adalah mengetik review singkat dan tekan kirim.

Email permintaan umpan balik yang dapat Anda kirim secara otomatis

Secara default, this automated email is sent four weeks after the order status is changed to “Shipped.” If your shipping generally takes more or less time, Anda dapat memperbarui waktu pengiriman Anda sesuai (ingat untuk memperbarui status pesanan segera juga).

Pro orang: Jika Anda menambahkan kupon diskon untuk pembelian selanjutnya, pelanggan akan lebih bersedia untuk menulis ulasan.

Send a Thank You SMS with a Customer Review Request

If you have your customers’ phone numbers, Anda dapat mengirimi mereka SMS atau mengirim pesan teks melalui aplikasi messenger.

Ada berbagai layanan pemasaran SMS yang tersedia untuk bisnis, tapi paling mudah (dan gratis) untuk menjangkau pelanggan melalui layanan messenger populer seperti Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, atau Telegram.

Jaga agar pesan Anda tetap singkat, tetapi pastikan untuk menyertakan toko atau nama merek Anda dan tautan ke halaman untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik. Don’t forget to thank customers for taking the time to leave their reviews!

Jika Anda menjalankan sebuah toko Ecwid, Anda dapat mengirim pemberitahuan SMS menggunakan aplikasi dari Ecwid App Market, seperti SMS Notifications via Twilio.

Add a QR code to Each Order to Collect Customer Feedback

Customers can quickly scan a QR code with their smartphone and leave a review. Put a QR code on a business card or a thank-you note that you add to orders. Atau, cetak kode QR pada stiker dan tempelkan pada pembungkus pesanan.

Jika Anda menjual produk digital, Anda juga dapat menambahkan kode QR ke dalamnya. Misalnya, insert it at the end of a recipe or a tutorial video.

Pastikan untuk menyertakan catatan singkat ke kode QR, misalnya, “Scan a QR code to let us know if you liked the product.” Tell your customers about using QR codes for leaving their feedback on product pages and your business’ social media profiles.

Ada berbagai generator kode QR yang dapat Anda gunakan secara gratis, such as QR Code Generator, Untuk QRCode, atau Monyet Kode QR.

Call Your Clients to Gather Customer Feedback

Cara mengumpulkan umpan balik pelanggan ini cukup mengganggu, tapi itu juga efektif. Namun, jika panggilan pertama Anda tidak membawa hasil apa pun, lebih baik mengirim pesan daripada menelepon lagi.

Saat berbicara dengan pelanggan Anda, ask them what they like about your product and layanan pelanggan. Mereka dapat memberikan umpan balik untuk meningkatkan toko Anda dan memberi tahu Anda tentang kesulitan dalam melakukan pemesanan.

Monitor Online Customer Reviews

Monitor online customer feedback platforms such as TrustPilot, Menyalak, or even Google Maps. People often leave reviews there even if customer feedback isn’t their primary purpose for using the platform.

Other popular customer feedback platforms include Angi, TripAdvisor, Jadi, kecuali jika Anda ingin belajar bahasa baru, and Consumer Reports.

It’s a good idea to browse these platforms and copy customer feedback to your website or take screenshots of a particularly detailed or positive review to post on your website. Including a link to the review source is also a good idea, sehingga orang yang tertarik dapat secara independen memverifikasi ulasan ini sebagai asli.

Kiat Pro: If you’d like to display customer feedback collected via emails, review website, SMS, dll., on your Ecwid Instant Site, you can use the Customer Testimonials section.

You can choose from different layouts for your Customer Reviews section

Add a Customer Feedback Section to Your Website

Seperti yang kami sebutkan dalam pendahuluan, most shoppers read customer feedback before purchasing. Pastikan menemukan ulasan di situs web Anda semudah meninggalkannya.

Kissed By a Bee menambahkan bagian ulasan pelanggan ke setiap halaman produk di toko online mereka

Jika anda menggunakan Ecwid, anda dapat dengan mudah collect and display customer reviews and ratings on product pages.

There are customer feedback tools that not only showcase reviews and enable customer comments on your site but also streamline the process, freeing up your time. Stay tuned for an overview of the most popular feedback collection tools in the upcoming section.

Use Customer Feedback Software

If you want to streamline your customer feedback process, consider investing in customer feedback software. This type of software helps businesses collect and analyze customer feedback from various channels.

Using customer feedback software enables you to create a customer feedback loop where you collect feedback, analyze it, and then take action to improve your business.

Read on to explore a range of customer feedback tools tailored to meet your business needs.

7 Customer Feedback Tools

There are various customer feedback tools you can use to make the process of collecting and managing reviews easier. These tools can be integrated with your ecommerce platform to automate the feedback collection process and display reviews on your website.

Misalnya, if you use Ecwid as your ecommerce platform, you can collect and display reviews in your Ecwid store using the following customer feedback tools from the Ecwid App Market:

HelpfulCrowd as a Customer Feedback Tool

HelpfulCrowd is a customer feedback platform that automatically collects verified product reviews, termasuk foto dan video. Aplikasi ini juga memungkinkan pengunjung untuk mengajukan pertanyaan tentang item di halaman produk.

