How to Combine Email & SMS Marketing for Higher Conversions

Forget chasing your audience across the digital Wild West. Imagine a world where your marketing messages land right in their hands, ready to convert.

This is omnichannel marketing for you — a strategic approach that employs multiple channels to deliver a consistent brand experience. The secret of this approach lies in reaching your customers where and when they prefer to be reached.

Di artikel ini, we’ll dive into the dynamic duo of email and SMS marketing, exploring how their combined power can significantly increase your conversion rates.

Why Omnichannel Marketing Works

Imagine a customer browsing your online store for a new pair of sneakers. They add a few options to their cart, but then abandon it before checkout. An ecommerce story as old as time, benar?

Now imagine you could send an SMS to that same customer a few hours later, inviting them to come back and finish shopping. No result? Yah, then they get a final reminder by email the next day, informing them that you’re about to remove those products from their cart, but they can get a limited-time discount if they act fast. dan mudah-mudahan, you get that sale.

That’s one example of how omnichannel marketing works. By combining email and SMS marketing in your customer’s journey, you can create a multi-point approach that gently nudges that customer back to your store and towards conversion.

Bahkan, marketers using three or more channels in a campaign earned a 494% higher order rate than those using a single-channel campaign. It highlights the power of an omnichannel strategy in increasing engagement and driving sales.

Understanding the Powerhouse Duo: Email & SMS

Sekarang, let’s take a closer look at how email and SMS marketing can work together to create a seamless and effective omnichannel strategy.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the veteran of the digital marketing scene, although it’s anything but outdated. This channel enables you to showcase product details, highlight promotions, and nurture leads with relevant and personalized content.

Ketika digunakan dengan benar, email can be a real game changer, and here’s how:

Including reviews in abandoned cart emails, similar to how Therapy Notebooks does, is a great strategy to try in your store

SMS Marketing

SMS is the newer kid on the block that packs a punch with its immediacy and high open rates. Everybody you know uses SMS, and typically, they look at them immediately. Jadi, talk about ‘here and now,’ right? Here’s what the competitive edge of SMS marketing is:

Craft creative SMS copy similar to The Vitamin Shoppe’s fun Father’s Day message featuring an offer

The Magic of Combining Email & SMS

Think of email and SMS as peanut butter and jelly – delicious on their own but truly beautiful together. Here’s why combining these channels can be a game-changer for your ecommerce store:

Strategic Integration Techniques

Now that you understand the power of this dynamic duo let’s explore how to effectively combine email and SMS marketing for maximum impact:

Timing Is Everything

Susunan acara, or even better — automate — your communication strategically. Misalnya, send an SMS reminder about abandoned carts a few hours after customers leave items behind. For emails, consider sending a more detailed product follow-up the next day.

Segmentation Is Key

Don’t blast generic messages to your entire audience. Segment your email and SMS lists based on customer behavior, membeli sejarah, dan preferensi. Misalnya, you can select the less active audience segment and send them an offer they can’t refuse to re-engage them. Dengan cara ini, you deliver targeted messages that resonate with a specific customer group.

Pro orang: Jika Anda menjual secara online dengan Ecwid, you can easily segment your customers using the Pelanggan dashboard in your Ecwid admin. Filter your clients by number of orders, kelompok pelanggan, tax-exempt, dan lebih.

Pick the Right Platform

Look for an all-in-one omnichannel marketing platform, misalnya, Mahahadir, that allows you to manage both email and SMS campaigns under one roof. Percayalah pada kami, it’ll save you a headache because your data will already be synced, and you won’t have to jump from platform to platform.

Ide-ide & Praktik terbaik

Let’s translate these strategies into practical steps you can start implementing today:

Encourage customers to replenish items they previously purchased, following the example set by Sephora

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While the power of email and SMS combined is undeniable, there are a few pitfalls to be aware of:


Email and SMS marketing, when used together strategically, can be a powerful one-two punch for your business.

By leveraging the strengths of each channel — email’s ability to deliver detailed content and SMS’s immediacy — you can reach a wider audience, drive conversions, and create a more cohesive and positive customer experience.

Just remember to prioritize segmentation, maintain a balance in frequency, and keep your marketing relevant. This way you too will experience the beautiful benefits that omnichannel marketing can bring to your business.

Tentang Penulis
Milda is a communication specialist with over 7 tahun. Saat ini, she works as a Content Marketing Manager at Omnisend. Beyond communication and content creation, she enjoys making ceramics and spending time in nature with her dog.

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