Multichannel Selling Explained: Expanding to Big & Niche Marketplaces

I denne episoden av Ecwid Ecommerce Show, we dive into the world of multichannel selling.

Selling online is no longer limited to just your own website. The landscape has evolved, and now it’s crucial to have a presence on various platforms, including marketplaces and social media.

To shed light on this topic, we have invited a special guest, Mayon from Channable, who is an expert in the field of multichannel selling. Mayon will join us to share valuable insights and strategies to help advanced business owners take their businesses to the next level.

Streamline Product Feeds with Channable

Mayon explains that product feed management is at the core of Channable. This involves optimizing and transforming product data to ensure it is ready for different platforms such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, og mer.

With Channable, sellers can easily manage their feeds and adapt their product information according to each platform’s requirements. Mange bedriftseiere sliter med ødelagte feeds eller manglende produkter når de administrerer feeds manuelt. Channable forenkler denne prosessen ved å håndtere komplekse oppgaver og gi et intuitivt grensesnitt for å kartlegge data til de riktige kanalene.

Forenkle din Amazon-salgsreise

For første gangs Amazon-selgere, prosessen med å lansere en Amazon-butikk kan være overveldende. Channable simplifies this by allowing sellers to manage basic features within their existing Ecwid store while more complex specifics can be filled in directly within Channable.

Through a direct API connection, sellers can push products from Channable to their Amazon seller account effortlessly. Channable helps set up filters, ensures correct data format, and assists in filling additional attributes needed by Amazon. Error messages are provided for missing information, allowing merchants to iterate until perfection.

Fra Amazon til nisjeplattformer

Amazon er en massiv markedsplass som dekker et bredt spekter av produktkategorier, men det finnes også mindre nisjemarkedsplasser som spesialiserer seg på spesifikke bransjer, som elektronikk eller sportsklær. For selgere som er mer erfarne innen e-handel, å utforske disse mindre markedsplassene med mindre konkurranse kan være svært fordelaktig.

Når det gjelder plattformer under radaren, fokus for samtalen er først og fremst på europeiske markedsplasser. Plattformer som Decathlon, Leroy merlin, og Wayfair (for hjemme- og gjør-det-selv-produkter) nevnes som bemerkelsesverdige alternativer.

Det europeiske markedet er kjent for sin fragmentering og mangfoldige plattformer, making a third-party marketplace platform even more crucial for successful expansion.

Oppfyllelse og fraktstrategier på tvers av kontinenter

Diskusjonen går deretter over til bedriftseiere som prøver å bryte seg inn i nye markeder, som nordamerikanske kjøpmenn som retter seg mot Europa. Oppfyllelse blir et vesentlig hensyn, and Amazon’s fulfillment network is often leveraged by European merchants selling in the US. men, the reverse scenario is less common.

The conversation touches on the potential shipping networks of various marketplaces, with TikTok emerging as an interesting player in the social commerce space.

Connect Your Ecwid Store to Channable

You can find Channable in the Ecwid App Market and connect your store to it easily. Just import your product data and start experimenting with different channels.

The Ecwid and Channable integration provides you with a seamless experience in managing orders, fulfillment, and stock synchronization across different platforms.

If you’re an ambitious business owner looking to expand your online presence and maximize your sales potential, this podcast episode is a must-listen. Join us as we reveal the secrets to successful multichannel selling and discover new opportunities to grow your business.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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