6 Veiksmingas "Nusipirk vieną, Gaukite vieną nemokamai" Internetinės parduotuvės akcijos

One of the most effective ways to market your store is the “Buy One Get One Free” deal. These are your slick, versatile sales boosters to charm customers and boost sales.

BOGO akcijos ne veltui yra populiarios tiek klientų, tiek pardavėjų. Customers benefit from exceptional value for their money, while sellers gain a compelling incentive to drive purchases.

Šiame tinklaraščio įraše, we will discuss what makes a successful “Buy One Get One Free” offer and whether it will work for your business. We will also break down different types of BOGO promotions that you can use to increase sales in your online store.

What Does BOGO Sale Mean?

BOGO (or BOGOF) stands for “Buy One Get One Free.” It’s a type of sales promotion in which customers get a free or discounted product when they purchase another product.

BOGO promotions are popular among retailers because they can increase sales of promoted products. Pliusas, it will attract attention to other items in the store, which is excellent when you need to move dead stock or boost sales.

Barnes & Noble vykdo BOGO reklamą darbaknygėse ir kortelėse

“Buy One Get One Free” promotions are also popular with customers because such deals are perceived as a great value. Kai kurie pirkėjai netgi ieško BOGO kuponų internete prieš pirkdami didelį pirkinį!

Svarbi pastaba: you should run a BOGOF promo only during specific periods to avoid devaluing your products. Šie sandoriai sukuria skubos jausmą, pushing customers to purchase. Greitas išpardavimas taip pat neleidžia klientams priprasti prie nuolaidų kainų. Pavyzdžiui, holidays or back-to-school season are great times to run BOGO promotions.

6 Types of “Buy One Get One Free” Promotions

Now let’s discuss the different kinds of “Buy One Get One Free” offers that attract customers.

BOGO akcijos gali būti labai lanksčios. Išskirstysime penkis skirtingus BOGO reklamų tipus, kuriuos galite naudoti norėdami padidinti pardavimą savo internetinėje parduotuvėje, ir pasidalinsime keletu BOGO pavyzdžių įkvėpimui.

Pirkite vieną gaukite pusę kainos

This tactic will work great if you have a bestseller in your store. A “Buy One Get One 50 Off” deal will attract those hesitating to try it. With BOGO Half-Off deals, klientai pirks daugiau jūsų legendinio produkto, myliu tai, ir netrukus vėl grįšiu.

Barnes & Noble's „BOGO 50% Off“ pasiūlymas vaikiškoms knygoms

Pirkite vieną iš A kategorijos ir gaukite vieną iš B kategorijos nemokamai

Pairing products from different categories is an excellent deal for seasonal products and targeted audiences. Pavyzdžiui, mokiniai ir jų tėvai (Atgal į mokyklą BOGO).

Vienintelė sąlyga, kurią reikia atsiminti, yra ta, kad antrasis elementas turi būti tokios pat ar mažesnės vertės. Tokiu būdu, you will make more than your profit margin.

Beauty Bay siūlo nemokamą prekę, kai klientai perka prekę iš tam tikros kategorijos

Pirkite vieną ir gaukite nemokamus pavyzdžius

Dovanodami nemokamus pavyzdžius, you allow your customers to test full-size products. Mėginiai atrodo kaip dovanos, but you should also consider them investments: jie sukuria potencialią jūsų produktų paklausą ateityje.

Pavyzdžiui, you can include exclusive samples of your new product line to introduce it to your customers.

„Sephora“ siūlo nemokamus užsakymų pavyzdžius $35

Tai taikoma ne tik fizinėms prekėms: puikus būdas gauti daugiau el. knygų skaitymo – pateikti trumpus pavyzdžius. Daug mažesnė tikimybė, kad mėginiai bus pavogti, nukopijuota, arba platinami nelegaliai. Tada, jei jūsų klientams patinka turinys, jie grįš nusipirkti visos knygos.

