如何协商运费: 更好的价格和服务的提示

真正影响您的预算和产品利润的一大因素是运费, 不同提供商之间可能存在很大差异. 有时, these unexpected costs can cancel out any savings you made earlier in the manufacturing process. 所以, it’s worth knowing how to negotiate shipping rates to protect your profit margins.

From dealing with UPS, 联邦快递, and USPS to freight lines, getting the best deals will require a thoughtful strategy — especially since you don’t want to skimp on key aspects like service and speed.

Good news – this article has all the info you need. Keep reading to learn how to get better shipping rates.

How to Negotiate Rates with Shipping Lines

与航运公司谈判费率的第一步是了解市场格局. 例如, UPS 和 FedEx 占据很大一部分市场份额, 创建双寡头垄断定价标准.

由于这种双寡头垄断 大约 70 至 80% 的市场份额, 他们为整个行业设定了相互比较的费率, 未与运送包裹的实际成本进行比较.

然而, 这并不一定意味着你没有谈判的余地. It’s important to research and compare prices from various carriers to have a better understanding of what is considered reasonable.

The great news is that most shipping carriers follow a similar process for negotiating rates. This means the information below can help you with any carrier you choose to work with.

Creating an Account

The easiest way to save on shipping is to create a free account with a provider of your choice. In addition to enjoying shipping discounts, 拥有帐户可以享受其他很酷的福利,例如免费送货用品, 安排定期收集, 不同的跟踪选项, 和更多.

如果您经营一家小型企业, 创建帐户是开始节省运费的好方法. 例如, 如果您想了解如何与 UPS 协商运费, 他们的网站声称你可以保存 取决于 11% 每批货物 拥有免费的 UPS 帐户.

USP 为拥有账户的客户提供更多优惠

在注册之前探索多家运营商并比较他们的福利. 有些提供免费包裹取件和统一运费, 而其他公司则为小型企业提供折扣或为经常托运的客户提供忠诚度奖励. 决定哪些福利更有价值取决于您的运输需求和预算.


您用于在线商店的电子商务平台还可以帮助节省运费. 某些运输提供商, 像美国邮政局, 与电子商务平台集成,为客户提供折扣价格. 就好像运费已经代表您协商好了一样.

以光速夺取 Ecwid, 例如. 当您的在线商店使用 Ecwid 时, 您不仅可以享受折扣运费,还可以享受以下便利 打印运输标签 直接来自您的 Ecwid 管理员.

如果您想知道如何与 USPS 协商运费, 这个选项可能正是您所需要的. 美国的 Ecwid 卖家可以通过 USPS 购买和打印折扣运费, 而比利时的人, 荷兰人, 德国可以利用 Bpost, 荷兰邮政, 和敦豪速递, 分别.

如果您来自其他国家或想要使用不同的运输提供商, 您可以使用以下应用程序购买打折的运输标签 Ecwid应用市场.


与Ecwid, 您可以在管理订单的地方购买运输标签


虽然前两个选项非常适合小型企业, 较大的卖家可以考虑与承运人签订运输合同. 这使您可以根据您的具体运输量和需求协商定制费率.

一旦您选择了运营商, 了解谈判过程如何运作至关重要. 通常, 承运商将审查您的运输历史记录和数量以确定您的费率. 您运送的越多, 您可以协商更好的价格.

它还有助于清楚地了解您的平均货件尺寸和目的地区域, 因为此信息可能会影响您的协商价格.

运输合同是你们之间的法律协议 (公司或制造商) 和承运人 (UPS, 联邦快递, 等等). 取决于您的制造和运输模式, 这样的合同将敲定所运输的货物和数量的细节.

例如, 合同可以包含:

一份合同通常涵盖几个项目, 例如付款条件, 保险, and liability. Signing a shipping contract can also provide additional benefits, such as dedicated account managers, specialized customer service, and other perks.

然而, it’s essential to carefully consider the contract’s terms and conditions before signing. Thoroughly review the pricing structure, service level agreements, and hidden fees or surcharges.

