Ecommerce Content 101: Easy Types of Content to Make for Your Business

Welcome to a bonus episode of the Ecommerce Content 101 series!

The Ecommerce Content 101 podcast series explains why content is important for your ecommerce business and how to make it quickly and effectively.

We got great feedback on the series from you, our amazing readers and subscribers. Ačiū! It helps us know what you need and what we can do for you.

From your feedback, we found that some business owners are stuck getting started because it’s hard for them to pick a topic for their content. That’s why we made one more episode to help inspire you to start.

If you missed the other episodes in the Ecommerce Content 101 series, catch up on them here:

Don’t Overthink It

Getting started with anything is not about perfection. You just need to get into the confidence-competence loop. You can think of content creation this way—the more you do it, the more confident you will become.

When you start doing something new, you won’t be incredibly confident at first. As you do it, you’ll gain more competence and confidence. And the process becomes a cycle towards better, more informative content.

Through this process, you will learn more about what you like and what works, then do more of that. You can also adjust according to feedback from a variety of sources, įskaitant save, your customers, and people who reached out to you on social media.

Five Types of Content to Create for Your Business

Let’s discuss the kind of content you can start making right now to promote your business.

Document your business process. Start uploading videos about your daily routine and what you do for your business. Believe it or not, people want these behind-the-scenes videos. They’re either inspired by you starting a business and want to support you, or they too might want to start a business and learn from you.

Don’t underestimate the industry events you go to. Document them and share content from them with your audience. People will watch to understand more about your industry, what happens between business owners, and for amusement.

Respond to other people’s content. Some people already target your audience, and you could add your own insights to their posts. Don’t underestimate the power of leveraging popular videos and adding commentary, giving feedback, or just offering your unique perspective.

The easiest way to make content is by reposting user-generated content. This can come in many forms. Pavyzdžiui, you can repost a picture of a customer wearing a T-shirt from your store. Žinoma, you should always ask for their permission to use it on your pages, but this is a great way to show off your products.

Show content of people using your product. You could bring your product, widget, paslauga, or whatever you create into the real world and ask people’s opinions about it. Fotografuoti, record people’s opinions, and get feedback on the spot. Think of it as a focus group that you can turn into content for your business.

Kaip matai, there are several ways you can produce content for your social media accounts. And these are just the beginning! Once you get in the groove of making content, you’ll come up with your own ideas of what to create.

Dabar, go off and come up with your first posts—and remember, don’t overthink it. With practice comes confidence.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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