7 通过 Facebook 营销促进销售的策略

Facebook is one of the most used sales and marketing social media channels. There are nearly 3 billion Facebook users 全世界. In the U.S. 独自的, 大约 86% of internet users with annual household incomes above $100K use Facebook. 作为小企业主, you’re missing out on a lot of revenue if you don’t have a Facebook marketing presence.

When done properly, Facebook marketing can help you slash your customer acquisition costs significantly while boosting your revenue per dollar. If you really want to boost your sales through Facebook marketing, this guide is for you. We’re here to share seven proven strategies to boost your Facebook marketing results.

Run Retargeting Ads

Retargeting campaigns are a way of reconnecting with people who have recently visited your website. There are two types of retargeting ads you can run. The first is a direct sales ad.

You should use sales ads for people who visited your blog or 电子商务网站 and almost purchased a product or service. 例如, you can run direct sales ads when someone adds a product to their cart or checkout but fails to complete their purchase.

The copy for sales ads can be direct. You share the product or service offering and the incentive to make a person want to click on your ad. 这是一个例子:

The ad doesn’t mention that I visited the site in the past, which might be a mistake. They do offer a special discount to incentivize a return to the site. That discount might work wonders in getting people to return to the site, click through and make a purchase.

Along with these direct ads, you should consider running less direct retargeting ads. The goal of a less direct advert is to get people onto your email list or follow your page, so you can develop a relationship with these potential customers. They can be more effective than a sales ad, given that most people aren’t interested in purchasing things from each site they visit.

A nice example of a less direct advert is from Ecom World Conference, a yearly gathering of top ecommerce marketers and business owners. The conference has carefully considered their customers’ pain points and have discovered that many businesses are struggling to get their products to rank #1 在亚马逊上.

Here’s a retargeting ad they run to site visitors:

The ad directs people to a landing page, where they can register for the conference and learn more about Amazon marketing strategies.

Indirect ads work best for expensive products or service offerings—for example, professional services or a conference that costs money to attend. With an expensive product or service, you usually need to convince the prospect of your value offering.

Depending on the type of business you are running, consider running both of these types of retargeting ads.

如果您是 Ecwid 卖家, 您可以在几分钟内在 Facebook 上设置重定向广告系列 点击它. 它简化了设置活动的过程,以便您可以轻松地将逛街的顾客转化为付费客户.

Use Facebook Live to Get Potential Customers’ Attention

Facebook Live is one of Facebook’s features that allows you to stream live video content. A great thing about Facebook live videos is that they are 20% more likely to have more shares, 喜欢, and engagement.

Here’s an example of using live videos for business promotion from Amy Porterfield, an online marketing specialist. She manages an active Facebook page and has been using Facebook Live to engage with her audience using webinar marketing.

The screenshot above is from one of the Facebook Live events she ran: 5 Reasons Most Online Courses Fail.

The webinar was partly educational. At the end of the webinar, she pitched her online course.

Facebook Live is an effective marketing channel for engaging with your audience and generating sales. Like Amy, you can use Facebook Live to educate your audience and generate sales.

Create Private Communities

Facebook is a place to socialize and network. You should be taking advantage of this social element of the platform to grow your business. One way you can do this is by setting up a private Facebook group focused on your niche.

Private communities are a way to gather people interested in specific topics. You can make a Facebook group a central component of your marketing efforts by inviting existing and potential customers to join your community.

The WordPress page builder, 元素者, has done just this.

They have an engaged community; 4,000+ posts per month are published in the Elementor Facebook group. It is a place where users share tips about internet marketing. The group’s admin also resolves issues and answers questions here.

Another example of a successful Facebook community is Lifetime Tech Deal Fans. The community is a place where people share feedback about lifetime deals.

The page has over 12,000 会员. People in the group share feedback on deals on sites like AppSumo. The admins monetize this group by providing lifetime deals with companies.

Creating an engaged private Facebook community won’t happen overnight. It takes time to attract people to your page and generate engagement. Even then, only a small percentage of people who join your group will post content.

As the page’s creator and Admin, you will need to take the lead initially. Leave thoughtful comments that are a starting point for a discussion and generate engagement. Create posts that start conversations among the group.

Set aside a bit of time each day to engage with your online community.