Taip pat skaitykite: Kaip sukurti ir parduoti elektroninę knygą

Pirkite tris už dviejų kainą

This is one of the most common variations of the “Buy One Get One Free” promotion. It works for many product types and looks like a terrific deal. Nepamirškite, kad terminai būtų paprasti: įtraukite prekes su panašiomis kainomis – tai supaprastins suvokimą ir išvengs dvejonių.

„Cult Beauty“ vykdo „3 už 2“ pasiūlymą tam tikros kategorijos produktams

Pirkite prekę X ir gaukite % Išjungta Y elemente

This is an easy-to-implement tactic for industries with complementary products, sports, beauty, or electronics.

Pavyzdžiui, you could sell a pair of sneakers and give a 30% discount on shoe cleaners. This type of promotion helps you sell accessories and complementary products.

Cupshe offers ​​40% discount on the cheaper item when customers buy two items

Buy Five Get One Free

We’ve described the most popular types of BOGO promotions, but you can tweak them as you like to create the best BOGO deals for your store. Here’s an easy one: “Buy Five Get One Free,” i.e., offer your customers the chance to buy six products at the cost of five.

This BOGOF promotion is most effective with items that are priced equally or similarly. It should also be a product that customers frequently need to replenish or use regularly, prompting a higher demand.

Pavyzdžiui, purchasing six identical dresses may not be practical, while buying six pairs of socks, underwear, or toothbrushes presents a compelling offer for customers.

GoRaw Honey provides a Buy Five, Get One Free offer on frequently repurchased items

Žinoma, you can adjust this type of BOGO to fit your offering, pavyzdžiui, “buy three, get one free” or “buy two, gauti 50% off the third.” This type of promotion is practical for customers who regularly purchase specific items and want to save money in the long run.

Is a BOGO Promotion Right for Your Store?

“Buy One Get One Free” promotions are a great way to increase sales and customer loyalty. Tačiau, they’re not suitable for every store.

Here are the products that make the best BOGO offers:

Bendra sandorio kaina turėtų būti suma, kurią klientai yra pasirengę mokėti. Kad būtumėte saugioje pusėje, galite patikrinti savo vidutinė užsakymo vertė ir siekti šiek tiek daugiau.

How to Run a BOGO Promotion in an Online Store

Now that you know what “Buy One Get One Free” is and how to best use it, it’s time for the practical part.

To set up a successful BOGO promotion in your online store, you need to make sure your ecommerce platform allows you to offer these kinds of discounts.

Ecwid by Lightspeed, pavyzdžiui, lets you run the most common types of BOGO promotions. Using flexible settings, you can create various BOGOF offers that follow the same idea: if a customer buys X units of some product, they can get one unit of a product (same kind, different kind, or any product in a category/categories) with Y% off.

The BOGO offer applied at checkout in an Ecwid store

To run a BOGO promotion in your Ecwid store, you’ll need to install the Pirk vieną, gauk vieną nemokamai: Sales Promotions programėlę iš Ecwid App Market. The app offers a free trial, so you can give it a run and see if BOGO offers are right for your store.

Ready to set up your BOGO promotion? Follow these instructions to set up the app and create your first BOGOF deal in just a few clicks.

Ecwid by Lightspeed also offers many other promotional tools, such as automated marketing emails, nuolaidų kuponai, social media advertising, ir dar.

Prisiregistruokite prie „Ecwid by Lightspeed“. and get an online store that makes running any kind of ecommerce venture simple and enjoyable.

Geriausia BOGO reklamų praktika

Keep in mind the following practices to get the most out of your “Buy One Get One Free” deals:

Run Your First BOGO Promotion

“Buy One Get One Free” promotions are a great way to increase sales, get rid of excess inventory, padidinti prekių skaičių viename užsakyme, ir pritraukti naujų klientų. Kai naudojamas teisingai, BOGO pasiūlymai gali padėti pasiekti verslo tikslus ir padidinti pelną.

Dabar jūs turite viską, ką reikia žinoti apie BOGO akcijas, įskaitant lengvai naudojamus įrankius, kad reklama vyktų sklandžiai. Pasinaudokite naujai įgytomis žiniomis ir pasinaudokite Pirk vieną, gauk vieną nemokamai: Sales Promotions programėlė sukimuisi!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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