Multichannel Selling Explained: Expanding to Big & Niche Marketplaces

Ecwid ecommerce Show のこのエピソードでは, we dive into the world of multichannel selling.

Selling online is no longer limited to just your own website. The landscape has evolved, and now it’s crucial to have a presence on various platforms, including marketplaces and social media.

To shed light on this topic, we have invited a special guest, Mayon from Channable, who is an expert in the field of multichannel selling. Mayon will join us to share valuable insights and strategies to help advanced business owners take their businesses to the next level.

Streamline Product Feeds with Channable

Mayon explains that product feed management is at the core of Channable. This involves optimizing and transforming product data to ensure it is ready for different platforms such as Amazon, グーグル, フェイスブック, もっと.

With Channable, sellers can easily manage their feeds and adapt their product information according to each platform’s requirements. 多くのビジネス オーナーは、フィードを手動で管理する際に壊れたフィードや商品の不足に悩まされています。. Channable は、複雑なタスクを処理し、データを適切なチャネルにマッピングするための直感的なインターフェイスを提供することで、このプロセスを簡素化します。.

Amazon 販売プロセスを簡素化する

初めてAmazon出品者の方へ, Amazonストアを立ち上げるプロセスは大変な場合があります. Channable は、販売者が既存の Ecwid ストア内で基本機能を管理できるようにすることでこれを簡素化し、より複雑な詳細は Channable 内で直接入力できるようにします。.

直接API接続経由, 販売者は、Channable から Amazon 販売者アカウントに商品を簡単にプッシュできます. Channable はフィルターのセットアップを支援します, 正しいデータ形式を保証します, Amazon が必要とする追加属性の入力を支援します. 不足している情報についてはエラー メッセージが表示されます, 販売者が完璧になるまで反復できるようにする.


Amazon は幅広い製品カテゴリをカバーする大規模なマーケットプレイスです, しかし、特定の業界に特化した小規模なニッチ市場もあります, 電子機器やスポーツウェアなど. eコマースの経験が豊富な販売者向け, 競争の少ないこれらの小規模市場を探索することは、非常に有益である可能性があります.

あまり知られていないプラットフォームに関して, 会話の焦点は主にヨーロッパの市場にあります. Decathlon のようなプラットフォーム, ルロイ・メルラン, とウェイフェア (for home and DIY products) are mentioned as noteworthy options.

The European market is known for its fragmentation and diverse platforms, making a third-party marketplace platform even more crucial for successful expansion.

Fulfillment and Shipping Strategies Across Continents

The discussion then shifts to business owners trying to break into new markets, such as North American merchants targeting Europe. Fulfillment becomes a significant consideration, and Amazon’s fulfillment network is often leveraged by European merchants selling in the US. でも, the reverse scenario is less common.

The conversation touches on the potential shipping networks of various marketplaces, with TikTok emerging as an interesting player in the social commerce space.

Connect Your Ecwid Store to Channable

You can find Channable in the Ecwid App Market and connect your store to it easily. Just import your product data and start experimenting with different channels.

The Ecwid and Channable integration provides you with a seamless experience in managing orders, fulfillment, and stock synchronization across different platforms.

If you’re an ambitious business owner looking to expand your online presence and maximize your sales potential, this podcast episode is a must-listen. Join us as we reveal the secrets to successful multichannel selling and discover new opportunities to grow your business.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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