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Vrh AI-Based Tools to Streamline Business Processes

15 min read

Kot podjetnik, imate veliko odgovornosti in nalog, ki jih morate opraviti, da bo vaše podjetje potekalo gladko. Za pridobitev prednosti pred tekmeci, morate biti pametni in učinkoviti, ko gre za upravljanje vaših poslovnih procesov.

Orodja, ki temeljijo na AI, vam lahko pomagajo prihraniti čas z avtomatizacijo dolgočasnih in dolgotrajnih opravil. Preberite, če želite izvedeti nekaj orodij, ki jih lahko uporabite, pa tudi nasvete, kako jih kar najbolje izkoristiti.

Kaj so orodja, ki temeljijo na AI?

Kadarkoli govorimo o umetni inteligenci (AI), kar običajno pride na misel, se imenuje strojno učenje. Opisuje programske algoritme, ki se lahko učijo in postanejo bolj spretni pri izvajanju nalog, medtem ko izpolnjujejo naloge in obdelujejo podatke.

Strojno učenje poganja orodja, za katera sploh ne prepoznamo, da temeljijo na AI, kot iskalniki, spletne tržnice, storitve pretakanja filmov, in več.

Orodja, ki temeljijo na AI, hitro postajajo norma, v samo nekaj letih pridobil izjemno popularnost. Razlog se zdi jasen: AI lahko olajša življenje, opravljanje manjših nalog, medtem ko se ljudje lotimo bolj zanimivih nalog.

Veliko nalog, ki jih opravljamo vsak dan, je mogoče avtomatizirati, še posebej, če vodite majhno podjetje. Pa naj gre za pisanje opisov izdelkov, ustvarjanje oglasov, ali ustvarjanje e-poštne kopije, te dolgočasne in dolgotrajne obveznosti lahko opravi umetna inteligenca, medtem ko se vi osredotočate na druge cilje. Orodja, ki temeljijo na AI, so zasnovana za hitro in učinkovito opravljanje rutinskih nalog. Z AI, lahko prihranite čas in se osredotočite na bolj zanimive vidike vašega podjetja.

Let’s take a look at how AI-based tools can help you streamline your online selling process.

Keep in mind that the treatment of AI-generated content under copyright law is still an open question. No matter what tool you use, make sure you always read its Terms and Conditions.

AI Tools for Writing Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are essential for any online store. They provide customers with the details they need to make an informed purchase decision. Ob istem času, pisanje opisov izdelkov je lahko eden najbolj zamudnih delov spletnega prodajalca, še posebej, če imate na stotine izdelkov.

Nekatera orodja, ki temeljijo na umetni inteligenci, vam lahko pomagajo napisati boljše opise izdelkov v samo nekaj minutah. Vse kar morate storiti je, da vnesete nekaj ključnih podrobnosti o izdelku. Orodje bo ustvarilo podroben opis, ki ga lahko uporabite takšnega, kot je, ali ga po potrebi še izboljšate.

Tukaj je nekaj orodij, ki jih lahko uporabite za pisanje opisov izdelkov:

Magic Write by Canva

This AI text generator can be used for writing almost anything copy-related, but we were especially impressed at its ability to write product descriptions. Tukaj je primer:

A product description generated with Magic Write by Canva


This free AI-powered text generator is also great at writing product descriptions, as well as social media captions, ad copy, Spletna stran, and blog copy.

If you run an Ecwid store, you can generate descriptions for your products using the AI Product Descriptions aplikacijo iz trgovine Ecwid App Market.

AI Tools for Improving Product Pictures

High-quality product images help increase conversions for ecommerce stores by making products look more appealing and realistic. AI-based image editing tools can help improve your product pictures. They can automatically adjust brightness, contrast, barve, and other settings without requiring any manual input from you.

AI makes it much easier to produce consistent results across all images without needing expertise in photography or image editing software.


This AI tool allows you to perfect your product pictures by erasing undesired objects, flaws, or even people. Enjoy a stress-free experience as you produce the ideal product images.

