Canada's destination for NEW backcountry hiking and camping gear. Offering a selection of ultralight, brand name and house brand equipment to help prepare you for your next adventure.

Simply, we are gearheads.  We use our knowledge and expertise to assist you in selecting the best gear for your needs.

Thank you for supporting our Canadian, family owned and operated business!

Happy trails!


About Us

Jesse Hebenton

Store owner

GearTrade was founded in 2012 in Okotoks, Alberta by an outdoor enthusiast and entrepreneur who saw a need for an outdoor gear marketplace.

Over the years, this local business has flourished with online sales throughout North America. However, it is still the little touches, customer service, and professional advice that matter most to us. We strive to take the time needed to make sure our customers walk away with the right product for their next adventure.

With a degree in Eco Tourism and Outdoor Leadership, Owner and operator Jesse Hebenton has an extensive background in the outdoor field both in retail and as a guide and outdoor facilitator. But at the end of the day let’s face it, he’s a big time gear junkie.

Our mission has been and continues to be simple, we want to provide outdoor enthusiasts with the best marketplace to buy brand name, high quality gear, at wholesale prices year round.


We are open by appointment only! To book your online order pick up, customized outfitting, or just to browse, please book online at:


6 Fisher Crescent, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4

Store Hours

We are open by APPOINTMENT ONLY. To book, please visit: