Hyperlocal Social Media Marketing: Navigating the Power of Targeted Engagement

In the age of digital transformation, the marketing scene got a facelift. Businesses now wield powerful tools to boost their reach sky-high. Tapi hey, every online business is armed to the teeth with these tools too!

For ecommerce businesses to thrive, they need to implement top-notch strategies that target customers precisely when they’re making crucial buying decisions. One powerful tactic for this is hyperlocal social media marketing.

Here’s a closer look at hyperlocal social media marketing and how to use it for best results.

Introduction to Hyperlocal Social Media Marketing

Jadi, pertanyaan pertama adalah: apa sebenarnya pemasaran media sosial hiperlokal?

Beberapa orang mungkin berasumsi bahwa semua pemasaran media sosial itu sama, tapi ini jauh dari kebenaran.

Pemasaran media sosial hiperlokal menargetkan wilayah geografis tertentu untuk menciptakan kesan dan terhubung dengan pelanggan lokal di wilayah tersebut. Ini adalah cara bagi bisnis untuk benar-benar memanfaatkan pemasaran media sosial melalui relevansi yang ditargetkan.

Pemasaran media sosial hiperlokal memungkinkan bisnis untuk mengarahkan upaya pemasaran mereka bahkan ke blok kota atau lingkungan sekitar. Akhirnya, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk terhubung dengan pelanggan sekitar.

Pada kesan pertama, beberapa bisnis mungkin berpikir bahwa mempersempit cakupan upaya pemasaran bukanlah hal yang ideal. Setelah semua, mengapa sebuah bisnis ingin lebih sedikit orang melihat iklan mereka?

Meskipun bisa dimengerti, iklan hiperlokal lebih bertujuan untuk terhubung dengan orang-orang yang benar-benar mendukung upaya tersebut. Misalnya, truk taco yang ingin penduduk setempat mencoba menu baru mereka atau toko buku yang mengundang penduduk setempat ke suatu acara.

Perusahaan Bouqs menggunakan strategi pemasaran hiperlokal dengan menyesuaikan konten untuk Chicago

Apakah Penargetan Hiperlokal hanya untuk Merek Kecil?

Banyak bisnis bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari pemasaran hiperlokal, terutama toko fisik, usaha kecil, penyedia layanan di wilayah tertentu, dan perusahaan yang berpartisipasi dalam acara lokal.

Namun, iklan hiperlokal atau jenis promosi hiperlokalisasi lainnya tidak hanya untuk merek lokal yang lebih kecil. Large-scale nationwide brands can also greatly benefit from them.

Misalnya, if a larger brand is launching a new store in a smaller area, it can use hyperlocal targeting to attract local customers. This is exactly what Crumbl Cookies did when they launched their new location in Charlotte, NC. They began offering free cookies at their newest location and promoting this event, which drew in the local crowd.

The Benefits of Hyperlocal Marketing

Hyperlocal marketing can significantly expand a business’s visibility and reach, even though it is a narrowed effort.

Yakin, a business can spend a significant budget throwing digital ads and social media campaigns everywhere, but much of this will fall on deaf ears. The digital age has led to people being bombarded with ads and campaigns daily, making many adept at ignoring or glossing over them.

Hyperlocal social marketing, di sisi lain, engages customers in a more personal and relevant way. It’s connecting with customers on a foundation of community and meeting them at the right place and time. This helps foster a more significant connection with potential customers while building a sense of trust.

Hyperlocal Marketing Strategies Help Connect with Your Local Community

One of the most significant advantages of hyperlocal marketing is its ability to help a brand connect with its local community. It establishes the brand as a part of the community rather than simply a business attempting to invade the wallets of locals. Seperti yang disebutkan di atas, this builds trust with the community and creates a sense of loyalty from locals.

Sprouts Farmers Market announces the opening of a new store on social media to connect with local shoppers

Selain itu, it creates opportunities for collaboration with other businesses or organizations within the local community. Rather than locals seeing the business as separate entities, it becomes woven into the community. Pada gilirannya, this will help drive more foot traffic into the business.

Hyperlocal SEO Can Boost Your Online Presence and Visibility

The value of hyperlocal targeting is put into perspective when considering that organic and local searches drive 69% of digital traffic.