Here is a product picture before using Cleanup.Pictures:

And here’s the same product picture but with a cleaned-up background:

AI Image Enlarger and Enhancer

This AI toolkit gives you the power to drastically improve pictures in a matter of seconds. Sharpen out-of-focus images while still preserving clarity. Brez truda prilagodite barvne tone in uravnotežite osvetlitev. Vključuje tudi druge uporabne funkcije, kot je odstranjevanje zasedenosti v ozadju, hrup, ali neželenih predmetov.

Orodja AI za pisanje kopije e-trgovine

Pisanje marketinškega besedila za družbene medije, e-poštna sporočila, oglasi, in spletna mesta so eno od tistega nujnega zla za vsako podjetje. Kopijo potrebujete za skupno rabo informacij o novih izdelkih ali storitvah. Vendar, pisanje je lahko težavno, če nimate časa ali sredstev, da bi sami prišli do prepričljivih idej.

Na srečo, obstajajo orodja za pisanje besedil, ki temeljijo na umetni inteligenci in lahko ustvarijo zanimivo besedilo, ki odmeva pri potencialnih kupcih.


ChatGPT je hitro postal viralen, potem ko je postal dostopen javnosti kot brezplačen predogled raziskav. Vnesite besedilne pozive, kot so vprašanja ali navodila, in ChatGPT bo izpisal besedilo v poljubni obliki, od kopije v družabnem omrežju do objave v spletnem dnevniku.

Oglejte si pesem ChatGPT, ki jo je o Ecwidu napisal Lightspeed:


Jasper.ai is an AI-powered content writing platform that helps business owners and entrepreneurs create social media, Spletna stran, blog, SEO, ad, and email copy with ease. If you have a blog for your business, Jasper.ai can be especially helpful. It helps come up with blog post outlines, rewrite content, and brainstorm content ideas.

Jasper.ai also has AI image generator you can use to create pictures for your social media, e-poštna sporočila, or website.

Keep in mind that AI-powered copywriting tools allow you to adjust the tone and voice of your text. Use that setting to adjust copy to your brand.

If you run an Ecwid store, you can generate social media content for your business using the Social Post AI aplikacijo iz trgovine Ecwid App Market. oz, write ecommerce copy using the MercuryAI aplikacija.

AI Tools for Generating Images and Videos

Marketing your product online without images or videos is unimaginable—who would buy a product they have never seen? Just like you need written content for marketing campaigns, you also need illustrations and videos to showcase your products.

That’s where image and video generators come in handy. Za ustvarjanje slik po meri lahko uporabite orodja, ki temeljijo na umetni inteligenci, infografike, in video posnetke iz nič v nekaj minutah.

Daj ji 2

To orodje AI je še en projekt OpenAI, isti raziskovalni laboratorij umetne inteligence, ki nam je dal ChatGPT. Daj ji 2 uporabnikom omogoča sprejemanje besedilnih pozivov in njihovo pretvorbo v različne računalniške grafike, iz slik, fotografije, risbe, in slike - če želite!

Če zaženete a tiskanje na zahtevo (kar pomeni, da izdelke proizvaja dobavitelj, kot so naročeni), lahko celo uporabite Dall-E 2 za ustvarjanje dizajnov za vaše izdelke za tiskanje na zahtevo.


To orodje za ustvarjanje videoposnetkov, ki ga poganja AI, vam omogoča preprosto ustvarjanje izobraževalnih vsebin, trženje, ali poslovne videe z nekaj kliki. Uporaba je preprosta – vse, kar morate storiti, je, da ga povlečete in spustite.

Orodje AI za oblikovanje blagovne znamke

Ustvarjanje in upravljanje marketinških sredstev je lahko težka naloga. Vaši vizualni elementi morajo biti povezani in reprezentativni za vašo blagovno znamko, obenem pa morajo vašo blagovno znamko razlikovati od vaše konkurence. Kako naporno!

AI-based branding business tools can help business owners save time by automatically creating logos, business cards, letterheads, and more with just a few clicks of a mouse.


This innovative tool simplifies branding efforts for your store. It leverages AI to create remarkable, distinctive logos and branded materials that share your company’s unique identity and message. For those that struggle with design, this tool can effortlessly generate personalized marketing materials such as business cards, brand kits, and social media templates.

