Alles wat je nodig hebt om te verkopen online

Set up an online store in minutes to sell on a website, sociale media, of marktplaatsen.

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Omnichannel Selling Explained: What It Really Means to Sell Everywhere

20 min read

Voor ondernemers, selling online has changed dramatically in recent years. It’s no longer enough just to have a website because consumers shop literally everywhere—on social media, marktplaatsen, persoonlijk, on apps, en meer.

To stay ahead of the curve, you must use multiple channels to sell your products and services. Dat is waar omnichannel selling comes in handy. Read on to learn what it is, how it benefits business owners, and what you can do to leverage selling on multiple platforms.

What Is Omnichannel Selling?

Omnichannel, or multichannel, selling is the practice of leveraging multiple sales channels simultaneously to provide customers with a seamless shopping experience across all touchpoints. These channels include online stores, fysieke winkels, sociale media platforms.

Simpel gezegd, u wilt verkopen overal your customers shop, as we like to say here at Ecwid by Lightspeed. By taking advantage of the multichannel approach, businesses can increase their customer base and maximize profits.

Let’s see how it works in real life.

Denk over iets wat je hebt onlangs kocht. Maybe you were inspired by a TikTok video or found a product on Pinterest and followed the link to the brand’s website. But you didn’t have time to buy it or thought you could find a better deal. After work, you stopped by the store or searched for the product on eBay or Amazon to compare prices and read customer reviews. So many places to buy the same product from!

Your customers make their purchases through many different channels. They shop on websites, sociale media, in apps, bakstenen en mortel winkels, en online marktplaatsen. Als eigenaar van een bedrijf, this means that whatever you’re selling should be available to your customers in a variety of locations to maximize the possibility of a purchase.

Benefits of Omnichannel Selling

By providing customers with multiple channels of access to your products, you make it easier for them to purchase what they need.

Here are some other benefits of omnichannel selling:

  • Increase brands reach and visibility by having a presence on multiple platforms, zoals Facebook, Amazon, en uw website.
  • Boost customer satisfaction by letting people shop on their preferred channel.
  • Groei omzet by reaching customers on more platforms.
  • Gain valuable insights into customer behavior by tracking how they interact with different channels.

Challenges of Multichannel Selling

Multichannel selling can be a great strategy for businesses of any niche. Echter, it does have its challenges.

Selling on several channels at once means managing all those channels at the same time. That can become overwhelming. You need to keep track of your inventory, bestellingen, and customer questions in multiple places at once. You don’t want to sell your whole inventory through Instagram or a physical store only to discover that your Amazon customers are still waiting for their orders.

While large businesses have resources to manage several selling platforms effectively, small businesses often opt out of omnichannel selling because they simply don’t have enough time and manpower to handle it. Echter, without omnichannel selling, businesses have a harder time reaching more customers and growing their business.

Omnichannel Selling Made Simple for Any Business

Zoals het gezegde gaat, “You can’t be in two places at once.” Here at Ecwid by Lightspeed, wij verwerpen die verklaring. We want to help you be everywhere at once because that’s exactly what our software was designed to do.

Our technology optimizes a multitude of ways to sell online and in-person using a single inventory. Met Ecwid, you can serve your customers anywhere and everywhere they are from a single dashboard.

Met Ecwid van Lightspeed, you set up an online store once and then add it to as many platforms as you want. No need to create a separate store for each platform!

Bijvoorbeeld, you can create an online store and add it to a website, Facebook, Instagram, Google Shopping, and Amazon to sell on all those places simultaneously. Your inventory and sales are synced across all platforms. You can then manage every channel from one place—your Ecwid dashboard.

With the right tools, omnichannel selling can be profitable and effortless, no matter the size of your business. Here’s how you benefit when you sell everywhere with Ecwid by Lightspeed:

  • Save time and effort. You don’t need to spend hours on different platforms because you can manage everything from one dashboard.
  • Prevent overselling. Your inventory is synced across channels so you don’t need to worry about selling too much of an item.
  • Get more customers. Reach your potential customers on multiple selling channels without putting in more effort.
  • Groei omzet. Selling across multiple platforms increases your chances of making a sale.

How to Easily Sell Everywhere

Here at Ecwid by Lightspeed, we hebben gemaakt het beheer van meerdere verkoopkanalen net zo makkelijk als het controleren van uw e-mail. Nieuwsgierig? Lees verder om te leren over een aantal van de verschillende manieren waarop je kunt verkopen met Ecwid, then give it a try for yourself!

