How to Choose the Best Site Builder for an Online Store

Your online store’s success hinges on the foundation you set. For small business owners taking the plunge into the digital market, it means finding the perfect platform to build their ecommerce empire. But with a sea of site builders promising the moon, where does one start? And which choice ensures that your online presence is not just launched but thrives?

This comprehensive guide dissects the site-building process for small business owners looking to launch or revamp their digital storefront.

We’ll explore the best site builders in the market, including a deep dive into the bespoke Ecwid Instant Site, designed to cater to online retail’s demanding needs without coding complexities. 加, we’ll uncover the virtues of integrating ecommerce into a custom site.

Ready to hit “publish” on your digital dream? 继续阅读!

Why Use Site Builders for Your Ecommerce Journey

Before we launch into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand why opting for a site builder can benefit your online store.

现代网站建设者不仅仅是拖放元素; 它们具有可扩展性并提供巨大的灵活性. 他们处理托管的具体细节, 域管理, 和安全, 让您专注于真正重要的事情——您的产品和客户体验.

对于小型企业, 网站建设者的效率和承受能力是无与伦比的. 您无需在开发或设计上进行大量投资即可创建具有专业外观的网站. Updates are typically easy to perform so that you can adapt swiftly to the market’s demands.

Ready-Made Templates

Pre-designed website templates act as a framework that you can customize to fit your branding.

They take the legwork out of layout and web design so that you can quickly build off a pre-established format. Without a template, building a website can be a significant time investment with a hefty price tag.

Customizing a ready-made template is much easier than creating a site from scratch



在一月 2024, 移动设备 (不包括片剂) 几乎占了 60% 全球网页浏览量. 数据显示,移动设备的使用量超过了桌面设备的使用量 - 并且这种趋势仍在继续. 考虑到这一点, 以移动优先的心态进行网页设计以满足受众的在线偏好非常重要.


大多数网站建设者提供托管作为其套餐的一部分 - 这意味着您的网站由网站建设者的服务器安全托管, 您可以购买自定义域名.

这样做的好处是,您通常可以直接在网站构建器中管理您的网站托管 - 无需通过外部渠道,从而在流程中添加另一个步骤.


如果搜索引擎优化 (搜索引擎优化) 是您的首要任务, 一些网站建设者提供为此目标创建的模板.

选择适合 SEO 的模板可以让您轻松优化网站内容和文案,帮助您实现优化目标. 再说一遍——您无需雇用外部开发人员即可获得此好处.





虽然一些在线零售商可能决定聘请设计师来帮助设计通过这些平台之一创建的网站元素 (就像定制模板一样, 图形元素, 等等), using a site builder can help make the process faster and more affordable as opposed to starting with a custom-made website from scratch.

还: 如何在没有网站的情况下创建在线商店

Overview of the Most Popular Site Builders for Ecommerce

When it comes to site builders for ecommerce, one size does not fit all.

Numerous site builder options exist, but our attention will be on the more popular platforms consistently used to construct online stores.

Here’s a quick review of the most popular site builders and how they stack up.

Ecwid 即时网站

对于那些寻求简单的, 用户友好的电子商务网站路径, Ecwid Instant Site 改变了游戏规则. 它采用无代码构建, 确保任何人都可以轻松设置完美的, 功能丰富的网站.


Ecwid 即时网站包括专业设计的布局和内容, 以及针对不同领域量身定制的免费预先设计模板, 比如服装, 家, 电子产品, 服务, 食物, 和更多. 它消除了决策的压力, and you can easily customize the design and layout to match your brand’s unique visual identity.

从中选择 40+ site templates tailored to various niches

Ecwid Instant Sites are optimized for mobile and include a free SSL certificate, which is a must-have for online stores.

加, 你可以 buy a domain through Ecwid, 也, and it will be set up automatically – even less manual work for you!

Since Ecwid Instant Site was created with ecommerce in mind, it ensures that any site built through it comes with a built-in online store. 所以, you don’t have to use any integrations or add-ons to add an online store to your website – it’s already there.

Specializing in ecommerce, Instant Site integrates with nearly a hundred payment methods and effortlessly connects with shipping providers.

If you’re concerned about your site’s discoverability, Instant Site has you covered. Some SEO tasks are taken care of automatically, like website robots.txt files and sitemap.xml, alt-tags for product images, 干净的产品 URL, 和更多.

最好的, 因为 Ecwid 即时网站是免费的, 您可以试验并构建您的网站,无需任何前期费用. 加, 只要您愿意,您可以免费销售有限数量的产品.

在下面的文章中了解如何使用 Ecwid Instant Site 创建电子商务网站:


WordPress 为互联网上数量惊人的网站提供支持, 其广泛的插件使其成为许多在线卖家的首选. 该平台提供高度定制化,并拥有支持性的全球社区.