This means that a business needs to capitalize on these searches by keeping themselves relevant to these types of searches. This can be done through hyperlocal SEO. A business can rank better for these local and organic searches by implementing well-written and proper hyperlocal SEO.

Misalnya, a business that sells organic and locally grown produce can include specific keywords such as “fresh local produce” or “farm-to-table dining” in its website content and meta tags to attract customers searching for these terms.

Namun, while consumers still rely primarily on search engines and online marketplaces for product research, increasing numbers of online shoppers use social media platforms to find products. The top social media platforms for product search are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, dan TikTok. That means optimizing social media content with hyperlocalized terms can also be beneficial for businesses targeting local consumers.

Consumer Trends Report by Jungle Scout provides product search statistics

Katakan, a local food truck we discussed above wants more people to know about it. They can begin by implementing hyperlocalized terms in their social media posts, such as location tags, town or city name hashtags, neighborhood names, landmarks, dan lebih. Dengan cara ini, when people search for food in said local areas, their social media posts are more likely to show up.

Juga: Cara Mempromosikan Bisnis Kecil Anda Secara Lokal: 15 Gagasan Praktis

Tips for Creating Effective Hyperlocal Social Media Strategies

Now let’s take a look at some actionable hyperlocal marketing tips that businesses can use to cast themselves to their community.

Determine Your Target Audience

Like any good marketing strategy, businesses must determine the target audience for their hyperlocal social media campaigns.

The business needs to understand the demographic range, kepentingan, usia, dll., of the local community that they want to connect with. This will help them better understand the community’s needs and wants. Consider questions such as:

Fleshing out the target audience will help any business create a more effective and specific social media campaign that will resonate.

Determine the Target Area

Another vital step is for the brand to determine which area it is trying to target. Is it a specific neighborhood? Town? City? This will help narrow down what to include in the social media campaign and what types of SEO terms to use.

Ingat, hyperlocal campaigns are meant to be targeted rather than a shotgun marketing method.

Aim for Well-Written Hyper Localised SEO

Seperti yang disebutkan di atas, SEO is one of the most efficient ways for a business to improve its hyperlocal marketing strategies. Every social media post should be crafted to reflect the local area.

According to K K Ranga, a top digital marketing voice, there are several factors to consider to be successful with hyperlocal SEO, including “understanding the search terms that your target audience is using, mengoptimalkan situs web Anda untuk istilah pencarian tersebut, dan membangun hubungan yang kuat dengan bisnis dan organisasi lokal lainnya.”

Daftar istilah SEO hiperlokal yang bagus dapat dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan:

Dari sini, penelitian kata kunci dapat dilakukan pada kata kunci dengan volume pencarian tinggi yang terkait dengan istilah lokal tersebut, like “food truck Seattle” or similar.

Use Hashtags and Geotags

Hashtags are one of the most powerful modern marketing tools, especially in hyperlocal advertising. When running social media ads or making posts, businesses should capitalize on using hyperlocal hashtags using the terms found from the points mentioned above for SEO.

Namun, don’t overdo it on hashtags. Only place around 5-10 maximum in each post. Sebaliknya, it begins to look spammy or difficult to read.

Don’t forget to add local geotags to your social media posts. Ini dapat membantu meningkatkan visibilitas Anda dalam penelusuran lokal dan menghubungkan Anda dengan calon pelanggan di wilayah Anda.

Half Magic Beauty tidak hanya mengungkapkan lokasi acara dalam gambar tetapi juga menyertakan geotag

Targetkan Platform yang Tepat

Salah satu faktor terpenting dalam media sosial hiper-lokal yang efektif adalah penggunaan platform yang tepat. Bisnis perlu memilih platform yang tepat untuk target audiens mereka. Misalnya, jika menargetkan audiens yang lebih muda, TikTok atau Instagram seringkali menjadi pilihan terbaik.

Namun, ini tidak berarti harus dibatasi pada satu platform saja. Bisnis dapat menggunakan platform sebanyak yang mereka inginkan, tergantung pada anggaran dan sumber daya mereka. Bahkan, menargetkan berbagai platform dapat menjadi cara terbaik untuk mengembangkan lebih banyak minat dan lalu lintas.