Sell on a Free Ecommerce Website

Het moment dat je meld u aan bij Ecwid, you’ll be given a free website to sell your products. We call it the “Instant Site.” It is designed to be a stepping stone to easily launch your online presence with minimal cost and effort.

U kunt customize your Instant Site’s template with your own cover images, tekst, en informatie over uw bedrijf, zoals uw verhaal, getuigenissen, kantooruren, adres, contact details, en sociale banden. You decide on the content and we’ll automatically format it to look great on your customer’s screen.

An example of an ecommerce website set up with Ecwid Instant Site

Lees meer: Hoe een e-commerce website te bouwen: De eenvoudigste manier zonder ervaring

Open een Facebook Store

Het verkopen van uw producten op een website met 2.9 miljard maandelijks actieve gebruikers klinkt geweldig, niet’t het? In feite, de gemiddelde Ecwid koopman met gesynchroniseerde winkels ontvangt 15% van hun omzet van Facebook. Neem je Facebook-selling naar het volgende niveau door het openen van een Facebook storefront.

A Facebook Shop powered by Ecwid

Als u uw Facebook winkel met Ecwid, uw klanten kunnen direct winkelen vanuit uw bedrijfspagina en door de kassa vanaf elk apparaat. Het krijgen van uw product catalogus op Facebook geeft je ook de mogelijkheid om specifieke producten met krachtige marketing tools zoals dynamische advertenties en het Facebook-pixel adverteren.

It only takes a few minutes to het creëren van een Facebook-winkel. It’s also a great option as a standalone channel if you haven’t created a website yet.

Lees meer: Ecwid’s Social Selling Tools for Facebook

Verkopen op Instagram

Instagram is a profitable platform for businesses thanks to its visual format and active audience. But there’s no easy way to convert a follower into an actual paying customer without using Shoppable Tags. This Instagram feature encourages purchases by allowing users to buy products featured in your Instagram content by tapping a special shopping tag. The user stays on Instagram during checkout, and the whole purchase process happens in just a few clicks.

Ecwid’s integration with Instagram allows you to connect your Ecwid product catalog with your Instagram business profile and tag products (net zoals je mensen zou taggen) in your posts, verhalen, haspels, enz. Users can use those tags to purchase products. Make your Instagram feed sell for you—it just takes a couple of minutes to set up.

An example of a shoppable Instagram reel

Lees meer: Hoe te verkopen op Instagram: Guide for Beginners

Verkoop op TikTok

TikTok is exceptionally popular and helps businesses reach a wide audience. The app provides users with creative tools such as video editing designed to promote content, allowing businesses to create engaging videos while increasing their reach at the same time.

Another great thing about TikTok is that products can go viral, just like songs, trends, of filters. Check out #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt hashtag—it has billions of views in the app.

TikTok is ranked number one globally for ad equity. Dat betekent dat, users find ads on the app valuable thanks to platform-specific ad formats that allow you to promote your products and services in an organic way.

Met Ecwid van Lightspeed, you can make the most of advertising on TikTok by having your product catalog and TikTok for Business account synced. That enables you to run more effective ad campaigns. Bijvoorbeeld, display ads that show a specific product to people that were looking at the same item on your website.

An example of a TikTok ad that features a product

Leren hoe te advertise your Ecwid store on TikTok.

Verkopen op Amazon, eBay, or Walmart

Giant online marketplaces provide business owners with a large and ready-to-buy audience. While a standalone ecommerce website works great for building your brand, including your products on Amazon, eBay, and/or Walmart is a chance to sell on an already trusted platform with a developed infrastructure.

Met de Codisto app, Ecwid sellers can make the most of selling on popular online marketplaces. Verkopen op eBay, Amazon, or Walmart right from your Ecwid account. Keep your inventory synced with your other channels. Test selling on big marketplaces without ever leaving your Ecwid admin.

Lees meer:

Sell on Google Shopping

Google Shopping allows businesses to list products on Google Search and Google Shopping results pages. With this service, you can create product listings that appear alongside Google search engine results when a user searches for relevant keywords.

The integration between Ecwid and Google (powered by Kliken) allows you to easily advertise on Google. Google recently updated their advertising features, like Smart Shopping campaigns and product listings, to make advertising even more successful. You’ll be able to reach more customers right where the product search happens—on Google.