Once you have an active community, you’ll probably find the size of the group starts to snowball. You’ll get people joining your group because of referrals. This is great for your business because as the admin, you are naturally placed in the position of authority. You’ll have a lot of natural goodwill from members, which will make it easier for you to sell your products or services to members of the community. Just remember: it’s important to make content and conversations not directly related to what you sell as well, to establish yourself as an expert in your community.

Create Facebook Videos

If you want to engage with people on Facebook, you should be using video marketing. It allows you to stretch your marketing budget and reach more prospective customers effectively. You can transmit more information with video than text and do it faster. 加, video content also gives you a chance to connect with your audience because they can hear the tone of your voice and see your facial expressions.

When creating video content for Facebook, you need to keep a few rules in mind.

首先, video content on Facebook is set to mute by default. People won’t hear what you have to say. Marketers often get around this by adding large subtitles or text to video content.

The initial text needs to catch people’s attention as they scroll down the Facebook newsfeed.

第二, ensure that your video stands out from the news feed.

Experiment with high contrast colors. You also need a good opening shot for your video. That first 3-5 seconds of any video is crucial. You need to grab your audience’s attention in those initial moments if you want them to stop scrolling and focus on your content.

毕竟, they’re on Facebook primarily to catch up with their friends and view content from brands they already know. Your Facebook marketing content should convince your audience to add your brand to the list of brands they follow.

Run Online Contests

Online competitions are a great way to build your brand recognition, grow your audience, 和 generate online sales. The fundamentals of running a competition on Facebook are remarkably straightforward.

第一的, consider what you’re going to give away to your audience. The offer you provide should be relevant to your business. The more expensive the prize, the more likely you are to get a high level of engagement. 理想情况下, you should also use competition software to run the offer.

Competition software will help you boost engagement and incentivize referrals. Here’s a list of relevant competition software.

LG ran a contest where participants were encouraged to upload photos of happy moments with friends and family and use the brand’s hashtags. The prizes include a large OLED TV, an entertainment system, and LG’s signature in-ear earphones:

Aside from encouraging users to generate content, hosting giveaways and contests is a great way to get potential customers’ email addresses. 例如, the alkaline water brand Waiakea ran a competition to grow their email list and expand their potential customer base. They used Vyper, an online competition platform, to run their competition.

The competition generated over 62,000 email leads in just four weeks. They offered a great prize, promoted the offer through their email list and social media, and ran retargeting ads to boost engagement. This guide breaks down the framework they used for running the competition.

Use Facebook to Offer Customer Support

One of the important differentiators for online businesses is customer service. 伟大的 customer service helps you retain customers and convert leads. Facebook offers you an opportunity to provide “instant” responses to customers.

Here are the top four ways you can turn your brand into a star on this popular platform:

Facebook Messenger is an excellent tool for connecting with your customers, providing customer service, and reminding shoppers about offers and discounts. You can also use it to add a live chat to your website.

更多的: How to Sell on Facebook Messenger

Add on Online Store to Your Facebook Page

Please note that on April 27, 2023, Meta announced changes to Facebook and Instagram Shops across different regions. See how your Shops on Facebook and Instagram experience may be affected in the 元业务帮助中心.

If you sell products that comply with Facebook’s 社区标准商业政策, you can add a Shop section to your page. 这边走, both desktop and mobile users can discover and buy your products in the familiar Facebook interface.

A Facebook Shop on ANNA Cake Couture page

You can connect your online store to Facebook with Ecwid. Not only will you be able to add a Shop section to your Facebook page, but you’ll also be able to sell your products on multiple platforms at once — on your site, 市场, and even other social media like Instagram or TikTok. 最好的部分? Your product catalog and sales will be synced in one place, so you can easily manage products and orders from a single dashboard.

学到更多: 在脸书上卖: 使用 Ecwid 的社交销售工具提升您的销售额

In Conclusion

If you’re looking to boost your sales, 脸书营销 may be just what you need.

This post has covered seven big Facebook marketing strategies—everything from running online competitions to creating private community groups, using Facebook Live, 和更多. Apply these marketing strategies to your overall business plan to generate more potential customers for your growing small business.

About The Author
Chris Norton is the Founder of insight-led PR agency Prohibition, 和 Social Media Training. He is a former University lecturer, author of “Share This Too” and listed in the UK's top 10 PR and social media bloggers.

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