然而, its open-source nature can mean that the responsibility for updates and security falls squarely on your shoulders or your developer’s.

What if you prefer using Ecwid for your online store but wish to create your website using WordPress?

Ecwid seamlessly integrates with WordPress, allowing you to turn any WordPress website into an online store with just a few clicks.

An example of an Ecwid store integrated into a WordPress website

一体化 connects your WordPress site to your Ecwid account so you can manage your whole ecommerce site in one place.

还: Why I Use Ecwid for WordPress Ecommerce: Developer’s Review

Wix shines with its intuitive drag-and-drop builder that’s perfect for beginners. The Wix App Market offers a range of add-ons for ecommerce.

On the downside, the number of free apps is limited, and once you choose a template, you cannot switch to another.

Wix is also integrated with Ecwid, 使 Ecwid 商店所有者可以更轻松地将在线商店添加到其 Wix 网站.

添加到 Wix 网站的 Ecwid 商店示例


Weebly 以其易用性和免费计划而闻名. 其强大的电子商务工具包可让您快速建立支持数字和实体商品的在线商店, 库存管理, 和付款方式.

然而, 其 SEO 功能可能更广泛, 对于旨在建立稳固在线形象的企业来说,这可能是一个缺点.

添加到 Weebly 网站的 Ecwid 商店示例

如果您有 Ecwid 商店, 你可以 将其连接到您的 Weebly 网站, 提供添加在线商店的简单方法.

Joomla & Drupal的

比以前的选项更具技术性, Joomla 和 Drupal 是开源平台,提供高水平的定制,适合大中型企业.

虽然他们给予更大的控制权, 他们还需要更多的专业知识, 对于刚刚起步的小企业主来说,他们的学习曲线可能不值得.

Ecwid 与两者集成 Drupal的Joomla 将在线商店添加到使用这些平台构建的网站.


Squarespace 因其令人惊叹的设计模板和用户友好的设计功能而备受赞誉. 它与用于搜索引擎优化和营销的第三方平台很好地集成,但直接链接的支付网关有限, 这对于迎合全球受众的企业来说可能是一个障碍.

然而, 如果此选项对您的网站有吸引力, 考虑创建一个 Ecwid 商店并 将其与您的 Squarespace 网站集成. 通过这样做, 您将解锁对 Ecwid 支持的广泛支付选项的访问权限, 其中包括近百种不同的方法.

添加到 Squarespace 网站的 Ecwid 商店示例


Strikingly 非常适合创建具有电子商务功能的简单网站. 然而, 由于其定制工具有限,它可能不是复杂网站的最佳选择.

如果您想将 Strikingly 网站变成在线商店, 将其与 Ecwid 连接 并享受两个平台的好处.


虽然网站建设者提供了便利和一套开箱即用的电子商务工具, 一些企业主可能会选择带有集成商店的自定义网站. 该路线提供了最大的控制力和灵活性,但以时间和成本为代价.

拥有熟练的开发人员, 您可以定制在线形象的各个方面, 确保它是独一无二的并满足您企业的每一个具体要求.

将电子商务集成到自定义网站中可以实现无缝设计和用户体验协调. 您可以围绕您的品牌创建一个在现成解决方案中脱颖而出的定制生态系统.


如果你决定走这条路, 你可以 将您的 Ecwid 商店添加到自定义网站 只要您可以向网站添加自定义代码. 这边走, 您可以两全其美 - 一个独特且个性化的网站,具有 Ecwid 提供的所有电子商务特性和功能.


Selecting the best site builder for your ecommerce store is a decision that can shape the trajectory of your business. Whether you’re attracted to the convenience of an all-in-one service like Ecwid Instant Site or desire the comprehensive control of a custom site, it’s vital to match the platform’s capabilities to your business goals.

Consider your tech-savviness, 预算, long-term vision, and any skilled individuals or agencies you can access. And don’t be afraid to test and learn — many platforms offer a trial period or a free plan – before committing. 记住, your digital storefront is not just a place to sell; it’s an online representation of your business, telling your story and connecting you to the world. Make it count.

For a quick, beautiful, and easily customizable option, consider the Ecwid Instant Site. 它为您提供了一系列用户友好的工具和电子商务功能,用于创建您的在线形象.

您是否需要有关您品牌的登陆页面, B2B 合作伙伴关系的简单在线目录, 拥有在线商店的专业电子商务网站, 或任何其他业务目标——即时网站满足您的需求.

About The Author
Kristen is a сontent creator at Ecwid. She finds inspiration in sci-fi books, jazz music, and home-cooked food.

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