Door producten op het tabblad Google Shopping te vermelden, kunt u meer winkelbezoekers bereiken

Lees meer over listing your Ecwid products on Google Shopping.

Verkopen op Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger live chat allows you to connect with your customers on one of the most popular chat apps. In feite, over 900 miljoen mensen communicate with friends and brands through the Messenger app elke maand.

Offering to talk through Facebook Messenger improves klantenservice and creates a personal connection with your audience. U kunt vragen van klanten te beantwoorden, help them choose the right product, geven advies over hoe u uw product te gebruiken, and/or recommend other items based on their needs.

Offering customer care through Facebook Messenger live chat improves potential customers’ experience because:

Met Ecwid van Lightspeed, you can connect your store to Facebook Messenger and add live chat to your site in just a few clicks. Klanten in staat om een ​​praatje direct vanaf de productpagina's starten op uw website zal zijn. Any conversations will be saved in their Facebook Messenger inboxes for later.

Lees meer over using Facebook Messenger live chat in uw Ecwid winkel.

Facebook Messenger live chat helpt je meer aanbevelingen voor uw klanten

Add “Koop nu” knoppen om uw blog of webpagina

A “Buy Now” Button is a fast and flexible option to sell your products. It helps you get products in front of customers by easily adding a button to anywhere on a website.

U kunt een “Koop nu” knop op plaatsen:

  • Een landing page
  • Een blog
  • Een sidebar
  • Uw startpagina
  • Partner websites

When customers click a “Buy Now” Button, they are instantly taken to the checkout. Er, they can choose from various payment options and shipping methods.

De “Koop nu” knop in de zijbalk

U kunt het uiterlijk van de knop “Koop nu” aanpassen door frames en kiezen welke velden worden weergegeven, like the price, hoeveelheid, enz. Het kleurenschema van de Smart-knop zal automatisch worden afgestemd op uw website en vloeien naadloos met uw bedrijf branding.

Adding a “Buy Now” Button is no harder than embedding a YouTube video. Kopieer en plak de code om een ​​plek op uw website.

Lees meer: 7 Manieren om te verkopen met Ecwid's "Koop nu" knop

Zet Uw online winkel in een Mobile App

Een native mobiele app onder uw merknaam is een uniek verkoopkanaal beschikbaar in Ecwid. Het is volledig responsive en werkt op iedere mobiele apparaat. Met een app, uw klanten zullen altijd uw winkel direct in hun portemonnee, perfect voor de snel groeiende markt van de mobiele shoppers.

An example of a shopping app created with Ecwid

Het hebben van uw mobiele app verkrijgbaar in de App Store en Google Play brengt uw bedrijf dichter bij uw klanten dan ooit tevoren. The app also encourages customers to make a repeat purchase as your store is literally at their fingertips.

Lees meer: Grow Your Ecwid Shop with a Mobile App — No Coding Required

Verkoop op Pinterest

Unlike most social platforms that thrive on influencers and conversations, Pinterest bestaat alleen om te inspireren. And regular Pinners use the platform to plan for some of life’s biggest moments—including the purchases they make for those moments.

Als u wilt dat in de voorkant van het winkelend publiek te krijgen op het exacte moment dat ze op zoek te laten inspireren door producten zoals de uwe, Pinterest is een no-brainer.

Wat is er meer, in tegenstelling tot andere platforms, Pinterest gebruikers het niet erg het zien van merkproducten pennen, terwijl ze het platform zijn het verkennen. In feite, meest Pinners even find it helpful if the branded content is related to the inspiration they’re seeking.

Met Ecwid van Lightspeed, you can leverage advertising on Pinterest with the Share dag. You’ll be able to promote your products to previously engaged store visitors and adjust your ad campaigns to make the most of the platform.

“Pinterest is goed voor 90 procent van mijn sociale media verkeer.”- Selena Robinson, oprichter van “Look! We leren!”Educatieve e-goederen

Meer informatie: Run meer effectieve advertenties met Pinterest Tag voor uw Ecwid Store

Verkoop op Snapchat

Als het gaat om de confrontatie jonger publiek, Snapchat knows how. 71% van Snapchat gebruikers bezoeken het platform meerdere keren per dag, with the average user opening their app 20 times for a total of 30 minuten van betrokkenheid.