Trustami as a Customer Feedback Platform

Dengan Trustami, Anda dapat mengumpulkan dan mengelola peringkat dan ulasan dari lebih dari 20 customer feedback platforms, termasuk eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Amazon, Toko Tepercaya, dan Google Belanja.

TargetBay as Customer Feedback Software

Dengan Teluk Target‘s customer feedback platform, you can get product/photo reviews and build forums and QA sections to better connect with customers. Anda juga dapat menambahkan lencana kepercayaan TargetBay ke situs Anda.

Automated Customer Reviews a Customer Feedback Tool

Yang Tinjauan Pelanggan Otomatis app sends a post-purchase survey email to every customer upon product receipt.

Satisfied customers are redirected to a review site of your choice like Google, Facebook, Menyalak, dll. Unsatisfied customers are directed to contact you directly via a custom feedback form to address and resolve issues promptly, preventing negative site reviews.

Smartarget Reviews as a Customer Feedback Platform

Yang Smartarget Reviews app lets you gather and showcase reviews on your website, customized with your preferred colors and style. Selain itu, you can select the feedback you wish to display, allowing you to conceal any negative reviews.

WiserNotify as a Customer Feedback and Social Proof Tool

Like other customer feedback tools, yang WiserNotify app lets you showcase customer feedback on your website. Lebih dari itu, it offers a range of social proof features, such as purchase notifications, to enhance trust with prospective customers.

Trustpilot as Customer Feedback Software

Trustpilot is another popular customer feedback platform that allows you to collect and manage product reviews from verified customers. You can also display the Trustpilot trust badge on your website to build trust with potential customers.

Menggunakan TrustPilot app for your Ecwid store, you can automate sending invitations to shoppers for company and product reviews.

Secara keseluruhan, using customer feedback tools can help streamline the process of collecting and managing reviews. These tools not only make it easier for you to gather feedback, but they also provide a professional and trustworthy platform for customers to leave their reviews.

Learn more about ways to collect customer feedback in your Ecwid store di Pusat Bantuan.

Make sure to choose a tool that best fits your needs and integrates well with your ecommerce platform for maximum efficiency. Jadi, don’t hesitate to explore different options and find the best fit for your business.

Should You Do a Customer Feedback Survey or Interview?

To get better insight into what your customers like and dislike about your products and services, you can run customer feedback surveys.

Common Customer Feedback Questions

Use survey platforms such as SurveyMonkey, TypeForm, or Google Forms to create and share customer feedback surveys with your clients via email, sosial media, or on your website. These tools aid in organizing data for detailed customer feedback analysis.

Some examples of customer feedback questions include:

  • What made you choose our product over others?
  • What do you like most about our product?
  • How has our product positively impacted your [sphere relevant to your product, like health/work/hair]?
  • Would you recommend our product to others?
  • Is there anything you would change about our product?
  • What are some suggestions for improving our product or customer service?

Remember to keep the questions short and specific, so customers can easily answer them without getting overwhelmed. You can also provide multiple-choice options for certain questions to make it easier for customers to respond.

A customer feedback questionnaire can help you gather targeted and specific feedback to guide your decisions for improving your store. Jadi, don’t hesitate to ask your customers for their thoughts and opinions!

Customer Interviews for More Actionable Feedback

You can also run customer interviews with select clients to gain even more in-depth feedback and customer insights. This can involve talking to customers one-on-one or in a focus group setting.

Some tips for conducting customer interviews include:

  • Have a clear purpose for the interview and what you hope to learn from it. Misalnya, you recently launched a new product and you’d like to get user feedback on its features.
  • Keep the conversation open-ended to encourage customers to share their honest thoughts and opinions.
  • Take note of any common themes or suggestions that come up during the interviews. These can provide valuable insights for improvement.
  • Choose a diverse group of customers to get a range of perspectives. This can include new customers, pelanggan setia, and even those who have had a negative experience with your store.

Remember to save the customer insights gathered during interviews to streamline the customer feedback analysis later on.

Juga, thank your customers for their time and feedback and follow up on any changes or improvements you make based on their input.

Should You Reward Shoppers for Leaving Customer Feedback?

Beberapa orang mungkin berpendapat bahwa memberi penghargaan kepada pelanggan karena meluangkan waktu untuk meninjau produk Anda adalah taktik yang bagus. Menghargai pelanggan karena meninggalkan umpan balik mereka pasti bermanfaat dalam kasus-kasus berikut::

  • Saat Anda baru saja meluncurkan toko Anda, dan hanya ada beberapa ulasan
  • When you have loyal shoppers who forget to leave customer feedback.

We recommend giving out rewards through a points program or discount coupon towards their next purchase to encourage loyalty.

Di Ecwid, Anda dapat menambahkan diskon ke email otomatis Permintaan Umpan Balik Anda

Di sisi lain: jangan pernah memposting ulasan palsu! Jelas bagi banyak konsumen yang berpengetahuan ketika ulasan tidak asli, dan stok gambar mudah dikenali dengan pencarian Google cepat. Setelah kepercayaan rusak antara Anda dan pelanggan yang mengetahui tentang ulasan palsu Anda, itu tidak mudah diperbaiki.

