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业务增长预算: 拓展业务的财务策略

16 min read

创业是一项令人兴奋的成就, 但你必须时刻关注并保持创新,才能让事情蓬勃发展. 这就是良好的业务预算规划发挥作用的地方——它是业务发展的基石.

如果您不监控企业财务状况并留出资源用于增长, 你可能不只是陷入困境——你可能会看到事情开始走下坡路. 随着时间的推移, 这可能意味着您的企业带来的收入减少, making it tougher to cover expenses and keep things running smoothly.

The trick is managing your finances so you always have the funds ready to fuel that growth. In this blog, we’ll discuss the basics of budgeting for business growth and some financial policies you should consider.

Understanding Business Budgeting

随着您的业务增长, financial management can get a bit more complex. It might be tempting to see newfound profitability as a chance to spend on both business and personal expenses. 但要小心——这可能很快导致金融不稳定. 拥有额外的资金可能会导致超支, 有时甚至使用并不真正存在的钱.

当企业在稀缺心态下运营时, 超支的可能性较小,并且更有动力创造额外收入来满足感知的需求.

这就是预算发挥关键作用的地方. 在企业中制定预算计划涉及为特定目的留出特定金额的资金. 在商业环境中, 它指的是根据收入和支出制定支出计划.

预算有助于确定可用资本, 估计开支, 和预测收入. 它还指导业务规划并作为设定和实现财务目标的基准.


让我们从基础开始: 什么是商业预算?



收入是指企业的所有收入来源, 包括销售, 投资, 和贷款.

收入预测是对来自销售和其他收入流的未来收入的预测. 您可以计算过去六个月的平均收入,以大致了解您的预期收入.

请记住,这些数字可能会有所不同, 尤其是当您的企业经历季节性高峰时. 那些时期, 专门分析那些时期的平均收入至关重要.



费用是指经营业务所发生的所有成本, 比如租金, 公用事业, 工资单, 和用品.

费用估算是指与运营相关的预期成本, 营销, 工资单, 及其他支出. 这些通常更容易预测,因为可以根据您的每月定期账单进行评估, 工资单, 和材料成本.

Take a look at your spending from the past six months, and you’ll get an average that helps you figure out future expenses. 这边走, you’ll better understand what to expect cost-wise.

If you run an online store, your ecommerce platform can give you some handy data. 例如, if you’re using Ecwid by Lightspeed, you can check out the 收入 report for insights on your store’s revenue and expenses.

Reviewing expenses in the Revenue report of an Ecwid store

When it comes to expenses, your Ecwid store can track:

  • Total expenses: ​​您花费多少钱来在您的在线商店中产生销售额
  • 税收: 对您商店中所有订单收取的税金总额
  • 运费: 您在线商店中为您的运输方式指定的所有运费的总和
  • 手续费: 钱花在履行上, 包括存储, 准备, 和包装
  • 销售产品成本: 您商店设置中指定的产品成本价总和.

您还可以将您的支出与上一时期的支出进行比较. 有了这个数据, 您可以估算未来的开支,并在规划业务预算时将其牢记在心.

Learn more about different reports available for Ecwid stores and how to use these insights to grow your business.


无论生产或销售水平如何变化,这些费用都保持不变, 例如租金或保险费. 固定成本通常更容易估计,因为它们每月都是一致的.


这些费用会根据生产或销售水平的变化而波动. 可变成本可能包括原材料, 人工成本, 广告费, 和运输费用.



您应该留出专门的资金来处理您业务的关键方面, 例如偿还债务或建立增长基金.

将这些预留资金视为专门用于某些事情的预算的一部分, 确保在您需要承担财务责任或扩大业务时准备好资金.


这是资金进出企业的流动. 正现金流表明流入企业的资金多于流出的资金, 这对于贵公司的健康发展来说是一个好兆头. 跟踪和管理现金流非常重要,以确保能够支付必要的费用并实现任何财务目标.

经常用于帮助现金流量管理的一种工具是现金流量表, 跟踪特定时间段内现金的流入和流出. This statement can help you identify patterns and areas where adjustments may need to be made in order to maintain positive cash flow.

Creating a Comprehensive Business Budget Plan

Now that you have a better understanding of the components of a business budget, it’s time to learn how to make a budget plan.

Assess the Current Financial Situation

Take a look at where you stand financially by estimating all your expenses. 确保留出一定比例的收入来建立增长基金. 这边走, 您可以准确计算出您的企业需要赚多少钱才能保持强劲.

定期审查您的开支有助于确定可以削减的领域或找到更具成本效益的解决方案. 例如, negotiate with suppliers for better prices or explore different vendors for cheaper options.


分析您的资产负债表, 损益表, and cash flow statements to gain insights into your business’s current financial position.

Balance sheet is a snapshot of your company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. It shows what you own (assets) and what you owe (liabilities), as well as the net worth of your business.

一个 损益表 shows your business’s profitability over a certain period by comparing its revenues against expenses. This helps track changes in revenue streams and identify areas for improvement.

Cash flow statement tracks the movement of cash in and out of your business. 它有助于监控有多少现金可用于日常运营, 投资, 和债务偿还.

这些文件提供了您资产的快照, liabilities, 收入, 和费用, 帮助您识别趋势并发现您可能在哪些方面花钱过于随意.