Populaire sociale netwerken

Snapchat ranks as the twelfth most popular social network in the world (Bron: Statista)

If you’re looking for new advertising channels to grow your business and your target audience includes teens and young adults, Snapchat misschien wel uw antwoord.

En om het af, Snapchat is nog steeds een relatief onaangeboorde bron. Many marketers turn to Instagram Stories for similar solutions, het maken van reclame op Snapchat vrij concurrentie-vrij.

To make your ads more effective on Snapchat and enhance your ability to find the right audience, toevoegen Snap Pixel naar uw online winkel. De Snap Pixel helpt u remarketingadvertenties draaien, optimaliseren van de prestaties van advertenties, and find more people like your customers to engage with through your ads.

Als je op Ecwid, alles wat je hoeft te doen om uw claim Pixel is kopieer en plak de code in uw Ecwid Control Panel. Het beste van alles, the integration is available on all Ecwid plans—including our Free plan.

Meer informatie: Verkopen op Snapchat met de Snapchat Pixel voor Ecwid

Voeg een Storefront aan een bestaande website

You can add an Ecwid store to any existing website, of het is gebouwd op WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Joomla, Weebly, of iets heel anders. Even with a custom website it only takes seconds to plug in a new Ecwid store.

Een voorbeeld van een Ecwid-winkel toegevoegd aan een WordPress-website

Uw Ecwid winkel zal klaar geleverd met alle functies die u nodig hebt om online te verkopen:

  • Een rijke storefront: foto gallery, gedetailleerde product beschrijvingen, en handige product opties
  • 100+ betaalmethoden
  • Meerdere lijndiensten met een geautomatiseerde calculator voor verzendingskosten
  • Automatische btw-berekening
  • Marketing tools zoals coupons, verkoopprijzen, geautomatiseerde marketing e-mails, Facebook and Google Ads, enz.
  • Toegang tot Ecwid Markt App met 160+ ecommerce apps and more

Lees meer: Het Toevoegen van een Online Winkel voor Uw Bestaande Website

Verkopen In-Persoon

Over 50% van uw klanten expect you to sell both online and offline. Maximize your revenue opportunities by creating both an online store and physical points of sale.

Met Ecwid, is het handig om uw producten te verkopen on-the-go, like at craft fairs, marktplaatsen, of zelfs een pop-up store. Accept cash and update your sales list using Ecwid’s Sell on the Go app for iOS.

Make selling even easier when you accept credit cards at your brick-and-mortar store with one of our point of sale (POS) integraties. Ecwid offers integrations with different POS, inclusief Lightspeed Retail (X-Series), Klaver, vierkant POS. Syncing your Ecwid store with your POS systems helps you keep inventory in sync in your physical location and your online store.

Beheer uw verkoop van overal

Het maakt niet uit hoeveel verkoopkanalen die u gebruikt, het beheren van uw winkel met Ecwid is altijd snel en gemakkelijk. For convenient access to your Ecwid admin from anywhere, download de Ecwid mobile app for iOS and Android to manage your orders and inventory, uploaden product foto's van uw smartphone, starten en voor speciale aanbiedingen, en nog veel meer.

Omnichannel shopping is more than just another trend: het is het heden en toekomst van de detailhandel. Het komt neer op het begrip waar en hoe uw klanten graag om te winkelen en hen te voorzien van een naadloze shopping ervaring die hen toegang tot uw producten op het juiste moment en via de juiste kanalen geeft.

Maak uw account Ecwid en beginnen met betere dienstverlening aan uw klanten met een nieuwe omnichannel strategie.


Verkoop online

Met Ecwid E-commerce, you can easily sell anywhere, voor iedereen - over het internet en over de hele wereld.

Over de auteur

Anastasia Prokofieva is een content schrijver bij Ecwid. Ze schrijft over online marketing en promotie naar de dagelijkse routine make ondernemers gemakkelijker en meer de moeite waard. Ze heeft ook een zwak voor katten, chocolade, en het maken van kombucha thuis.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Makkelijk te gebruiken, betaalbaar (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
I like that Ecwid was easy to start and to use. Even for a person like me, without any technical background. Very well written help articles. And the support team is the best for my opinion.
For everything it has to offer, ECWID is incredibly easy to set up. Highly recommend! I did a lot of research and tried about 3 other competitors. Just try ECWID and you'll be online in no time.

Your ecommerce dreams start here

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