If you’re selling online with Ecwid by Lightspeed, you can even try the Looka aplikacijo iz trgovine Ecwid App Market.

Create dozens of designs for all kinds of branded materials in minutes

AI Tools for Improving Customer Support

Providing quality customer service is a crucial part of running any business. Vendar, it can be difficult to manage several customer communication channels when you’re busy with other business tasks.

Orodja, ki temeljijo na umetni inteligenci, lahko avtomatizirajo postopke storitev za stranke, tako da lastnikom podjetij ni treba skrbeti za ročno obdelavo e-pošte ali sporočil. Še posebej so dobri pri težavah s preprostimi rešitvami, kot je zagotavljanje informacij o pošiljanju in druge komunikacije v zvezi s storitvami za stranke.

Klepetalni roboti, ki jih poganja AI

Obstajajo vse vrste klepetalnih robotov z umetno inteligenco, ki omogočajo takojšnjo in 24/7 prva linija podpore, odstranjevanje pogostih vprašanj in vprašanj o sledenju naročil iz mape »Prejeto«..

Na trgu aplikacij Ecwid, you can choose from a number of customer support chatbots, kot Tidio, Chaport, Krožnik, in več. They will answer commonly asked questions about products, refunds, Dostava, in več! They can update customers on their orders 24/7 while sending you customer questions that need more human attention.

AI Tool for Automating Video Marketing

Video marketing is literally everywhere. Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have popularized vertical video format. You can see marketing videos on almost every social platform, vključno s Facebookom, Pinterest, and YouTube. Due to their popularity, video ads generally get more attention from consumers.

Check out our article about why TikTok is so popular and the effectiveness of vertical video advertising.

When you run a business, you can’t deny the effectiveness of video when marketing products online. Na srečo, AI tools make the process of creating videos much easier and faster.


This tool allows you to publish or schedule video content on YouTube, Facebook, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. It can help you expand your reach and build an engaged following.

Enostavno povedano, you can effortlessly convert a single video into 15 different pieces of content and have it published without any manual labor. Imagine how many hours it can save you each week!

Can You Rely 100% on AI Tools?

Although AI-based tools can be incredibly helpful for streamlining tasks related to running an online store, it’s important not to rely on them fully. They should be used as a tool rather than a substitute for an employee. As powerful as they may be, they still lack the human touch essential in certain areas, such as customer service or creative brainstorming sessions.

It’s best practice not to rely solely on these tools. Namesto tega, use them as prompts or guides when coming up with ideas yourself.

Na primer, you can use Jasper.ai to quickly draft some SEO copy, such as title and meta descriptions for product pages. Then you can edit it to make sure it fits your product and brand.

Jasper.ai has many templates for ecommerce businesses

oz, when you generate some Facebook ad copy using AI, always check that it actually follows the platform’s recommendations for ad texts, such as character limit for primary text, headline, and description.

Prompts for AI-Powered Tools

Many AI-based tools work with prompts, like ChatGPT and Jasper.ai. Prompts are keywords, phrases, or questions that you can use to give the AI tool information about how you would like it to perform a task. Na primer, “Generate Google Ads headlines and taglines for advertising my product (include a short description of your product).”

For the best results, download some AI prompt templates for business-related tasks:

Helpful AI Prompts for Business Owners

Check out some AI prompt templates for business-related tasks to help you on your automation journey.

Vnesite veljaven elektronski naslov

Those are just a few prompts you can use to leverage AI-powered tools as a business owner. To get the most out of your preferred tool, research the tool’s capabilities and experiment with different prompts to see what works best for you.


Na splošno, leveraging AI-based tools is a great way for busy online sellers and entrepreneurs to save time while still producing quality work. These powerful yet simple-to-use tools enable anyone—regardless of experience level—to create content quickly and effectively without sacrificing quality or accuracy.

Vendar, it’s important not to rely solely on these solutions. Namesto tega, use them as guides when coming up with ideas for your business. This ensures that your content has just enough human touch while still utilizing these high-tech solutions.

Now it’s up to you to explore potential AI-based tools that could help your business!



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With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, komurkoli — po internetu in po vsem svetu.

About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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