您可以从产品中获得收入来源, 服务, 或投资. 损益表可以帮助您了解哪些流媒体表现良好,哪些流媒体可能需要一点提升.

收入 report for Ecwid stores comes in handy when you need to track your online store’s revenue. It even provides insights on average order value and average revenue per customer and visitor.

Checking average revenue per visitor in Ecwid’s reports

Figure out where all your revenue is coming from and put your energy into what really brings in the cash.

例如, if your business sells both products and services, you can use the income statement to see which one is generating more profit. This information can help you make informed decisions on where to allocate resources for further growth.

Since marketing is a big part of running a business, it’s important to analyze your marketing expenses as well. 例如, if a specific marketing strategy makes more money than it costs, think about investing more there.

Ecwid makes it easy with built-in 营销 报告. You can easily check where your orders are coming from, whether it’s a Google ad, a Facebook post, or an email campaign.

a graph showing revenue sources

Ecwid’s Marketing reports provide you with an easy-to-understand overview of your sales sources

Channeling your resources into the most profitable marketing channel will likely boost your business’s overall revenue. 发现 how to use Marketing reports and leverage their data to make smart, data-driven decisions.

Categorize Your Expenditures

Start by taking a look at your essential operating costs — things like utility bills, 租, and other basic expenses that keep your business going.

Once you’ve got those sorted out, check out your production-related costs, such as materials and payroll, since they’re crucial too.

For every expense, ask yourself, “我真的需要这个来进行每月的生产吗?” 打印机和笔记本电脑等有助于生产, 但它们应该由预留资金提供资金,而不是被视为核心运营支出.


现在, let’s talk more about set-asides. 这些是您指定用于特定目的的资金,例如意外费用或未来项目.


留出一定比例的利润, 喜欢 5%, 用于承担可能突然出现并给您的企业带来意外损失的任何意外负债.

通常, this is handled through a business savings account, but without clear rules on using these funds, there’s a risk of spending them on other things like new equipment. This could leave your company open to financial trouble.

所以, just setting aside some money isn’t enough. You need clear rules for what you can spend those savings on.

例如, you might decide that these funds can only be used for emergency repairs or legal fees. 这边走, you have a safety net in case something unexpected happens, but you also have guidelines to prevent it from being misused.

We all hope emergencies don’t happen, but it’s crucial to have some savings set aside for those unexpected moments. 当然, insurance helps with some things, but it doesn’t cover everything.

Consider how unprepared many companies were for COVID-19. Businesses lacking savings struggled greatly, with some forced to close. At the close of 2019, 43% of small businesses were invery good” 健康. 然而, due to the impact of the pandemic, this figure dropped to 25% by the end of 2020.

US Small Business Index: overall health of business 2019-2024 (资源: 政治家)

所以, having a financial cushion means your business can handle surprises better and stay strong through tough times.

Business Growth Set-Aside

Set aside a percentage of your profits for business growth. This fund is all about fueling your business’s expansion, whether it’s hiring new employees, buying new equipment, or other crucial stuff. By putting these funds aside, you’re setting the stage to invest in your business’s future success and growth.

Marketing Fund

If you don’t market your business, people won’t know who you are, and that makes it tough to grow. The amount you should spend on marketing can change depending on the industry.

例如, in franchising, it’s normal to set aside 5-7% of revenue for marketing. We mention franchises because they’re businesses with a track record of success, offering a solid model for others to follow.

It really depends on what you’re aiming for. If you just want to keep your current revenue steady, putting 5% 至 10% of sales into advertising might do the trick. But if you’re aiming for rapid growth, you might need to up that to 20% 或者更多, depending on your industry and business type.

If you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to set a fixed amount for your marketing spending since your revenue might be too low to use a percentage of sales as a guide.

A Safe Option

To keep your business growing and shielded from financial risks, figure out how much income you need to cover your set-asides. This will help you find yourbreak-even” 观点. Until those set-asides are fully funded, your business isn’t financially secure yet.

A smart business owner makes sure to set up reserves right away and keeps a budget that makes it look like there’s no extra cash lying around. 这边走, it helps avoid overspending and keeps the business strong and growing over time.

Additional Resources

If you want to make budgeting easier, consider using business budgeting software like Quickbooks, 赛罗, or Freshbooks. They help with tracking expenses, invoicing, and reporting.

顺便一提, Ecwid by Lightspeed integrates with all the above-mentioned software, making it easy to sync your store data and automate routine accounting tasks.

If you’re not ready to dive into accounting software, starting with a business budget template could be a great first step. It provides a structure for organizing financial data and setting financial goals.

You can find business budget plan samples and templates online – some are even free. They are frequently provided in standard formats and ready for use across various software. 例如, this Excel business budget template for startup expenses.


By carefully planning your income, estimating expenses, and setting aside some funds, you prepare your business to handle both expected and unexpected challenges. These strategies aren’t just about keeping your business going; they’re about driving it toward greater success and stability.

记住, it’s key to allocate every dollar wisely and make sure your financial decisions match your big-picture goals for growth and sustainability. 明智的企业预算和良好的财务习惯, 您可以将增长潜力转化为现实, 持久的成功.

考虑将 Ecwid 添加到您的预算中,以增强您的在线商店并发展您的业务.


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With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, 任何人——通过互联网和世界各地.

About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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