It's our last name. Yes, really. 

The Universe is funny that way. 

The two of us needed to change our story and it needed to happen quickly.

Pour. Shake. Sip. Repeat. 

Our dark days became brighter. Being a mom wasn't so overwhelming and we were in a good mood most of the time. 

Dreaming became possible again. 

This is just the beginning. It's all waiting for you. 


Janice & Tawsha Box

Wives. Moms. Hustlers.

Box is our last name. Yep, for real! Some of you will get that later.

Tawsha is a Hallmark movie lover, the one who cries at commercials, wants to save the world and was born to love on people. 

Janice has a tough exterior and the F-bomb is part of all conversations. Don't let the tough exterior fool you because she'll rescue you in any situation and share that she's been in the same place. 

You'll find us at Target. No, seriously, look for us there. It happens A LOT. We're momming so hard and we've set out on a mission to share the one thing that shifted us into a life we don't even recognize.