Buat Konten Hiperlokal

Buat konten seputar acara lokal seperti festival seluruh kota atau toko pop-up. Misalnya, you could craft a brief TikTok video detailing the backstory of a local festival or share a series of Instagram stories showcasing your business’s participation in a local networking event.

Besides events, explore what makes your location unique. If your area boasts a famous food scene or a beloved sports team, share content that showcases these unique aspects. Misalnya, you could create a YouTube video featuring an interview with a local artist.

An outdoor shop in Colorado Springs shares a post localized with details about the weather and popular activities in the area

Remember the visuals. When creating photos or videos, include local landmarks or cultural elements. This could be a famous street, a popular local spot, or some cool regional architecture.

Juga: Konten E-niaga 101: Easy Types of Content to Make for Your Business

Interact with Local Users

After creating a social media post, the business should try to interact with any activity on the post. Respond to comments, mendorong orang untuk membagikan kiriman tersebut, berterima kasih kepada mereka karena telah berbagi, dan mengatasi kekhawatiran atau pertanyaan apa pun.

Ini tidak berarti bahwa hal tersebut harus dipantau sepanjang waktu, namun bisnis harus bertujuan untuk berinteraksi dengan pengguna. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan hubungan dengan calon pelanggan dan menumbuhkan kepercayaan terhadap merek.

Strategi ampuh lainnya adalah mendorong pelanggan lokal untuk berbagi konten yang menampilkan produk Anda. Misalnya, Hermes mendirikan toko pop-up Instagram-worth di berbagai kota, yang muncul di postingan warga sekitar, mempromosikan merek.

The Hermes Kiosk made appearances in multiple cities, elevating brand visibility at a local level

Tentu saja, you don’t have to go as big as Hermes – smaller but impactful actions would do great, juga. Misalnya, offering discounts or special promotions to local customers who share their purchases on social media can be a simple yet effective way to generate user-generated content and increase brand visibility.

Engage with Local Organizations or Events

To develop additional interest and buzz within the community, businesses should interact and support other notable organizations, peristiwa, or charities. Share posts about these other events or organizations and tell people to check them out. Follow these other organizations on their social media pages, dll.

Not only does it show the business is invested in the community, but it also opens the door for collaboration or for their own content to be shared. Selain itu, businesses should participate and engage in local events or charities to show commitment to the community and build a reputation.

La Roche-Posay hosts an event in New York City to raise awareness about melanoma

Know Your Competition

Any business aiming for hyperlocal targeting also needs to consider the competition in the area. Determine who the biggest competitors are, what they do that works and what doesn’t. This allows the business to use effective strategies that are shown to work and capitalize on where the competition is failing.

Selain itu, determining competitor locations helps to narrow down the best places to target, as there is already interest in the product or service around competitors.

Keep Your Listings and Pages Updated

Having your business listed correctly significantly impacts whether shoppers can find you online. Jadi, in addition to keeping your Google My Business and Yelp listings current, ensure your info on social pages like Facebook and Instagram is up to date, juga.

Coffee Parisien shares its address and operating hours in their Instagram bio

Add your business hours and any other details to help customers decide to drop by, along with your business name, alamat, nomor telepon, dan situs web. If your business has multiple locations, consider creating standalone listings for each spot.

Partner with Local Businesses and Influencers

Local influencers and businesses can really amp up your credibility and visibility. Get them to share their experiences at your store or review your products. This not only exposes you to their audience but also adds variety to your marketing efforts.

Misalnya, if you own a restaurant, collaborate with nearby businesses to offer discounts or promotions to each other’s customers.

Netflix hosted an event in Bowral to promote a new season of Bridgerton, inviting local influencers to join

Get Started with Hyperlocal Social Media Marketing

We hope these tips help your business launch incredibly successful hyperlocal social media marketing campaigns. By understanding the community, engaging in events and charities, and assessing the competition, you can effectively reach your target market and build a strong local reputation. Never underestimate the power of building trust and loyalty with the local community!

Tentang Penulis
Anastasia Prokofieva adalah seorang penulis konten di Ecwid. Dia menulis tentang pemasaran online dan promosi ke rutinitas sehari-hari make pengusaha lebih mudah dan lebih bermanfaat. Dia juga memiliki titik lemah untuk kucing, cokelat, dan membuat kombucha di rumah.

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