Pro orang: Jika Anda menawarkan diskon untuk ulasan, make it clear that you’re looking for honest customer feedback, not just positive reviews, dan bahwa mereka akan menerima diskon tidak peduli apa yang mereka katakan.

Bagaimana Mengatasi Umpan Balik Negatif

Dengan 82% dari shoppers specifically seeking out negative customer feedback when thinking of making a purchase, Anda pasti membutuhkan sistem untuk menangani umpan balik negatif dengan baik. Seperangkat pedoman yang bagus di sini benar-benar dapat menguntungkan Anda: 45% dari shoppers lebih cenderung mengunjungi bisnis jika bisnis tersebut menanggapi ulasan negatif dan memperbaikinya.

Deleting negative reviews seems like an easy way out, but it may look suspicious if your store has only 5-star online reviews with no complaints or negative feedback at all.

Not sure how to respond to negative reviews from customers? Jangan khawatir! Jika Anda menerima komentar negatif, ada beberapa langkah yang dapat Anda ambil untuk menebus kesalahan: pertama, you need to figure out whether it’s an internet troll, masalah nyata, atau salah paham.

Cara Mengatasi Trolling

Troll dengan sengaja mencoba memprovokasi konflik atau argumen di komunitas online. They intend to make other users respond emotionally, sehingga mereka sering memposting komentar yang menghina. Dalam kasus ini, there is no use starting an argument or really engaging with them at all.

What you can do is ask questions to figure out whether it’s a troll or a customer who really needs help. Misalnya: “Did we get it right…?", “Could you elaborate on…?", “What exactly did you have difficulties with?” Follow-up questions will help determine who you’re talking to and how to solve their problem.

Jika tidak ada masalah nyata dan Anda berurusan dengan troll, adopt a strict tone and warn them that you block users who are openly insulting without genuine cause. Then delete their messages and block them to shut out the negativity.

How to Respond to Negative Feedback from Customers

Kesabaran, menghormati, dan bersedia membantu adalah prinsip utama dalam menangani umpan balik negatif.

Terkadang orang tidak dapat menjelaskan dengan tepat apa masalah dengan produk atau layanan Anda. That’s why start with clarifying questions and answer customers’ questions only after you understand their issue.

Misalnya: katakanlah seorang pembelanja membeli smartphone di toko Anda. They reach out to you saying there is a virus on the phone. Setelah Anda mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan, ternyata sederet notifikasi Wi-Fi yang mengganggu pelanggan.

Anda tidak boleh mengabaikan masalah pelanggan, bahkan jika Anda melihat mereka salah paham tentang cara kerja produk atau layanan Anda. Tunjukkan bahwa Anda bersedia membantu mereka. Luangkan waktu dan upaya untuk benar-benar mencoba membantu mereka memperbaiki apa pun yang terjadi, bahkan jika ternyata itu bukan salahmu.

“Anda tidak melakukannya dengan benar dan menekan tombol yang salah.”

“Saya tahu situasi ini bisa membuat frustrasi atau menjengkelkan. Let’s try pushing this button and see if it helps

Pelanggan mungkin memiliki masalah dengan layanan yang Anda gunakan, misalnya, penyedia pengiriman. Dalam kasus ini, solve the problem together and update your customer on their case. Misalnya, “We’ve reached out to the delivery service, inilah yang mereka katakan kepada kami,” “Yes, pesanan dikirim ke alamat yang salah,” or “We’re going to take care of this and get back to you soon.”

Pastikan pelanggan tidak meragukan kompetensi Anda dan percaya pada kemampuan Anda untuk memperbaikinya, dan bahkan pembeli yang tidak puas dapat diubah menjadi pelanggan setia.

Belajar lebih banyak: Bagaimana Menangani Tanggapan Negatif: Sebuah Panduan Praktis

Untuk menyimpulkan: Work with Customer Feedback Regularly

Now that you know how to capture customer feedback, let’s recap what you’ve gained from this article:

  • Rewarding customers for leaving feedback can encourage loyalty and increase the number of reviews.
  • Be honest with your customers about seeking their feedback, and clarify that you value their honesty above all else.
  • Explore different tools for gathering and showcasing customer feedback; research thoroughly to select the most suitable one for your business.
  • When responding to negative customer feedback, always remember to remain patient, respectful, and helpful. Clarify any misunderstandings and work towards a resolution together.
  • Never ignore customer problems or shift blame onto them. Sebaliknya, take responsibility and work towards a solution.

Dengan tips berikut ini, you can effectively manage customer feedback and use it to improve your business.

Simply collecting customer feedback is not enough; strive to analyze it and work with it. Setiap ulasan adalah peluang untuk menjadikan toko online Anda lebih baik dan lebih menarik bagi pelanggan. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini! Setelah semua, by leaving online reviews, customers have already taken the time to help you along the way.


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