Introducing Ecwid Instant Site With Ready Themes and 99+ Dizaino parinktys

One of the best things about Ecwid is that it’s designed to easily plug into ANY website with no coding chops or sweat required. But what if you don’t have a website yet?… Of course, you can always go build one out if you’ve got the man-hours and crispy greenbacks to make it happen. But with Ecwid, there’s always a simpler solution…

Introducing the newly revamped Ecwid Instant Site: an ecommerce website, packed to the brim with all-new design tools and almost endless design options to make creating your ultimate Ecwid storefront fast, lengva, and almost too much fun.

Dabar, if you’ve been with us for a while, Instant Site is the same website builder you love, but we’ve cranked the volume to 11. Our ultra-fast and ultra-efficient site builder is shined, refined, and up for a good time, with all new ready-made themes and a customizable header layout that’s been optimized for conversion.

Ir geriausia dalis? It’s all completely free. Read on to see all the new design features available for your Ecwid site, and — whenever you’re ready – jump into your control panel to give ’em a try.

New design options make for endless opportunities for customization

More ways to sell with Ecwid →

How to Use Instant Site’s Design Options

All our new designs have been developed with you (taip, YOU) in mind. Choose the layout, šriftus, spalvos, and more to express your brand style, add a unique design touch, and make your Instant Site your own.

Pradėti, head to the Website tab in your Ecwid Control Panel (pvz. Control Panel → Starter Site) and click “Edit.” The new design tools are enabled automatically for all stores, so you can start using them right away.

Select a predesigned theme

If this is your first website or you want to launch it faster, mes jus apėmėme. Browse ready-made themes to find something that fits your brand.

These themes are fully customizable, meaning you can change texts, šriftus, button CTA, vaizdai, spalvos, and layouts right in the editor. We are adding more themes soon to keep you inspired.

Want to give your website a personal touch? You can modify your theme or start from scratch in the “Headline and Cover” tab. Keep reading to see it in action.

Choose the cover layout

Change the position of your header copy and the layout of your background:

Replace the demo text with your own copy (you can do it in the left sidebar menu of the Instant Site editor) and adjust its position on your cover image: move it left, teisingai, up, and down.

Add your own photo

Already have some great photos? Showcase your best product photography on your cover background: for the best fit, choose images that are at least 1400х1050px. Set it up in the “Background Options” tab.

…Or, choose from thousands of free stock images

No photos yet? Use an integrated stock photography tool to select one of our available professionally-created stock images.

…Or, wow customers with a background video

They say a picture sells like a thousand words, so a video must sell like at least a thousand pictures. Spice up that cover with footage of your new collection, happy customers, your products being created, or — better yet — your products in action.

To add a video to your cover area, simply copy/paste the link from YouTube or Vimeo. If you’re using someone else’s video, be aware of copyrights and make sure to get permission first.

More articles to get you going with video:

…Or, fill the cover background with a color or gradient

If you prefer the minimalist life, add a plain color or a gradient to your background. Just be sure to coordinate your text color with your background for easy reading.

Change the font, dydis, and color of your headings

Text style is an important part of branding. Select the size, spalva, and font for the main copy on your Instant Site: make it thin and airy, bold and solid, moderate and professional, arba bet kas tarp jų.

Add image filters

Image too bright? Need to make a quick change? Don’t rush to expensive photo editors. Test out some of our new image filters instead. Not seeing what you want? Use the tool to create one of your own!

Design the CTA button

Set your brand color, change the CTA copy and size, and optimize your button for conversions.

More Tools for Designing Your E-commerce Website

Now that you’ve got your fancy new cover image to lure in new customers, take your storefront further with Instant Site tools to:

And be sure to check out more ways to sell with Ecwid.

Start selling on your website

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