It’s also recommended that you compare multiple contracts from different carriers to get the best deal for your business. Don’t be afraid to negotiate and ask for better rates or added services that fit your needs.

More Things to Note When Negotiating Shipping Rates

Now that you know how to negotiate shipping rates with FedEx or any other carrier, here are a few more things to keep in mind when securing shipping contracts.

Consider Your Business Needs

Carriers have different pricing structures and may offer discounts based on the volume or frequency of shipments. Consider your business’s shipping needs and negotiate accordingly.

If you typically ship large volumes, you can leverage this as a bargaining chip for better rates. 另一方面, if your shipping needs are more sporadic, focusing on negotiating better service levels rather than lower rates may be more beneficial.

Negotiate the Contract Duration

Another vital aspect to consider is the duration of the contract. Most contracts have a set term, usually ranging from one to three years. 仔细审查这一点并进行长期谈判, 因为这通常可以带来更好的费率和更稳定的运输成本.


另一个关键因素是了解承运商可能对隔夜和高峰递送收取的任何额外费用, 燃油附加费, 地址修正, 甚至住宅送货. 如果不考虑这些评估费用可能会大幅增加.


如果您的运输量还不足以获得有吸引力的折扣,并且您预计您的运输量会迅速增加,一些运输公司可能会延长宽限期. 这个宽限期将让您现在就可以利用这些较低的价格, 但如果未达到销售目标,您将失去折扣率.


通常, 与承运人签订合同后, 您将被指派一名客户经理或代表. It is important to establish a good relationship with this person as they can often provide valuable insights and help resolve any issues that may arise during the shipping process.

Review Your Contract Regularly

最后, it’s important to regularly review your shipping contract and renegotiate when necessary. Shipping rates are constantly changing, so feel free to reach out to your carrier and negotiate for better terms if you notice a significant cost increase. It’s also beneficial to compare rates from different carriers periodically in order to ensure you are getting the best deal for your business.

How to Negotiate Freight Rates

Curious about the difference between freight and shipping? Let’s delve into the details.

The Difference Between Freight and Shipping

When it comes to freight, we typically think of moving large shipments, often in bulk. Think of it as the heavy lifting in logistics. Shipping is a broader concept, encompassing anything from tiny packages to entire shiploads. It isn’t constrained by size or quantity.

Freight and shipping costs can differ significantly. When it comes to freight, 重量, volume, and distance play a big role. It’s all about loading smart and planning routes well to save money.

Like many other carriers, FedEx uses distinct terms for freight and package shipments

Shipping rates are influenced by even more factors like how it’s transported, how quickly it’s delivered, and what is being shipped.

根据货物类型选择货运和海运, 交货速度, 预算, 目的地可达性, 和服务细节. 货运套装大号, 重物, 而一般运输适用于较小的负载.


与运输包裹相比,处理货运有不同的因素. 例如, 运费通常按散装计算.

类似于运输公司, 货运托运人签订的合同概述了货物运输的条款和条件.

此类合同涵盖货物从一地到另一地的运输, 详细说明价格, 付款条件, 交货日期, 以及损失责任, 损害, 或运输途中延误.

协商运费时, 了解影响定价的因素以及如何利用它们以获得更好的交易至关重要.



合同谈判可以对您的利润产生重大影响, 无论好坏. 所以, 做你的作业, 随时了解情况, 并了解您自己的底线和预算. 然后, 建议并协商,直到找到适合您要求的完美运输协议.

选择电子商务平台与选择运输提供商同样重要 - 两者都在您的业务成功中发挥着关键作用. 打造强大的在线商店,并具有无忧运输的额外优势, 考虑 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid.

Ecwid 为您提供各种运输工具,以便您可以为客户提供顺畅、透明的运输体验:

学习更多关于 运输工具 您可以使用 Ecwid 并建立在线商店,开始为您的客户提供一流的购物体验.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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